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zhù dì
  • station;encampment;post place where troops,etc.are stationed;seat of a local administrative organ
驻地 [zhù dì]
  • (1) [post place where troops,etc.are stationed]∶军队或外勤人员驻扎的地方

  • (2) [seat of a local administrative organ]∶机关、团体、行政部门所在地

驻地[zhù dì]
  1. 请注意个人卫生和驻地卫生。

    Please pay attention to both personal and station 's sanitation .

  2. 一名非常新,年轻官员是在驻地。

    A very new , young officer was at a station .

  3. 游击队突袭了银行,摧毁了一处警察驻地和一个变电站。

    The guerrillas raided banks and destroyed a police barracks and an electricity substation .

  4. FAST工程现有约20名驻地工作人员,不够确保三班倒轮流值班。

    Currently there are about 20 staff members based at the site , too few to ensure operations over three shifts .

  5. 肯定不是该企业旗下拥有该药专利的公司的驻地荷属安的列斯群岛(netherlandsantilles)。

    Surely not in the Netherland Antilles , where the company that owns the patent is resident .

  6. 第四,以WiMAX固定无线接入和WLAN驻地组网为场景,进行了经济(成本)分析,得到这两种场景下的成本函数。

    Economic cost analysis is made and cost formula is gained for FMC under the scenes of WiMAX fixed-mobile access architecture and WLAN local access .

  7. 公司也有可能会根据工作需要,要求你换到JK(公司)其他驻地工作。

    You may be required to be relocated to other districts of JK according to the needs of company .

  8. 方法:应用间接免疫荧光法(IFA)对海南省驻地部队和三个地区共607份人血清检测了12种虫媒病毒抗体。

    Methods : Six hundred and seven sera collected from Hainan province were detected for antibodies of 12 different arbovirus species by indirect fluorescence analysis ( IFA ) .

  9. 由于低水峰光纤具有优异的弯曲敏感性,使其与最近研制的宽带接入技术,即所谓的光纤到驻地(FTTP)完全相适应。

    With its enhanced bend sensitivity make it compatible with recently deployed broadband access technology called Fiber to the Premises ( FTTP ) .

  10. 自1968年,美国国防部“高等研究计划署(arpa)”的研究小组研制了第一条网络,并用于4个军事驻地的联络以来,互联网络以迅猛的速度在世界发展。

    In1968 the ARPA of the USA Ministry of national defense had set up the first network , and had used the network for the communication of4 military ground , finally , it caused the Internet developing in the world at a surprised speed .

  11. 尽管伦敦奥组委专门在从希斯罗机场到驻地的M4高速公路上设置了奥运会专用快速通道,但是载有美国与澳大利亚运动员的两辆大巴还是分别迷路了3个小时与将近4个小时。

    Two buses containing Americans and Australians were lost , one for nearly four hours , the other three hours this morning , even though their route was supposed to be fast-tracked by the implementation of the Olympic lane on the busy M4 motorway from Heathrow .

  12. 区人民政府驻地邮编:063100。

    District People 's Government , the resident Postcode : 063100 .

  13. 用户驻地网几种接入模型的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Some Access Models in Customer Premise Network

  14. 驻地协调员制度的作用和效率指导方针

    Guidelines on the Role and Effectiveness of the Resident Coordinator System

  15. 你难道不能带他们一些到你的驻地去吗?

    Can you not take them with you to your facilities ?

  16. 论高等级公路驻地监理的素质与实践

    Qualities and Practices of a Qualified Supervisor on Highway Building Site

  17. 而露营驻地则相反,是高度世界性的。

    Camping sites , by contrast , are highly cosmopolitan .

  18. 方法:对驻地餐厅及周边蝇类进行调查及综合防治。

    Mothods : Investigation and synthetically control of the flies .

  19. 他来到驻地要偷我的马。

    One came to the fort and tried to steal my horse .

  20. 对驻地协调员的支助联合国系统发展业务活动驻地协调员

    Resident Coordinator of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System

  21. 你是一个国外前线驻地记�

    Fuck that . You are a battletested foreign correspondent .

  22. 为部队提供一(军事驻地)

    To supply ( a post ) with troops .

  23. 性能管理在驻地网中的应用

    The Application of Performance Management in Customer Premises Network

  24. 突然间想起了两位驻地工程师的重托。

    I suddenly remembered the two resident engineers'great trust .

  25. 目的:探索部队驻地官兵餐厅及周边区域的蝇类防治方法。

    Objective : Seek for ways to control the flies in the area .

  26. 今晚在军队驻地有个舞会。

    There 's a dance tonight at the post .

  27. 山东省乡镇驻地布局形态与规划特点

    The characteristics of rural town 's arrangement pattern and planning in Shandong Province

  28. 在澳门驻地的最后比赛是对手的中国到巴西。

    The last match in Macau station is China in opponent to Brazil .

  29. 驻地艺术家提早离开或晚到,月记窑陶瓷艺术中心不归还其驻地费用。

    No refundment can be made for early departure , and the late arrival .

  30. 正在这个时候,美国使团驻地遭到袭击。

    Thats when Americas compound came under attack .