
gǔ guān jié jié hé
  • osteoarticular tuberculosis
骨关节结核[gǔ guān jié jié hé]
  1. 骨关节结核患者补体对免疫沉淀的抑制作用

    The inhibitive effect of complement in patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis on immune precipitation

  2. 目前骨关节结核的治疗是包括抗结核药物化疗、病灶清除术及营养支持等的综合疗法,而应用抗结核药物是治疗骨关节结核的中心环节。

    At present the treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis is including debridement surgery , drugs chemotherapy of anti-tuberculosis , nutritional support and so on . And the application of anti-tuberculosis drugs is critical to the treatment .

  3. 结果初治骨关节结核组CD4及CD8T细胞绝对数较健康对照组低(P<0.01)。

    Results The absolute counts of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte in osteoarticular tuberculosis patients were significantly lower than those in normal controls and malignant bone tumor patients ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. DQ基因多态性与骨关节结核的遗传关联性,比较骨关节结核与肺结核之间易感基因的差异。

    DQ genes in these people with Tuberculosis of the bone and joint . susceptible gene was compared Tuberculosis of the bone and joint with pulmonary Tuberculosis .

  5. 采用SOKT系列抗人T淋巴细胞单克隆抗体,以直接SPA菌体花环法对19例骨关节结核患者外周血T细胞及亚群的分布进行了研究。

    Utilizing the monoclonal T. lymphocyte antibodies and direct SPA rosette technique , the authors studied the percentage of T. lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of 12 patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis in the paper .

  6. 方法采用ICT快速免疫色谱法检测75例活动性骨关节结核、69例以肿瘤为主的骨病患者及72名正常人血清中的抗体。

    Method Antibodies in sera from 75 patients with active bone and joint tuberculosis , 69 patients with non tuberculous bone and joint diseases and 72 healthy individuals were detected by the rapid immunochromatographic assay using ICT TB kit .

  7. 中西医结合治疗骨关节结核29例疗效分析

    Curative Effect of Chinese and Western Medicine to 29 Cases with Bone-joint Tuberculosis

  8. 皮肤及骨关节结核误诊1例

    A case report of misdiagnosed skin and joint tuberculosis

  9. 多部位骨关节结核的X线分析

    Analysis of X - ray Signs of Multiple Tuberculosis of Bone and Joint

  10. 足部骨关节结核22例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 22 cases of tuberculosis involving the osteal joints of the foot

  11. 非负重关节的骨关节结核的X线诊断与鉴别诊断

    The x-ray Diagnosis of Non-Weight Bearing Joint Tuberculosis

  12. 骨关节结核发病机制的相关实验研究

    Experimental study on the pathogenesis of osteoarticular tuberculosis

  13. 骨关节结核的影像诊断与误诊分析

    Imaging diagnosis and misdiagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis

  14. 结论骨关节结核的影像学表现有相对的特征性,合理选择影像学检查方法对提高骨关节结核的正确诊断率大有帮助。

    Conclusions Rational choice of imaging examination would be very helpful to raising right diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis .

  15. 目的分析多部位骨关节结核的X线表现,以提高对该病的诊断能力。

    Objective To improve the diagnosis of multiple tuberculosis of bone and joints by analyzing its radiologic findings respectively .

  16. 目的探讨快速免疫色谱法对活动性骨关节结核的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of a rapid immunochromatographic assay in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of bone and joint tuberculosis .

  17. 骨关节结核患者在治疗1~2个月后CD4T细胞百分比升高(P<0.05)。

    The percentages of CD4 T lymphocytes were significantly higher in 1-2 months post-treatment patients than those in pre-treatment patients ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结果本组术前影像学均诊断为骨关节结核,X线表现为骨质破坏、骨质疏松及相应部位软组织肿胀。

    Results All cases in this study were diagnosed with osteoarticular tuberculosis preoperatively by imaging.X-ray findings included : destruction of bone , osteoporosis , swelling of local soft tissues ;

  19. 硫酸链霉素作为目前临床上的一线抗骨关节结核药物,其主要副作用是显著的第八对颅神经损害及肝肾毒性【1】,这极大地限制了其临床应用。

    The streptomycin sulfate is one of the clinical anti osteoarticular tuberculosis drugs , its main side effect is significant toxicity to the eighth cranial nerve , liver and kidney , and its clinical application has been greatly limited .

  20. 抗PPD酶标试剂在骨与关节结核诊断中的应用

    Application of Anti-PPD ELISA Kit for Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Tuberculosis

  21. 用抗PPD酶标试剂检测骨与关节结核病人血清,抗PPD阳性率为90.79%,明显高于其它骨关节疾病患者及健康人血清中抗PPD水平(P<0.01)。

    The serum of patients with bone and joint tuberculosis were detected by anti-PPD ELISA kit . The authors found that the anti - PPD positive rate ( 90 . 79 % ) was significantly higher than those of the patients with other bone and joint disease and healthy persons .

  22. 骨与关节结核B超诊断价值的研究

    Study of Diagnostic Value of B-mode Ultrasound in Bone and Joint Tuberculosis

  23. 骨与关节结核临床诊治

    Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment about Bone and Joint Tuberculosis

  24. 骨与关节结核抗痨治疗后血沉多样性临床分析

    Clinic diversity analysis of ESR after anti-tuberculosis treatment in bone and joint tuberculosis

  25. 误诊骨与关节结核50例原因分析

    An Analysis of Causes of 50 Cases of Misdiagnosis of Bone and Joint Tuberculosis

  26. 结果误诊为骨与关节结核50例,假阳性率14.5%。

    RESULT Fifty cases were misdiagnosed , with a false positive rate of 14.5 % .

  27. 目的提高临床诊断骨与关节结核的准确率,降低误诊率。

    OBJECTIVE To increase the accuracy rate of diagnosis of bone and joint tuberculosis and decrease misdiagnosis rate .

  28. 方法对本院370例入院诊断为骨与关节结核的病例进行综合分析。

    METHOD An analysis was made with the 370 patients in our hospital diagnosed as bone and joint tuberculosis .

  29. 结论骨与关节结核的诊断需要依靠症状、体征及辅助检查综合判断,最终需要病理诊断确诊。

    CONCLUSION The diagnosis of bone and joint tuberculosis should be made based on comprehensive information including symptoms , signs and result of examinations .