
  • Muggle;muggles
  1. 多数新词都要过个十年才能被考虑收入牛津英语词典,然而JK罗琳在《哈利?波特与魔法石》首次造出的新词“麻瓜”却是个例外。

    Most words have to be around for 10 years before they will be considered for the Oxford English Dictionary , but JK Rowling 's word " muggle " - which made its debut in Philosopher 's Stone - was an exception .

  2. 参见《麻瓜百科全书》里关于瓦伊河的词条。

    See also the Muggle Encyclopedia entry for the Wye River .

  3. 在这天下午,faust,自称为“麻瓜首领”,感谢罗琳为了“让我们通过读这些奇妙的书最近距离地感受到了我们从没经历过的魔法世界。”

    In the afternoon , Faust - calling herself " muggle-in-chief " - thanked Rowling for " reminding us that reading wonderful books may be the closest we ever come to experiencing true magic . "

  4. 注释二:〔哑炮就是父母都会魔法,但是自己却不会魔法的人。这种情况很少见。麻瓜出生的巫女和巫师反而比这更常见。J.K罗琳〕

    Note 2 . [ A Squib is a person born to magical parents , but who has no magical powers . Such an occurrence is rare . Muggle-born witches and wizards are much more common . JKR ]

  5. 我爸是麻瓜,我妈是女巫。

    Me dad 's a Muggle . Mum 's a witch .

  6. 不过麻瓜难道看不见我们吗?

    But the muggles , won 't they see us ?

  7. 更进一步说,并不仅仅是麻瓜对此产生威胁。

    Moreover , it is not just Muggles that pose a threat .

  8. 不管是巫师还是麻瓜,内心都充满对权力的渴望。

    Wizards and Muggles alike are imbued with a lust for power ;

  9. 它利用一片果树林躲避麻瓜的视线。

    It is hidden from the Muggles by an orchard .

  10. 在古灵阁可以将麻瓜货币兑换成巫师的硬币。

    It is possible to exchange Muggle money for wizarding coins at Gringotts .

  11. “嘘!”麦格教授嘘了他一声,“你会把麻瓜们吵醒的!”

    " Shhh !" hissed Professor McGonagall ," you 'll wake the Muggles !"

  12. 关于有魔力的人和自然的亲近与麻瓜对自然的抵制的例子数不胜数。

    The examples of magicals'ease with Nature and Muggles'struggles against it are numerous .

  13. 抱歉我们叫他们麻瓜

    Oh , sorry , we call them Muggles .

  14. 可是你在同你住在一起的麻瓜面前使用魔法……”

    But doing magic in front of those Muggles you live with - "

  15. 尽管他是由麻瓜养大

    even though he was being raised by Muggles .

  16. 我又不像麻瓜们那样擅长擦洗。”

    I 'm no good at Muggle cleaning . "

  17. 已被施咒——已经夺走了十九位麻瓜的生命。

    Cursed - Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date .

  18. 要是不和麻瓜通婚,我们早就绝种了。”

    If we hadn 't married Muggles we 'd 've died out . "

  19. 娜吉妮告诉我那个老麻瓜看门人。

    Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker .

  20. 是真妮把巴斯里斯克带给那些麻瓜血统的人和费乐奇的猫

    It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch 's cat

  21. 这些人都是麻瓜,而且他们都错了。

    All of these people are Muggles , and all of them are wrong .

  22. “真古怪!”他说,“这样的形状!这就是麻瓜们的钱吗?”

    Weird ! he said , ' NMat a shape ! This is money ?

  23. 他还想到自己被称做麻瓜,不知这是什么意思。

    He also thought he had been called a Muggle , whatever that was .

  24. 他不愿意接收麻瓜生的孩子,认为他们是靠不住的。

    He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage , believing them to be untrustworthy .

  25. 因为你是麻瓜我们体质有些许不同

    See , you 're a Muggle . So our physiologies are subtly different .

  26. 参见参见麻瓜百科全书关于特洛伊的词条。

    See also Muggle Encyclopedia entry for Troy .

  27. 哑炮和麻瓜出身的巫师正好相反,不过哑炮是很少见的。

    Kind of the opposite of Muggle-born wizards , but Squibs are quite unusual .

  28. 麻瓜联络司的门砰地一声打开了,他走了进去。

    The door to the Muggle Liaison Office banged open as he walked through .

  29. 我认为,威胁麻瓜出身的人比调制一种复杂的药剂恶劣得多。

    I think threatening Muggle-borns is far worse than brewing up a difficult potion .

  30. 我记得你父亲是在禁止滥用麻瓜物品司工作吧?”

    I believe your father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office ? "