
  • 网络edible insect
  1. 食用昆虫蛋白质的提取研究

    The study on extracting methods of edible insect protein

  2. 食用昆虫资源的开发利用

    The Exploitation and Utilization of Edible Insect Resource

  3. 半翅目常见食用昆虫与营养价值

    The Common Edible Insects of Hemiptera and Their Nutritive Value

  4. 我国食用昆虫的开发趋势及对策

    Exploitation Trend and Strategy on Edible Insects in China

  5. 同翅目几种食用昆虫记述及营养分析

    Records of Four Species Edible Insects in Homoptera and Their Nutritious Elements Analysis

  6. 6种食用昆虫对小鼠血糖和血脂的影响

    Effects of Six Edible Insects on Blood Glucose and Lipid Levels in Mice

  7. 江苏食用昆虫资源记述

    Introduction of Study on Edible Insects in Jiangsu

  8. 食用昆虫的资源价值与可利用方式

    Resource Value of Edible Insects and Utilizable Ways

  9. 本文在分析研究昆虫的营养价值的基础上,对食用昆虫的营养价值作了较全面的评述。

    Based on analysis and study , the nutritive value of edible insects was reviewed .

  10. 食用昆虫营养价值评述

    Review on Nutritive Value of Edible Insects

  11. 食用昆虫的这些特点表明其具有很好的开发利用价值,是一种值得人类利用的宝贵资源。

    So edible insect has important value for human and worth to be developed and utilized .

  12. 我国食用昆虫资源及其开发利用的途径与前景

    The edible insect resources and the ways and prospects of their exploitation and utilization in China

  13. 筛选出具有开发潜力的食用昆虫共56种,分布在8个目25个科中。

    To sift 56 kinds of insects spreading in 8 items and 23 sections have the developing potential .

  14. 食用昆虫不仅是营养丰富的美味佳肴,而且也是有效的保健食品。

    The edible insects are not only the dainties with abundant nutrition , but also effective health food .

  15. 由于市场营销活动有限,再加上公众对食用昆虫的概念还非常陌生,这些产品的销售一直非常迟缓,他们说。

    Sales have been slow due to limited marketing and the foreign concept of edible insects , they said .

  16. 故被誉为“蛋白质饲料宝库”,油虫是一种高蛋白高钙高营养的食用昆虫。

    Therefore , as the " treasure house of protein feed ," Oil is a high-protein high-calcium pest high-nutrition edible insects .

  17. 事实上,不少支持食用昆虫的组织正积极宣传,鼓励人们将昆虫作为主食。

    In fact , there are a number of advocacy groups that are promoting the use of insects as a dietary staple .

  18. 我国森林昆虫的开发与利用主要集中在天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、工业用昆虫和文化昆虫等六大类。

    Forest insects are mainly divided into natural enemies , pollinating insects , medical insects , edible insects , industrial insects and cultural insects .

  19. 明确了山东省已经利用的食用昆虫有34种,分属于7个目18个科。

    To find that 34 kinds of edible insects , belonging respectively to 7 items and 18 sections , have been made to food .

  20. 尽管食用昆虫在亚洲,非洲和南美地区并不常见,但在世界上的其他地区却并不罕见。

    While insects are not uncommon fodder in Asia , Africa and South America ; the rest of the world has not really followed suit .

  21. 然而,尽管全球已有20亿人在食用昆虫,但消费者对昆虫的厌恶仍是许多西方国家的无法突破的一道门槛。

    However , despite 2 billion people worldwide already supplementing their diet with insects , consumer disgust remains a large barrier in many western countries .

  22. 根据荷兰瓦格子宁根大学的研究报告,食用昆虫和我们食用的肉类一样,能提供我们身体所需的营养。食用昆虫富含充分的蛋白质和其他人体所需的微量元素。

    According to researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands insects provide as much nutritional value as any other meat and are a good source of protein .

  23. 从食用昆虫的历史、食用昆虫的营养价值、保健功能和食用昆虫的产业化等方面介绍了食用昆虫资源开发的研究进展。

    In the present paper , advances in edible insects as traditional food , nutrient value and healthy function of edible insects , industrialization of insect-foods were reviewed .

  24. 从工业用昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、饲用昆虫、天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、文化昆虫等方面,简要概述了资源昆虫的研究利用状况及前景展望。

    The advance of research and utilization of industrial , medical , edible , feed , predating , pollinating and cultural insects were reviewed and the prospect of these resources was discussed .

  25. 当然,我们必须要克服食用昆虫那些令人反感的因素,专家们预测类似于蟋蟀和蝗虫之类的昆虫可以碾碎后用作汉堡和香肠的食材。

    Of course , we may need to get over the yuck factor , but experts predict that insects like crickets and grasshoppers could be ground down and used as ingredients in burgers and sausages .

  26. 介绍了食用昆虫的种类、资源和昆虫食品的营养价值,综述了多种典型昆虫食品的开发,并对昆虫食品的开发前景进行了展望。

    The resources of edible insects and nutrient value of insect food were introduced . The exploitation of some typical insect food was summarized . The prospect for exploitation of insect food was reviewed in the paper .

  27. 食用昆虫的开发被誉为全球性阳光产业,对扩大食物来源、改善营养结构、拓宽农业产业、维持生态平衡等方面具有重要意义。

    The development of the edible insect , which has been regarded as the " sun industry of the globe ", has great significance on enlarging food recourses , improving nutrition structure , widening agriculture industry and keeping zoology balance .

  28. 数十年来,食虫学家(即那些主张食用昆虫的人士)一直在竭力推动六条腿和八条腿的小动物进入消费者的餐盘。有专家认为,与昆虫相关的新企业不断涌现,或将成为这种努力的转折点。

    Some experts think the deluge of new insect-related companies could be a turning point in entomophagists " ( that 's those who advocate for insects as food ) decades-long battle to get the six and eight-legged critters onto the plates of consumers .

  29. 有关昆虫的物质文化方面主要体现在昆虫的食用、昆虫的药用、昆虫的养殖、虫害的防治等方面;

    Insect material culture is reflected mainly in insect food , insect medicine , insect breeding and pest control by means of insects .

  30. 综述了食用资源昆虫的含义、利用、营养保健作用及其研究进展,以期为食用资源昆虫的进一步开发提供参考资料。

    This paper summarizes the signification , utilization and nutritious and healthy functions of edible resource insects , to serve for the further development .