
  • 网络Massachusetts General Hospital;mgh;mass general hospital;Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
  1. 协助在美国麻省总医院/院管理系统磁共振成像中心进行扫描。

    Assist in scanning at MGH / MIT / HMS Martinos Center .

  2. 另外一个名叫DXplain的系统是由波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)开发的。去年的一项研究显示,该系统能显著增强第一年住院医师诊断的准确性。

    Another system , DXplain , developed at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston , was shown in a study last year to significantly improve diagnostic accuracy among first-year medical residents .

  3. 然而,麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)的研究人员已经成功改变了人的体细胞,使它们能够自身发光。

    However , a pair of physicists at Massachusetts General Hospital have altered human cells so they can emit light of their own .

  4. 波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)心脏病专家、铁人三项和马拉松选手亚伦??巴吉胥(AaronBaggish)说:“你跑得的路越长,得到的关注也就越多。”

    The longer you go , the more attention people pay to you , ' said Aaron Baggish , a triathlete , marathoner and Massachusetts General Hospital cardiologist .

  5. 相反,波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)本森-亨利身心医学研究所(Benson—HenryInstituteforMindBodyMedicine)教授气功课程的StanwoodChang说,气功运用的是一系列舒缓的动作。

    Instead , it uses a variety of gentle movements , says Stanwood Chang , who teaches qigong classes at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston .

  6. 而第一台专门用于治疗的回旋加速器是由比利时的IBA公司和哈佛大学联合开发的,1998年开始在美国麻省总医院(MGH)启用。

    The first specialties cyclotron used in tumor therapy is empoldered by IBA ( Belgium ) and Harvard University , and in1998 started to use at MGH .

  7. 麻省总医院的这群员工做出了最大的改进。

    Mass General employees from those groups made the biggest improvements .

  8. 麻省总医院的团队为阴茎移植准备了三年时间。

    The Massachusetts General team spent three years preparing for the penis transplants .

  9. 你们把结果送到麻省总医院去了?

    Did you send these results to mass general ?

  10. 麻省总医院的一项研究发现,将病人引导到必要的资源与血压和胆固醇水平的改善相关,

    A Mass General Hospital study found that navigating patients to essential resources is associated with improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol

  11. 去年强生公司说它将要投资3000万美元与麻省总医院联合进一步研究细胞搜索。

    Last year Johnson & Johnson said it would invest $ 30 million in a partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital to further develop cellsearch .

  12. 麻省总医院自助餐厅对供应的食物和饮料做了最细的分类,比如说根据食品的健康程度分别贴上红色,黄色或者绿色的标签。

    Mass General 's cafeteria food and beverage options were classified as least , somewhat or most healthful with red , yellow or green labels .

  13. 随后,受护肤品公司玉兰油的委托,美国麻省总医院的研究人员对这些女性的年龄进行估算,发现采取防晒措施的女性衰老速度更慢。

    When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US - commissioned by skincare firm Olay - guessed how old the women were , they found those who took care in the sun tended to have aged more slowly .

  14. 该研究的首席作者、麻省总医院的副研究员南希埃特考夫告诉美国广播公司新闻网说:“我们发现,当我们快速地展示这几张脸时,人们对于相貌不同的人的评价都是随着妆容的加重而上升。”

    Nancy Etcoff , the study 's lead author and associate researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital told ABC news that " we found that when faces were shown very quickly , all ratings went up with cosmetics in all different looks . "

  15. 在保洁公司出资赞助的这一研究中,来自麻省总医院、哈佛医学院、波士顿大学和达纳法伯癌症研究所的科学家们让参与者对不同的形象在能力、可亲度、吸引力和可信赖性方面做出评价。

    In the study , funded by Procter & Gamble , scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital , Harvard Medical School , Boston University and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute asked participants to rate various looks in terms of competence , likeability , attractiveness and trustworthiness .