
  • 网络high fructose corn syrup;HFCS;high fructose syrup
  1. 本文主要从酶技术和分离技术两方面介绍了高果糖浆产业的发展进程,分析了我国高果糖浆产业化的主要不利因素和现状。

    This paper briefly introduced the development history of HFCS in the enzyme technology and the separate technology abroad and the present situation in China and analysed the restrictive factor of the industrialization in China .

  2. 高果糖浆在饮料中的应用

    Application of HFCS in Beverage Industry

  3. 这些含糖饮料中的糖分包括蔗糖、高果糖浆、或其他富含卡路里的甜味剂。

    Sugar in such sweetened beverages , or other caloric sweeteners .

  4. 经高果糖浆(70°Brix)渗透脱水的蓝莓的平均体积比随温度升高而稍微下降。

    The average volume ratio of the osmo dehydrated blueberries in the 70 ° Brix high fructose syrup decreased lightly with increasing temperature during the osmotic dehydration process .

  5. 将该菌用富含果糖的高果糖浆(HFS)培养,PHB的积累可达到果糖发酵水平,但发现高浓度的果糖和葡萄糖对菌体生长及PHB积累有抑制作用。

    When fructose was replaced by HFS , the accumulation of PHB from HFS amounted to those of PHB from fructose . There existed the inhibition of high fructose and glucose concentration on cell growth and PHB accumulation .

  6. 经研究发现,这株酵母酶系统合成菊糖酶时受右旋糖、果糖的抑制。因此,应用固定化酵母细胞进行菊糖连续水解制备高果糖浆时,将受到限制。

    The biosynthesis of this enzyme system is repressed by dextrose and fructose .

  7. 以蔗糖为原料制取高果糖浆的研究

    Study on making of highly concentrated fructose from sucrose

  8. 结晶法制二代高果糖浆工艺技术的研究

    Study on a Process for the Manufacture of High Fructose Syrup by Crystallization

  9. 葡萄糖异构酶的双层固定化及其在高果糖浆工业化生产中的应用

    Bilayer-Immobilization of Glucose Isomerase and Its Application in Production of High Fructose Syrup

  10. 一步酸法水解菊粉生产高果糖浆

    Production of High-Fructose Syrup by Inulinase from Jerusalem Artichokes

  11. 一步法制备高果糖浆工程及产酶菌体营养价值研究

    Study on High Fructose Syrup Production with Yeast Inulinase and Nutrition Value of Yeast Cell

  12. 高果糖浆的生产与应用

    Sucrose syrup : production and application

  13. 研究了酸水解菊糖制备高果糖浆的工艺。

    Studied the preparation of high fructose syrup from inulin with the treatment of acid hydrolysis .

  14. 本文简要叙述了高果糖浆的现实意义以及国内外的生产发展概况。

    This article briefly relates to the practical significance of highly concentrated , fructose and the survey of the development at home and abroad .

  15. 还可以菊粉(菊芋提取物)为原料由酸法或酶法一步水解来生产高果糖浆,尤其是酶法。

    It is also all right for insulin ( artichokes extract ) to produce high fructose syrup by acid hydrolysis or enzymatic hydrolysis , especially the enzymatic hydrolysis .

  16. 它是双糖蔗糖的两个单糖单元中的一个,并且约占高果糖浆的55%和蜂蜜的40%。

    It is one of the two monosaccharide units of the disaccharide sucrose and makes up about 55 % of high fructose corn syrup and about 40 % of honey .

  17. 在典型分离条件下,得到了果糖含量90%(干基)的高纯度果糖浆。

    Under the typical condition of separation , highly pure fructose syrup having more than 90 percent on a dry solid basis is obtained .

  18. 比如,该公司既没有在加勒比海拥有糖种植园,或在中西部持有高果糖玉米糖浆的湿磨厂,也没有在东南部持有脱咖啡因的设施。

    The company did not own sugar plantations in the Caribbean , high-fructose corn syrup wet mills in the Midwest , or decaffeination facilities in the Southeast .

  19. 菊粉酶可通过一步法水解菊粉生产高纯度的低聚果糖和超高果糖浆。

    Fructooligosaccharides and ultra-high purity fructose syrup can be produced from that inulinase hydrolyzes inulin in certain condition .