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  1. 在冬夜里最适合来上一炉暖融融的麻辣锅了。

    That warm hot pot certainly hits the spot on winter nights .

  2. 该店提供了包括台式麻辣锅、羊蝎子锅、番茄牛膝锅以及川式珍鲜菌菇锅等各种口味的锅底。

    Soup offerings include Taiwan-style spicy , lamb spine , beef shank with tomatoes , Sichuan-style numbing spice and mushroom .

  3. 右边是我最爱的宇宙超级霹雳无敌麻辣锅,左边是我钢琴老师点的养生滋补锅。

    On the right is my super duper crazy madly hot spicy pot while on the left is my piano teacher 's healthy nutritious pot .

  4. 掉发因素:熬夜,压力,烟酒,香鸡排,麻辣锅,油腻食物,调味过重的料理。

    Hair factor : stay up , pressure , alcohol and tobacco , spicy chicken row , spicy hot pot , greasy food , seasoning overweight cuisine .

  5. 我们选择了番茄牛膝锅以及台式麻辣锅,并且吃惊的发现锅底里面还隐藏着众多配料。

    We opt for beef shank with tomatoes and Taiwan-style spicy bases , and we 're surprised at how much treasure is hidden under the bubbling surface .