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gǔ qì
  • backbone;moral integrity;strength of character;vigor of the strokes in calligraphy or drawing
骨气 [gǔ qì]
  • (1) [moral integrity]∶体貌气质。后多指刚强不屈的人格及操守

  • 他是一个有骨气的人

  • 中国人是有骨气的。--《谈骨气》

  • (2) [vigour of the strokes in calligraphy or drawing]∶喻书法的笔力和雄健的气势

  • 字写得很有骨气

骨气[gǔ qì]
  1. 而克制就是一种骨气的象征。

    Self control is a sign of strength of character .

  2. 我想珍妮为人很有骨气。

    I think Jenny has great strength of character .

  3. 他没有骨气。

    He lacks backbone .

  4. 我藐视这种人,他们没骨气。

    I despise such people ; they 've no character .

  5. 中国人民有骨气。

    The Chinese people have backbone .

  6. 目的:分析前庭水管扩大(EVA)患儿行纯音测听检查时出现低频骨气导差的比例,探讨纯音测听检查辅助临床诊断EVA的意义。

    Objective : The purposes of this study was to analyse the significant of low frequency air-bone gap in enlarged vestibular aqudeduct ( EVA ) patients according to the pure tone audiogram and the benefit for clinic diagnosis of the EVA .

  7. 纯音测听检查:在250Hz处,126耳(81.8%)存在骨气导差,按听力损失程度分类:轻度1耳,中度12耳,中重度18耳,重度38耳,极重度57耳;

    In the 250 Hz pure-tone test : A-B gap were observed in 126 ears ( 126 / 154,81.8 % ) with the different hearing loss degree : 1 ear mild , 11 ears moderate , 19 ears moderate severe , 40 ears severe and 53 ears profound .

  8. 为了人民的事业,忍辱负重,也是另一种骨气。

    For people , to endure humiliation is another moral integrity .

  9. 这些都是有骨气的人,有特殊性格和气质的人。

    These were spirited men , men of character and mettle .

  10. 有点骨气,贾维斯,我佳人有约

    Grow a spine , Jarvis . I got a date .

  11. 她是软棉花捏的,一点儿骨气都没有

    " She 's wishy-washy , and has no guts . "

  12. 干的好,史东。有骨气。

    Good show , Stone . That 's the spirit .

  13. 你把我想象成一个有骨气的人了。

    You 've mistaken me for someone with a spine .

  14. 比尔太没骨气,竟不敢起来维护自己的权利。

    Bill is too tame to stand up for his own rights .

  15. 他们会认为你没骨气,便不再怎么尊重你。

    They are losing respect for you and see you as spineless .

  16. 他们不愿跟这种没骨气的家伙打交道。

    They wanted no part of such a slack-twisted fellow .

  17. 她又责备他反没有骨气。

    Eg. she accused him of having no back bone .

  18. 梦到我们在一起了,然后我就很没有骨气的笑醒了。

    Dreams of us together , then I was spineless laugh awake .

  19. 新上任的首相至今尚未表现出什么骨气。

    The new prime minister isn 't showing much backbone so far .

  20. 长点骨气吧别老这麽忍着任人践踏!

    Stand up for yourself a bit don 't is such a doormat !

  21. 我同意玛格丽特的意见他毫无骨气地回答。

    I agree with margaret , he replied spinelessly .

  22. 这就是我们阿城人缺少的骨气。

    This is what we lack the backbone Cheng .

  23. 拿出你的骨气,我知道你可以的。

    Hey Tony , show some backbone and I know that you can .

  24. 我是条撒谎,没有骨气拍马屁的水母

    I 'm a lying , spineless , brownnosing jellyfish

  25. 那是因为你是一个没有骨气的海虫。

    Because you look like a spineless sea slug , that 's why .

  26. 那姑娘很有骨气

    Grandpa : That girl has an iron backbone .

  27. 曹植诗歌之骨气析

    Analyzing the Character of " Moral Integrity " in Cao zhi 's Poetry

  28. 你个没骨气、无情无义的混蛋!

    You spineless * soulless son of a bitch .

  29. 这点骨气足够打扁像你这样满嘴喷粪的猪了。

    Spirit enough to beat the tar out of a pig spit like you .

  30. 她是个软弱而没有骨气的人。

    She was a weak and spineless creature .