- aggregate

[aggregate] 混凝土的主要成分之一,分为粗骨料和细骨料两种。粗骨料是碎石或砾石,构成混凝土的骨架。细骨料是砂子,填充粗骨料之间的空隙
Here is a research on the aggregate 's characteristic sizes by digital image processing DIP method .
Aggregate reaction polluted by MgO whose harm to concrete is similar to alkali carbonate reaction .
Experimental measurement of double-K fracture parameters of concrete with small size aggregate
The applications of soft X-ray microscopy in study of alkali-aggregate reaction and calcium distribution in cement were introduced .
And , the maximum aggregate diameter has no obvious effect on COD .
Influence of EPS Aggregate on Properties of Light-Weight Thermal Insulation Material
Analysis on insulation technology of EPS light aggregate concrete shearing wall system
One is Q , the ratio of voids content of coarse aggregates to the volume of mortar .
Application of DIP Method in Research on the Relativity between the Single-particle-sized Coarse Aggregate Shaping Parameter and Its Framework Form
Finally analysis of the use of ANSYS nail bolt shear stiffness of different intensity levels of lightweight aggregate concrete properties of composite beams .
A porous ceramic support comprising alumina and PVA ( polyvinyl alcohol ) was prepared by extrusion and solid sintering .
? High performance lightweight aggregate ( WA ) has disconnected spherical pores , low water absorption and high compressive strength .
Test results on the influence of different additives on castable performance of spray gun shows that andalusite and SiC will improve thermal shock resistant .
The results show that the effects of alumina on the sintering properties and densification of different magnesia-chrome refractories are also different .
The Experimental Research of the Effect of Alkaline Admixtures on AAR of Concrete
The results from X-Ray and SEM showed that NS can obviously improved the interfacial transition zone between aggregate and paste , which can be evidence to the influences of NS on concrete properties .
Polystyrene concrete is a new style , light weight and thermal insulation wall material , which is mainly made up of polystyrene foam plastics aggregate and cement .
For the present situation , we RPC mixed with gravel and other coarse aggregate , in the performance of its small force to lower the cost of its use .
Steel fiber reinforced concrete ( SFRC ) is made of hydraulic cements containing fine aggregate , coarse aggregate , and with randomly oriented steel fibers .
The experimental results congruously show that the sandstone aggregate is alkali-silica reactive , and the reactivity mainly results from chalcedonic microcrystalline quartz and undulated extinction quartz .
The combined effect of natural zeolite and fly ash on alkali-silica reaction ( ASR ) of concrete was studied with natural alkali-reactive aggregate and quartz glass aggregate respectively .
The effect of grading aggregate with different fractal dimension on concrete sample strength at 28 days is tested . The practical construction is studied .
The derepression of aggregates is the key factor that the concrete has the elastoplastic behavior , and also the main reason that the dynamic response curves vibrate during the SHPB experiment .
A frequency response test of charge-voltage converter is designed and the test curve is in good agreement with the theoretical one . ( 2 ) The piezoelectric smart aggregate for monitoring the RC structure seismic stress response is designed based on the piezoelectric effect .
Castables of brands 40 # and 45 # were developed using special grade Jiao Bao Shi as aggregate , pure calcium aluminate cement as binder and adding ultrafine powders of α Al 2O 3 , SiO 2 and andalusite into the matrix .
Shrinkage of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete ( HSLWC ) is an important parameter for the design of prestressed HSLWC structures .
42.5 cement produced by Qinhuangdao Asano Cement Mill Ltd. , adopting quality aggregate , active admixtures and high perfomance water reducing agent , which is fit for delivery by pumping .
By testing the influence of high strength recycled aggregate on basic performance of concrete , a new recycled concrete whose slump is 245 mm and strength has reached to 54.9 MPa with 28d is successfully proportioned .
Three empirical equations describing the relationship between strength of RAC and binder - water ratio , and percentage of recycled aggregate ( RA ), and UFA content respectively were put forward by multivariate regression analysis .
The finished concrete which the principle part of the aggregate processing and concrete mixing words . The gross of the concrete is 105.13 × 104 m3 , concrete period is 5 years , and construction of concrete will be conducted for 6 months every year .