
zhù jūn
  • garrison;station troops;base troops;occupation force
驻军 [zhù jūn]
  • (1) [station troops]∶驻扎军队

  • (2) [garrison]∶驻扎在某地驻防的军队

驻军[zhù jūn]
  1. 中国不搞军事扩张,不在国外驻军或建立军事基地,反对军备竞赛。

    PLA Hong Kong Garrison China does not seek military expansion , nor does it station troops or set up military bases in any foreign country .

  2. 西班牙警告摩洛哥莫在具争议地中海小岛驻军

    Spain Warns Morocco not to Station Troops in Disputed Mediterranean Island

  3. 叛军准备好要对政府驻军发起新一轮的猛攻。

    The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons

  4. 菲律宾政府希望美国继续在东南亚驻军。

    The Philippine government wants the US to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia .

  5. 被围困的驻军设法坚持了十天,后来他们的给养完全耗尽了。

    The besieged garrison managed to hang out for ten days , after which their supplies became exhausted .

  6. 蜂群拥有清除驻军建筑得能力

    Buzzers have the ability to clear garrisoned structures .

  7. 我们势必被迫依恃法国驻军。

    We were forced to rely on French contingents .

  8. 驻军共有八十名

    The garrison musters eighty men .

  9. 结果驻军某医院急诊科3月18日接诊1名发热患者,并留观治疗3d。

    Results In March 18 , a fever case was examined in emergency department of this hospita then cured for 3 days .

  10. 美国和其他北约(nato)国家在阿富汗的驻军规模处于五年多来的最低水平。

    The US and other NATO forces are at their lowest level in more than five years .

  11. 根据2008年伊拉克政府与时任美国总统乔治∙W∙布什达成的《战略框架协议》,所有美国驻军应于2011年年底前全部撤离伊拉克。

    In the2008 Strategic Framework Agreement reached between the Iraqi government and then President George W.Bush , all U.S.military forces were to be withdrawn from the nation by the end of2011 .

  12. 根据北约(Nato)高级军事官员的说法,俄罗斯政府在俄乌边境部署了2万处于战备状态的驻军,大大高于上周部署的逾1.5万人&这一数字是美国官员透露的。

    Moscow has around 20,000 troops deployed in battle-ready formations on the border , according to senior Nato military officers – significantly more than the 15,000 US officials said were deployed there last week .

  13. 以下是一些NRDC和驻军研究所提出的部分建议。

    Here are some of the recommendations from NRDC and the Garrison Institute .

  14. 在日本和美国签订安保条约50年后,今年7月,美国国会议员巴尼弗兰克(barneyfrank)将美国在日本冲绳的驻军描述成二战的一个遗留问题。

    Fifty years after Japan and the US signed their Treaty of mutual co-operation , Barney Frank , US congressman , in July described the stationing of US forces in Okinawa as a hangover from the Second World War .

  15. 同时在英国,当曾说阿富汗驻军层级不适当的前陆军司令RichardDannatt将军(爵士)担任保守党顾问时,引起外界舆论一阵跶伐。

    In Britain , meanwhile , a row broke out when General Sir Richard Dannatt , a former army chief who has said troop levels in Afghanistan are inadequate , became an adviser to the Conservatives .

  16. 学者和外交人士称,至少在短期内,相关执法可能只限于存在争议的帕拉塞尔群岛(ParacelIslands,中国称西沙群岛)附近海域。帕拉塞尔群岛靠近海南,中国在那里有相当规模的驻军。

    Enforcement , scholars and diplomats said , at least in the short term , would likely be limited to areas around the disputed Paracel Islands , which are closer to Hainan , and where Chinese maritime forces have a sizable presence .

  17. 联合国在很多区域驻军以维护当地和平。

    The UN maintains troops in many regions to keep peace .

  18. 阿富汗驻军的指挥权一再更迭,战略却没有改变。

    Command in Afghanistan is changing , but strategy is not .

  19. 让我们把汉尼拔驻军的营地卖了吧。

    Let us sell the field on which Hannibal is encamped .

  20. 我知道驻军人数在减少。

    I know our numbers in the military have gone down .

  21. 河西驻军已婚妇女婚育现状调查报告

    Present marital and obstetrical investigation of married military women in Hexi area

  22. 不过,就冲绳驻军问题达成协议将更为困难。

    Agreement on Okinawa will be more difficult , however .

  23. 目前苏联在波兰的驻军约为五万人。

    Currently , there are about 50,000 Soviet troops stationed in Poland .

  24. 当地的驻军说,这是我们能够走访的最远的地方。

    The soldiers say this is as far as we can go .

  25. 不同海拔高度部队的驻军官兵龋病调查研究

    A study of dental caries among the garrison troops at different altitudes

  26. 实际上,他们不断表明他们在乌克兰没有驻军。

    In fact , they repeat they have no military in Ukraine .

  27. 驻军医院落实《献血法》的几点思考

    Some Considerations on Implementing the Blood Donation Law in Station Troops Hospital

  28. 他们的任务是占领桥头,打垮驻军。

    Their mission was to seize the bridge and overwhelm the garrison .

  29. 我跟东部所有的驻军基地都查过了。

    I checked with every base on the east coast .

  30. 驻军医院卫材采购存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Purchasing Sanitary Consumables in Military Hospitals