
shí yòng yóu
  • edible oil
食用油[shí yòng yóu]
  1. 茶油(Camelliaoil)作为我国特有的食用油,其营养价值和保健功用已为人们所熟知。

    Camellia oil as a unique edible oil in China , is famous for nutritional value and health-care functions .

  2. 采用国内自主研制的黄曲霉毒素专用荧光快速检测仪及配套的免疫亲和试剂盒建立一套快速的免疫亲和检测方法,对食用油中的黄曲霉毒素B1进行测定。

    An immunoaffinity fast test technology was established for determining aflatoxin B1 in edible oil by homemade special fluorescence fast test apparatus for aflatoxin and correlative immunoaffinity reagent kit .

  3. 意大利面制品的主要成分是面粉和水,有时加鸡蛋和食用油。

    Pasta 's basic ingredients are flour and water , sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil .

  4. 把黄油和食用油放到大平底锅里加热。

    Heat the butter and oil in a large pan .

  5. 救助官员说第一批紧急援助的小麦和食用油是上月发放到这里的。

    Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month

  6. 尽管世界出口油脂呈上升趋势,但这种增长却主要限于食用油和牛脂。

    Although there has been a general uptrend in world exports of fats and oils the growth has been mainly limited to edible oils and tallow .

  7. 用花生或红花油,或者食用油来起酥

    Use peanut or safflower oil or solid vegetable shortening for frying .

  8. 食用油维生素E分析检测技术研究进展

    Research Progress in Determination Methods of Vitamin E in Edible Oils

  9. 食用油中维生素E在储藏期间的变化和热稳定性的探讨

    Approach to the change and hot-stability of vitamin E in the stored plant oil

  10. 然后在单因素Logistic分析的基础上,再进行多因素条件Logistic回归分析,结果显示糖尿病组在家族史、高血压、食用油及脂肪偏多等3个因素明显高于对照组。

    Then Logistic regression analysis of many factors was conducted on basis of Logistic analysis of single factor .

  11. 建立了用HPLC简便快速测定食用油主要营养必需脂肪酸的羟肟酸法。

    A simple and rapid HPLC method for the determination of essential fatty acids of edible oils was established .

  12. HACCP在食用油加工行业中的应用探讨

    Discussion about Application of HACCP to Edible Oil Industry

  13. 食用油油雾冷凝物中某些致变物的GC/MS分析及生成机制的研究

    Gc / ms analysis and the mechanism of formation of certain mutagenic compounds in the volatile condensates of heated edible oils

  14. GC-MS法鉴别食用油和餐饮业中废弃油脂的研究

    Study of recognition of edible oils and waste edible oils in the restaurants by GC-MS

  15. 食用油加热产物的Ames试验

    The mutagenicity of products from heated oil in Ames test

  16. 但要知道,健康食用油中的维生素K含量仍然很少&一汤匙菜籽油中的含量仅为20毫克。

    Keep in mind , though , that the amounts of vitamin K in healthy oils are still tiny & one tablespoon of canola oil has20 micrograms .

  17. 根据B废食用油成分分析结果以及高发热值数据对这两种经验算法进行了验证,结果表明两种算法的误差都在允许范围内。

    According to result of component analysis and high calorific value of B waste cooking oil , verified the two experiential arithmetic , results show that error of two experiential algorithms are both in the allowable range .

  18. 食用油样品的加温油和油烟雾中存在着如抗氧化剂二叔丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)和增塑剂磷酸三丁酯(TBP)等成分。

    The antioxidant BHT and the plasticizer TBP was also found in the heated edible oil and fume .

  19. 目的研究观察维生素A营养强化食用油对改善少年儿童VA营养状况、减少感染性疾病发生率的有益作用。

    Objective To observe the influence of vitamin A fortified oil on children 's vitamin A status and its incidence of infectious diseases .

  20. 采用该工艺制取的核桃油完全可以达到一级食用油标准,也符合欧洲经济共同体(EEC)对核桃油的要求。

    Walnut oil obtained with this technology can meet the standard of high-quality oil and the requirement of European Economic Community .

  21. 与石化柴油比较,以废弃食用油或泔脚油为原料的生物柴油,以天然气和煤为原料的DME以及以天然气为原料的F&T柴油具有经济竞争力。

    Compared with fossil diesel , biodiesel from waste cooking oil , DME from natural gas or coal , and F-T diesel from natural gas have economic competition .

  22. 结论在食用油中强化VA可以有效改善少年儿童的VA营养状况,减少感染性疾病的发生率,缩短其患病时间。

    Conclusion The intervention with vitamin A fortified edible oil could effectively improve children 's vitamin A status , decrease the incidence of infectious disease , and shorten the illness period .

  23. 灌胃给予雄性大鼠15%CCl4食用油溶液每1kg体重10mL,2次/周,连续10周,建立大鼠肝纤维化模型。

    Fibrosis model was induced in male rats by 15 % CCl4 edible oily solution per oral biweekly at dose of 10mL / kg body weight for 10 weeks .

  24. 主要介绍了由天然脂肪酸与甘油合成得到一种含80%二甘油酯(DAG)的减肥食用油及其生理功能。

    An edible oil containing 80 % diglyceride ( DAG ) with less accumulation of body fat by esterifying glycerol with fatty acid from natural vegetable oil and physiologic functions of diglyceride are introduced .

  25. 结果:干预前两组患者近1个月的血压知晓率、治疗率、控制率、食用油、食用盐、体重指数、不良生活方式等KAP观察项均无显著差异(P0.05)。

    Results : There were no significant differences ( P0.05 ) between the two groups about the blood pressure related knowledge , treatment rate , control rate , edible oil , edible salt , weight index number , bad life style etc. at first .

  26. 全球最大商品交易商(瑞士)嘉能可国际公司将向人们证实该行业的吸引力有多强:坊间盛传该公司正在考虑投资印度食用油企业“KS食用油品公司”。

    Glencore , the world 's biggest commodity trader , may be about to confirm the industry 's allure : rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils , an Indian edible-oil firm .

  27. 结果表明:(1)食用油的LPO:两种食用油的LPO均随时间、温度及光照的增加而升高,其中猪油主要受温度影响,而色拉油受温度和光照共同影响。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) LPO of edible oils : LPO of both edible oils increased with the storage time , temperature and light . LPO of lard was mainly affected by temperature , but that of Salad was affected either by temperature and light .

  28. 应用于食用油样品AFB1检测,方便快速,安全准确,测定全过程所需时间可以控制在30min左右,检测成本低于其他仪器方法。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    Aflatoxin B1 in the edible oil was detected fast and conveniently with high accurateness and security . The time of whole test process was consumed about 30 minutes . The cost of detection was lower than other instruments and methods .

  29. 保健食用油&紫苏油研究进展

    The Research Advance in Perilla Oil & a New Healthful Oil

  30. 没食子酸衍生物作为食用油抗氧化剂的研究

    Study on derivates of gallic acid as antioxidant for edible oil