
gāo yún
  • high cloud;high-level cloud;altostratus
高云 [gāo yún]
  • [altostratus] 高度超过五、六千米的云。能透出云后蓝天和太阳的光辉

高云[gāo yún]
  1. 高云与高层垂直速度关系的个例研究II·动力学分析

    Case Study on the Relationships between High Cloud and High - Level Vertical Velocity Part II : Dynamics Analysis

  2. 模式能很好地模拟出在高云和气溶胶辐射效应下城市边界层的特征。

    The model can present the character of urban boundary layer under the influence of high cloud and aerosol radiative effect .

  3. 介绍了近年来研制的一台多波长激光雷达及其探测对流层高云和气溶胶的实验,并依据探测结果重点分析了北京2000年1月至4月对流层上部云和气溶胶在532nm波长的消光系数分布特征。

    A new multi-wavelength lidar is introduced . The characteristics of 532 nm extinction coefficient profiles of cloud and aerosol in the upper troposphere in Beijing from January to April , 2000 are emphatically analyzed .

  4. 中华公所本年度向高云尼医院捐款$12000。

    CCBA donated $ 12,000 to the hospital this year .

  5. 在比赛第二天上午,天空密布高云。

    In the morning of the second day , high clouds covered the sky .

  6. 高云花园市场街区就是恶魔入侵造成城市毁灭一个最类型的例子。

    The Covent Garden Market district is a typical example of the devastation that was wrought during the demonic invasion .

  7. 对雾区、中高云区与下垫面在可见光、长波红外和中红外通道上的波谱廓线和直方图做了进一步分析,得到了三者的光谱特征。

    The cloud , fog and land-surface features in VIS and IR were get based on the each spectral profiles and histograms analysis .

  8. 由以上结果看来,在大气环流和气候模式中必须要很好地考虑高云云量的变化,否则难以得到好的结果。

    In view of this , in general circulation model or in climate models must take care on the variation of high cloud amount .

  9. 白天,高云和气溶胶减少到达地面的太阳短波辐射,导致低层温度降低,地表降温达1.3K。

    During the daytime , the combined action of high cloud and aerosol decreases the short wave radiation and results in surface temperature decrease of1.3 K.

  10. 模拟结果表明,这4个通道的辐射值中都包含有云雾的信息,能体现出云雾的微物理性质差异,可以用来区分中高云、雾和无云地表,从而实现白天雾的监测。

    The results indicate that the measurements of these four channels all contain information of clouds and fogs and can be used to detect daytime fogs .

  11. 总云量在最近20年间呈现出极缓慢的减少趋势,其中低云和高云均有小幅减少,而中云数量略有增加。

    A slightly decreasing trend was found for total clouds , low-clouds and high-clouds , while there is a small increase in middle-clouds during the past two decades .

  12. 应用模式识别中区域聚类法即最近邻简单试探法和K-均值聚类算法来完成高云、中云、低云和地表的区分。

    In this paper , we use direct classification and K means algorithm to distinguish the high cloud , meddle cloud , low cloud and earth ′ s surface .

  13. 不仅反演的中、高云区域与实测比较一致,而且反演的低云区域也比较一致。

    It is not only consistent with the result of the real observation and the high cloud area , but also accorded with the distribution of the low cloud area .

  14. 本文计算了冬、夏两季在平原和高原地区分别有低云、高云和当高、低云同时出现时的短波辐射增热率,长波辐射冷却率以及高低云之间的相互影响。

    The atmospheric radiative heating and cooling rates are calculated when one layer high cloud or low cloud appears or two layers of cloud appear simultaneously in plain and plateau areas .

  15. 本文利用卫星资料与模式模拟的现代中国地区的云量进行了比较,结果表明模式可以较好地再现现代中国地区中云和高云分布和季节变化的主要特征。

    · In this thesis , comparisons of modeled cloud and satellite cloud data indicate that the model can reproduce main characteristics of middle and high cloud distributions and their season variations under the condition of modern climate .

  16. 观测表明,高云的夏季块状分布和冬季带状分布,与低层赤道辐合带的夏季与冬季的形状十分相似;并且卷云和卷层云可以独立于深对流单独存在。

    According to the observations in Part I , block pattern in summer and zonal belt pattern in winter concerning with tropical high clouds is like the corresponding patterns of Intertropical convergence zone ( hereafter , ITCZ ), and Cirrostratus and Cirrus can form locally without deep convective cloud .