
jià shǐ zhènɡ
  • driver's license
  1. 两个警察让一辆卡车停住以便检查司机的驾驶证。

    Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver 's license .

  2. 我还得看看您的护照、驾驶证和信用卡。

    And I 'll need your passport , driver 's license and credit card .

  3. 喜欢把“追我啊”挂在嘴边的诺维尔承认在限速50英里的地段开到了83英里/小时,并请求地方治安官不要吊销他的驾驶证。

    Norvelle , whose catchphrase is ' Chase Me ' , asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone .

  4. 注明:外国驾驶证换中国驾驶执照最高可以换成C1型小汽车牌照。

    Note : The highest level of Chinese DL for a foreigner to change in China is Type C1 .

  5. merge系统还可以发送车辆的牌子、型号、颜色、驾驶证号码以及撞车时的行驶方向的信息,这些信息会表明汽车是在具有多条行道的高速路的哪一边发生事故的。

    E-merge also transmits the vehicles make , model , color and license number , and its heading when it crashed , which in turn indicates on which side of a multi-lane highway it ended up .

  6. 航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会(AOPA)的数据显示,截至今年6月底,全国有5047人持有无人机驾驶证。

    By the end of June , 5047 people in China held a drone certificate , according to statistics from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association ( AOPA ) .

  7. 我爱人两年前就通过了驾驶证考试了。

    My wife passed the driving license examination two years ago .

  8. 无违章记录的驾驶证是得到这份工作的必备条件。

    A clean driving license is essential in obtaining this job .

  9. 加利福尼亚州仅申领驾驶证就需要验指纹。

    Californian requires fingerprints just to get a driver 's license .

  10. 可为什么他没让我出示驾驶证?

    Why hadn 't he asked for a driver 's license ?

  11. 噢你只拿平地驾驶证吗

    Oh , you got one of those flat-land-only driving permits ?

  12. 护照或驾驶证都可以。

    A passport or driver 's license would be fine .

  13. 我的驾驶证今年年底会到期。

    My drving license will expire in the end of this year .

  14. 吊销机动车驾驶证未满二年的;

    Suspension of driving license for less than two years ;

  15. 最使我感到兴奋的是我通过了驾驶证考试。

    What excited me most was that I passed the driving test .

  16. 这是她驾驶证上的照片。

    This is a photo from her driver 's license .

  17. 但这里不是他驾驶证上的地址。

    But it 's not the home addresson his driver 's license .

  18. 这类法规中,多数要求车里要有取得驾驶证的司机。

    Most laws require a licensed driver to be in the car .

  19. 我检验确认你驾驶证时,呆在车里。

    Stay in the vehicle while I check your license .

  20. 你驾驶证考试没通过?真没运气!

    You failed your driving test ? Hard luck !

  21. 我应该去更新我的驾驶证。

    I have got to get my Iicense renewed .

  22. 驾驶证是很多人容易忽视的细节。

    The driver 's license is a lot of people easily neglected details .

  23. 驾驶证;技工或电工中级以上证书优先。

    Driving license ; Middle level certification for technician or electrician or above .

  24. 他终于领到了驾驶证。

    At last he was granted a driving license .

  25. 3.驾驶证报失

    Step 3 Report loss of your driver 's license

  26. 多余的信息,例如驾驶证和学校等级。

    Superfluous information ; driving licence or school grades 。

  27. 多馀的资讯,例如驾驶证和学校等级。

    Superfluous information ; driving licence or school grades .

  28. 妈,这就是我的驾驶证吗?

    Ma , is this my driver 's iicense ?

  29. 请出示一下驾驶证好吗?

    Could I have your driving license , please ?

  30. 然后再说说如同车管所现场拍摄驾驶证照片时的成像质量。

    Then there 's the DMV-like photo quality .