
yú qún
  • shoal of fish;stock of fish;fish school;shoal
鱼群[yú qún]
  1. 这条鲨鱼围绕着鱼群游动。

    The shark described a circle around the shoal of fish .

  2. 没多久每只河马都有鱼群尾随其后

    Soon each hippo is trailed by a shoal of fish ,

  3. 鱼群在他们中间游过。

    Among them swam shoals of fish .

  4. 鱼群为产卵而疯狂地向上游挤进。

    The fish were madly pushing their way upstream to spawn .

  5. 鱼群分布集中在每条河的某些区域

    Fish populations assume highly localized distributions within each river .

  6. 城外有一条河,河中的鱼群生活的十分安定愉快。

    Outside the gate was a moat with fishes that lived a quiet and happy life there .

  7. 基于人工鱼群算法的BP神经网络速度辨识器

    BP Neural Network Speed Identifier Based on Artificial Fish Algorithm

  8. 用java实现鱼群游动模拟系统

    Realization of Fish-swimming Simulation System with Java

  9. 一种基于禁忌人工鱼群算法的智能QoS组播路由算法

    Tabu Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm Based Intelligent QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm

  10. 基于蚁群和人工鱼群算法融合的QoS路由算法

    QoS Routing Algorithm Based on Combination of Modified Ant Colony Algorithm and Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm

  11. 基于鱼群算法和Hopfield网络的PID参数寻优

    Optimization methodology of PID parameters based on artificial fish-swarm algorithm and Hopfield neural network

  12. 基于人工鱼群算法的IIR数字滤波器设计

    IIR digital filter design based on artificial fish swarm algorithm

  13. 基于人工鱼群算法的PSS参数优化

    PSS parameter optimization based on artificial fish-swarm algorithm

  14. 二维Otsu图像分割的人工鱼群算法

    The Two-dimensional Otsu Thresholding Based on Fish-swarm Algorithm

  15. 利用人工生命技术的特点,根据鱼群游动的规律建立了一种基于向量的数据模型,并利用JAVA算法设计各种运算,从而完成整个鱼群游动模拟系统。

    In order to complete the entire simulated fish swarming system , which displays the characteristics of artificial life technology , a kind of data model was established based on the vector .

  16. 人工鱼群算法(ArtificialFishSwarmAlgorithm,AFSA)是源于对鱼群觅食行为研究而提出的一种新型群体智能优化算法。

    Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm ( AFSA ) is a new kind of swarm intelligent bionic algorithm based on the " looking for food " behaviour of fish swarm .

  17. 粒子群优化算法(ParticleSwarmoptimization,PSO算法)源于鸟群和鱼群群体运动行为的研究,是一种新的群体智能优化算法,是演化计算领域中的一个新的分支。

    Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is an evolutionary computation technique developed by Dr. Eberhart and Dr. Kennedy in 1995 , inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling .

  18. 运用这个真实数据集对基于标签的推荐算法、TF算法以及基于人工鱼群模型的推荐算法进行验证。

    Based on these real datasets , we do extensive experiment to test the tag-based recommendation algorithm , TF algorithm and AFSA .

  19. 实验结果表明,TF算法和基于人工鱼群模型的推荐算法比基于标签的推荐算法在查准率、查全率方面性能得到明显提升。

    Result shows that TF algorithm and AFSA have significant performance improvement than tag-based recommended algorithm in precision radio and recall radio .

  20. 在全面考虑信号防干扰问题前提下,完成硬件的设计和PCB的连线。3、建立准确的鱼群解算模型。

    After full account of the signal anti-interference , it completed hardware layout and the connection of hardware PCB . Thirdly , it is accurately established a calculation fish mode .

  21. 人工鱼群算法(AFSA)是一种新型的群智能随机全局优化技术。

    Artificial fish swarm algorithm ( AFSA ) is a stochastic global optimization technique proposed lately .

  22. 为了方便鱼群算法对该问题的求解和提高解算速度,对模型中的连续实型变量进行离散化处理,从而使整个优化模型变成纯0-1非线性IP模型。

    To provide the convenience for solving the model using fish-swarm algorithm and enhance solving speed , the continuous real variables in the model are changed into discrete 0-1 variables so that the nonlinear MIP model is transferred into a pure 0-1 nonlinear IP model .

  23. 本文以自适应遗传算法为基础,将其与人工鱼群算法相结合,提出一种改进的、更加适用于求解Job-Shop调度问题的新算法。

    In this paper , it proposes an improved algorithm that is more suitable for Job-Shop scheduling , which is based on the adaptive genetic algorithm and combines with the artificial fish swarm algorithm .

  24. 提出了人工鱼群与差分进化混合优化算法用于机理性水质模型参数估值方法,分别对一维均匀河流水质模型、托马斯BOD-DO水质模型进行了应用研究。

    The algorithm is used for parameter estimation of one-dimension water quality model of uniform river and Thomas BOD-DO model respectively .

  25. Kenney于1995年提出,它是受到鸟群或者鱼群的社会行为的启发而形成的一种基于种群的随机优化技术。

    Kenney in 1995 . it was an population based stochastic method motivated by the social behavior of bird flock and fish school .

  26. 本文尝试将一种新的优化算法一人工鱼群算法(AFSA)用于IIR数字滤波器设计,建立了相应的优化模型,给出了简化的人工鱼群算法及其实现步骤。

    Artificial fish swarm algorithm ( AFSA ) is a novel optimization algorithm proposed lately . A new method based on this optimization is proposed to design the IIR digital filters .

  27. 为了与其他智能优化算法比较,研究了遗传算法、人工鱼群算法在CVRP中的应用。

    For the sake of comparing with other intelligent algorithms , Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Fish School Algorithm are studied .

  28. Tangaroa号是新西兰最大的考察船,计划去寒冷的南部水域考察鱼群数量来确定捕鱼份额。

    The Tangaroa is New Zealand 's largest research vessel and was already scheduled to head into frigid southern waters to check on fish numbers in order to set fishing quotas .

  29. 通过对鱼群的群聚行为的分析,定义一个参数dist来控制搜索的范围和时间,对标准的fish-search算法进行改进,使得搜索过程能自适应地调整搜索范围。

    Based on the analyze of the flock behavior of fish school , define a parameter dist to control the search range and time , improve the standard fish-search algorithm , so the search process can adjust the search range adaptively .

  30. 基于混合优化策略的原理,将粒子群优化算法与人工鱼群算法相结合,提出了一种高效的并适应于工程结构优化的改进算法&粒子鱼群混合优化算法(PSAFSA)。

    Based on the principle of hybrid optimization , and combine the particle swarm optimizer and artificial fish swarm algorithm , a particle swarm-artificial fish swarm algorithm ( PSAFSA ) is proposed which is efficient and suitable for engineering structure optimization .