
  • 网络Feather Star;Antedon;Antedon bifida;Antedon mediterrane;Antedon petasus
  1. 海羊齿一种海百合类海洋生无脊椎动物,如带柄海百合及毛头星,幼年时漂浮,成年时可自由游动。

    Any of various marine invertebrates of the class Crinoidea , such as the sea lilies and feather stars , that are attached to a surface by a stalk when young but may be free - swimming as adults .

  2. 棘皮类海羊齿科的一属;以前被称为放射状海百合或海羊齿。具有随机两态势的布朗粒子摇摆棘齿模型

    A genus of echinoderms of the family Antedonidae ; formerly called genus Comatula . Brownian Ratchet with a Position-dependent Two-state Random Perturbation