- standing wave;stationary wave

One Type of B 14 Mode Standing Wave Ultrasonic Motor Using Ring Plate
Analysis of Cr atom trajectory and focusing deposition in the standing wave field
Study of Semiconductor Super Thin Heterostructures with Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Standing Wave Technique
The preliminary result of laser-focused Cr atomic deposition for fabricating nanostructure
Focusing characteristic of chromium atoms under elliptical standing wave
RF alternate phase focusing in standing wave electron Linacs
The activities of Cr atom in a Gauss potential field are analyzed by using the semi-classical approximation .
Further Discussion on Standing-Traveling Wave Boundary Condition for FDTD
The collimated Cr atoms are focused by a standing-wave laser field as they are deposited on a silicon substrate .
Two Dimension Diffraction of Atomic de Broglie Waves by a Standing Laser Field
A fast procedure is presented to produce the quantum-interference states forthe collective motion of N trapped ions using a single standing-wave field resonant with the ionic carrier frequency .
A formulation of the maximum error for the VSWR and attenuation of an N-port network is derived , which can be used in error analysis when measuring a microwave network .
Optimization of Both Noise Figure and VSWR in Microwave Low-Noise FET Amplifiers by a Feedback Method
Through ADS simulation , the gain index can meet the requirement , the input VSWR was good while the output VSWR not idea .
This system supports the input of masking pattern in BMP format and includes integrated diffraction and standing wave model .
The results show that when light incident with the band gap frequency , most part of light is reflected and an attenuated standing wave exists in the PS.
A Type of Tumour Radiotherapy Equipment Suitable for Popularization - BJ-4 Small Model Standing Wave Accelerator
This paper used modal assumption method to build the stator 's electro-mechanical dynamic model of a linear ultrasonic motor made by authors , based on Lagrange equation .
In this article , 2-terminal network theory is applied to deduce a formula of the relationship between the standing-wave , ratio at the resonance point of a magnetron and the cutoff wavelength of an H-section-guided output transformer .
At last , the control system with CPLD is designed , which can detect the input of RF , standing wave , voltage and temperature and protect the transmitter .
Radial scale markings includes Reflection Coefficient , VSWR , Return Loss ( in dB ), and Transmission Loss ( in 1 dB steps ) .
A study of sound field in a standing wave tube with flow and lateral Helmholtz resonator II . Experimental confirmation and results discussion
Standing-traveling Wave Boundary Condition for the PSTD Algorithm
The proposed antennas in this paper have both good electric and physical characteristics , which meet the requirements of airborne and shipborne VHF broadband miniaturized antenna .
During lithography process PAC concentration in the resist would be influenced by the intensity of light and its typical distribution alone the resist depth is characterized by standing wave .
Research and development in the processing , use simulation of ANSYS to determine the ability of delaying and the vibration scope of the cantilever vibration , using MATLAB simulating laser standing wave to get the outcome of the treatment .
Because the microwave field in simple MILO is n mode along the axis and the field is of the standing wave structure .
This paper adopts a simple method to calculate and analyses the standing waves in detail considering the effects of ground , based on Carson Formula .
These are quasi-standing extremely low frequency ( ELF ) waves that naturally exist in the earth ´ s'electromagnetic ´ cavity , the space between the ground and the ionosphere .
At the same time , the development situation of soil moisture monitoring techniques based on the SWR principle in China was introduced ;