
  • 网络Driver;Driving Technique;driving skill
  1. 他的表现说明他的驾驶技术胜过世界冠军。

    He proved himself a better driver than the world champion .

  2. 是她撞的那个司机她驾驶技术超烂

    She cut that guy off . She 's a terrible driver .

  3. 你的驾驶技术真是糟糕透了!

    Your driving is terrible !

  4. 这车坐上去很舒服,但需要高超的驾驶技术。

    It is a sensuous but demanding car to drive .

  5. 埃莉诺这个夏天大部分时间都在练习驾驶技术。

    Eleanor spent much of the summer brushing up on her driving .

  6. 制造商将几乎可以完全自由地在公共道路上测试他们的无人驾驶技术。

    Manufacturer would have nearly total freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads .

  7. 密歇根州的立法者显然希望使该州为无人驾驶技术的商业应用做好准备。

    Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology .

  8. 相比之下,被誉为硅谷之乡的加利福尼亚州最近则出台了更为严格的规定,要求人类司机做好开车的准备,并禁止无人驾驶技术用于商业用途。

    In contrast , California , home of Silicon Valley , recently proposed far more restrictive rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel , and commercial use of self-driving technology .

  9. 考虑到自动驾驶技术的成本以及责任和维护问题,第一批商用无人驾驶汽车几乎肯定会采用代驾服务。

    The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services , considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues .

  10. Harassenger(harass和passenger二词的合成形式)指坐在你车上并不停对你的驾驶技术挑毛病的乘客,我们可称为“恼人乘客”。

    Harassenger ( blend of harass1 and passenger ) is a passenger who is constantly judging your driving skills .

  11. 司机需要有好的驾驶技术并且对道路很熟悉

    Chauffeurs need to have good driving skills and know the roads well .

  12. 英国政府认为,从长远来看,自动驾驶技术将改善道路安全,减少排放。

    The government believes that in the longer term , self-driving technology will make the roads safer and reduce emissions5 .

  13. 未来五年,无人驾驶技术更趋主流的时候,未来学家语言,很多汽车都会与高街商家实现聚合。

    Within the next five years , as self-driving technologies become more mainstream1 , futurologists predict that many cars will converge2 with the high street .

  14. 谷歌(Google)一直在寻求与汽车厂商进行合作,以最终将其自动驾驶技术带进现实生活。

    Google ( GOOG ) is seeking partnerships with automakers to eventually bring its self-driving car technology to real-world drivers .

  15. 随着无人驾驶技术的进步,汽车行业正努力阻止谷歌(Google)、苹果(Apple)和其他科技竞争对手的入侵。

    With advances in self-driving technology , the automotive industry is wrestling to block incursions by Google , Apple and other technology rivals .

  16. 牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)能源政策教授迪特尔?赫尔姆(DieterHelm)认为,许多对无人驾驶技术的担忧都是没有必要的。

    Dieter Helm , professor of energy policy at Oxford university , dismisses many of the concerns about driverless technology .

  17. 最近涉及特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)自动驾驶技术的致命车祸是一个很好的例子。

    Last week 's news of a fatal accident involving Tesla Motors " autonomous driving technology is a case in point .

  18. 王振辉是京东物流的CEO,他表示京东现在正在转向无人驾驶技术以提高效率。

    Wang Zhenhui , CEO of JD Logistics , notes his company is now moving into the unmanned vehicle sector to try to its efficiency .

  19. 精良的运输设备(车辆上配备了GPS全球卫星定位系统)高超的驾驶技术让客户的货物安全、迅速、准时抵达。

    The excellent transport vehicle ( on vehicles provided GPS whole world satellite positioning system ) the excellent driving technology safely to let the customer the cargo , be rapid , punctually arrive .

  20. PAI表示,这家中国互联网行业的领军企业,在开发自动驾驶技术时,把“安全和可靠性”放在了首位。

    The Chinese internet leader has put " safety and security " first when developing autonomous driving , the PAI said .

  21. 在本月的拉斯维加斯消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)和底特律车展(DetroitAutoShow)上,无人驾驶技术显然已摆脱实验阶段:汽车制造商正竞相把这项技术推向道路。

    At this month 's Consumer Electronics Show and Detroit Auto Show , it was clear that driverless technology has graduated from the experimental : carmakers are now racing to bring this technology to the roads .

  22. 中国最大的搜索集团百度(Baidu)发起一项努力,试图通过共享其无人驾驶技术,成为汽车界的安卓(Android)。

    Baidu , China 's largest search group , has launched an attempt to become the Android of the automotive world by sharing its self-driving technology .

  23. 谷歌(Google)自己的无人驾驶技术主管不久前离职,优步在这样一个时候收购奥托(Otto),会加剧优步在无人驾驶方面与谷歌(Google)的东家Alphabet的竞争。

    The acquisition of Otto will heighten Uber 's driverless competition with Google owner Alphabet , at a time when Google 's own head of driverless technology has recently left .

  24. 英伟达(Nvidia)的股价一年间上涨了两倍,其生产的芯片被用于自动驾驶技术。

    Nvidia , whose chips are used in self-driving technology , has seen its shares triple in a year .

  25. 丰田章男说,他的驾驶技术是二十世纪八十年代在曼哈顿开一辆二手保时捷(Porsche)时培养起来的。

    Mr. Toyoda says he honed his driving skills in the 1980s driving a used Porsche in Manhattan , where he was working as an investment banker .

  26. 周三,中国出现一起致命车祸的新闻,随后,特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)自动驾驶技术的安全性再次受到质疑。事故可能是在自动的驾驶员辅助系统运行期间发生的。

    Tesla Motors came under renewed questioning about the safety of its Autopilot technology after news emerged on Wednesday of a fatal crash in China that may have occurred while the automated driver-assist system was operating .

  27. 戴姆勒公共汽车和卡车部门的首席执行官贝瀚德(WolfgangBernhard)表示,自动驾驶技术会极大程度地减少因驾驶员误操作导致的事故。

    Wolfgang Bernhard , chief executive of Daimler 's bus and truck division , said autonomous driving would sharply reduce crashes from driver error .

  28. 汽车业的高管已经开始推测谷歌在无人驾驶技术上的商业策略。谷歌从2009年起开始研发这项技术,并在丰田(Toyota)和雷克萨斯(Lexus)的专用车型上进行了论证。

    Auto industry executives have speculated about Google 's business strategy for self-driving technology , which it has been developing since 2009 and demonstrating on specially adapted Toyota ( TM ) and Lexus vehicles .

  29. 百度试图通过与北汽控股(BAIC)和奇瑞(Chery)等中国汽车制造商建立合作关系,来研发自动驾驶技术。百度已在加州用林肯汽车进行了道路测试。

    Baidu had sought to develop autonomous driving technology through partnerships with Chinese carmakers such as BAIC and Chery , with which it has road-tested Lincoln cars in California .

  30. 但怀疑者将自动驾驶技术比作芝诺(Zeno)的二分法悖论:每一步跳跃都是向着目的地走出剩余路程的二分之一,但永远不可能到达终点。

    But sceptics compare autonomous car technology with Zeno 's dichotomy paradox : every leap will take us halfway to our destination without ever reaching it .