
yú ěr
  • bait;lure;fish bait;chum;killer;stosh
鱼饵 [yú ěr]
  • [fish bait] 钓鱼时装于鱼钩之上引诱鱼来上钩的食物

鱼饵[yú ěr]
  1. 小虫子是很好的鱼饵。

    Worms work well as fishing bait .

  2. 一条鱼在轻轻地啃鱼饵。

    A fish nibbles at the bait .

  3. 他挖了些虫做鱼饵。

    He dug up some worms for bait .

  4. 他们正在挖蚯蚓作鱼饵

    They were digging up worms to use for bait .

  5. Web服务根据使用者提供的鱼饵类型返回鱼饵清单。

    Your Web service returns a list of lures based on the type of lure provided by the consumer .

  6. Web服务可以让使用者根据鱼饵类型提交请求,查询库存。

    The Web service enables calling consumers to submit a request for an inventory of lures based on the lure type .

  7. format=xml以XML格式返回该公司提供的所有鱼饵的列表。

    Format = xml returns a list of all lures offered by the company in XML format .

  8. 所以,不用点击链接,Web应用程序可通过简单的HTTP调用获得关于鱼饵、绕线轮、钓竿等的信息。

    So , instead of clicking around , the Web application obtains information about lures , reels , rods , and so forth with a simple HTTP invocation .

  9. 下拉框有三种鱼饵类型:trolling、casting和other。

    You have a simple drop-down box with three lure types : trolling , casting , and other .

  10. 现在对trolling有三种不同鱼饵类型,casting有三种不同鱼饵类型。

    Right now , there are three different lure types available for trolling and three different lure types available for casting .

  11. 最后,鱼饵的类型是Trolling。

    Finally , the type of lure is Trolling .

  12. 我使用了onchange属性,这样当用户选择新的鱼饵类型时,调用Ajax请求的JavaScript代码会自动执行。

    I use the onchange attribute so that when the user selects a new lure type , the JavaScript code that invokes the Ajax request is automatically executed .

  13. 鱼不在乎你的鱼饵的大小。

    Fish don 't care your what size you worm is .

  14. 他的鱼饵是孩子们给的沙丁鱼。

    His baits were the sardines the boy had given him .

  15. 把钓丝拉上来,绑上鱼钩和鱼饵。

    Pull the line up and attach the hook and bait .

  16. 不能食用或猎用甚至也不能当作鱼饵的鱼。

    Any fish useless for food or sport or even as bait .

  17. 我们正式接纳鲨鱼饵,同意吗?

    Shark bait 's one of us now , agreed ?

  18. 肯定有什么鱼在咬鱼饵了。

    There must be some fish nibbling at the bait .

  19. 好吧你们有没有试过换换鱼饵呢?

    Well , have you tried using a different bait ?

  20. 我爱礼拜日下午钓鱼看黑鲈吃鱼饵上钩。

    And small mouth bass have got me hooked on Sunday afternoons .

  21. 免费永远是最吸引人的咒语,犹如鱼饵。

    Abracadabra is not the magic word , FREE is .

  22. 我听到鱼饵扑的一声落入平静的水中。

    I heard the bait plop into the still water .

  23. 且比我们现在当鲨鱼饵省钱。

    And paying less than we are now to be shark bait .

  24. 鱼饵店对海龟来说就象是小孩子的糖果店。

    A bait shop is a virtual candy store for a turtle .

  25. 那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷洁净。

    Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean .

  26. 我试过所有能用的鱼饵。

    I 've used just about every lure that you could use .

  27. 戈登:好的,我们就用它来做鱼饵。

    Gordon : Ok , we 'll use it as fish food .

  28. 现在我该去拿你我用的沙丁鱼,还有给你的新鲜鱼饵。

    Now I must get your sardines and mine and your fresh baits .

  29. 我能感觉到有鱼在轻咬鱼饵。

    I could feel fish nibbling at the bait .

  30. 我们什么也不是,只是鱼饵!

    And we ain 't nothing but worm bait !