
  • 网络food nutrition
  1. 食物营养结构优化方法

    Optimization for Food Nutrition Structure

  2. 青少年时期是人类大脑和身体发育最旺盛的时期,也是对食物营养需求量最大的阶段。

    Adolescence is the period that human brains and bodies are in the most exuberant development and demand for food nutrition .

  3. 请问你有没有听过「食物营养标签」?

    Have you ever heard of the term " nutrition label "?

  4. 黄羊食物营养质量的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Nutritional Quality of Mongolian Gazelle Foods

  5. 1998年度食物营养监测总报告与政策建议

    General report on food and nutrition surveillance in 1998 and policy recommendation

  6. 那些食物营养而且非常方便。

    The food is nutritious and it 's really convenient .

  7. 食物营养成分计算机管理系统的研制

    Development of A Computer Management System For The Nutritional Ingredient of Food

  8. 小熊猫食物营养成分的初步研究

    A preliminary study on food nutrient of red pandas

  9. 福建省常用食物营养质量评价指标

    Evaluation Nutritional Quality Index of Fujian Province Common Food

  10. 中国食物营养规划与管理-人力资源培训项目的结果与作用

    Effectiveness of food and nutrition program planning and management-China human resource training project

  11. 食物营养强化有明确的营养目标。

    Fortification of food has a clear nutritional targeting .

  12. 黑熊觅食生境选择及植物性食物营养分析

    Research on Foraging Habitat and Nutritional Analysis of Herbivorous Food of Black Bear

  13. 如果您的狗食物营养素缺乏的关键,他可能吃船尾。

    If your dog food lacks key nutrients , he might eat poop .

  14. 食物营养评分的方法与应用

    The Method and Application of Nutritional Score of Food

  15. 不同月龄绵羊对食物营养利用效率研究

    Food nourishment utilization efficiency of different month aged sheep

  16. 他们的食物营养价值很低。

    Their food was poor in nutritive value .

  17. 心路历程&食物营养餐管理信息系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Nutrient Food MIS

  18. 用食物营养成分对中医营养学与现代营养学进行初步比较

    Using Databank to Compare the Traditional Chinese Nutrition ( TCN ) and Modern Nutrition

  19. 评价食物营养质量的指标,以近年来R。

    Index of nutritional quality recommended by R.

  20. 以现代食物营养观念实现九五粮食增产指标

    The target of food production increasement based on the concept of modern food nutrition in the

  21. 小兴安岭南坡黑熊植物性食物营养分析

    Nutrient Analysis of Plant Food of Black Bear on the Southern Slope of Lesser Xingan Mountains

  22. 食物营养化学与健康

    Nutrition chemical of food and health

  23. 为研究人员及食物营养政策制定者以及大众提供有效的膳食评价工具。

    To provide an effective measurement instrument for researchers , food and nutrition policy makers and the publics .

  24. 特别是用豆,谷类食品以保健与延寿的食物营养理论。

    The theory of promoting health and longevity by means of diet ( especially whole beans and grains ) .

  25. 食物营养密度的表述被作为营养质量的指数。

    The expression of the nutrient density of a food is presented as the index of nutrient quality ( INQ ) .

  26. 改善营养不良状况有3种途径,即调整饮食结构,进行食物营养强化和使用营养补充剂。

    Improving public malnutrition condition have 3 kinds of channel : adjusting diet structure , employing nutrition supplement and food fortification .

  27. 本周,第一夫人宣布了新型食物营养标签,以此减少不健康食品在校园中的销售。

    This week , the First Lady announced new food nutrition labels and rules to reduce marketing of less-healthful food in schools .

  28. 绿宝灵是一种食物营养补助品。它适合各个年龄层的人士,无论性别,包括婴孩及孕妇。

    Phyto Greens is a food supplement and is suitable for everyone , regardless sex and age , including baby and pregnant woman .

  29. 还有一些食物营养学家认为很健康,但公众好像并没有意识到它们的价值。

    And then there are foods that are considered healthy by nutritionists , but the public doesn 't seem to realize their value .

  30. 排名指出,布隆迪、也门、马达加斯加和印度的食物营养价值最低、体重不足的儿童也最多。

    Burundi , Yemen , Madagascar and India have the worst rates of nutrition and the most underweight children , according to Oxfam .