
fēi wū huán yóu jì
  • Up;Disney-Pixar UP
  1. 2010年,乔布斯在推广iPad时,展示了皮克斯公司制作的电影“飞屋环游记”。

    Steve Jobs shows a scene from " Up ", a Pixar film , during his speech introducing the iPad in2010 .

  2. 看起来有点超过迪士尼皮克斯的电影《飞屋环游记》,

    Looks a bit like something out of the Disney-Pixar movie Up ,

  3. 9.《飞屋环游记》里头最喜欢的角色是那只叫做Dug的狗狗和那只叫做Kevin的南美洲鸟。

    Favorite characters : Dog named Dug and rare South-American bird named Kevin .

  4. 4.《飞屋环游记》的主人公卡尔,长相比较囧,有点像脱口秀主持人DavidLetterman和LarryKing二者结合。

    The main character Carl Fredricksen ( Edward Asner ) looks a lot like a cross-breed of David Letterman and Larry King ...

  5. 《飞屋环游记》关注的是一个人的完整一生。

    The story about entire person 's life .

  6. 7.96分钟的《飞屋环游记》在时间长度上还是比较适合小孩子的。

    At 96 minutes , the movie is not too long for small kids .

  7. 《飞屋环游记》到底好不悦目?能跟其它皮克斯的片子媲美么?

    Is the movie good ? How does it hold up to other Pixar movies ?

  8. 《飞屋环游记》设定了一个更加艰难的挑战,上来没几分钟就杀死了主角。

    Soul sets an even tougher challenge for itself by apparently killing its lead character within minutes .

  9. 迪士尼粉丝站稳了!现实版的《飞屋环游记》来了。

    Disney fans brace yourself - there is a real life version of the house from Up .

  10. 这三部电影都是由皮特·道格特执导,我们熟知的《飞屋环游记》同样是他的作品。

    All three of these movies were directed by Pete Docter , the man who is also behind Up .

  11. 如果你在看皮克斯的电影《飞屋环游记》时没有流一滴眼泪,那么你可能没有灵魂。

    If you didn 't cry just a little bit during the Pixar movie Up , you might not have a soul .

  12. 《飞屋环游记》上来就是情感冲击,一位古稀老人失去了自己的妻子,开始了新的冒险。

    Up began with the emotional hammer blow of an aging character losing his wife before he embarked on a new adventure .

  13. “飞屋环游记”被命名为最佳动画片,同时阿根廷的“谜一样的双眼”赢得了最佳外语片。

    " Up " was named best animated movie , and Argentina 's " The Secret in Their Eyes " won best foreign language film .

  14. 这部新影片由《头脑特工队》和《飞屋环游记》导演执导,彰显着离奇冒险的美学价值,但主题却十分质朴,契合心灵。

    The new film from the director of Up and Inside Out has the aesthetics of a whimsical adventure , but its themes are very raw .

  15. 他是利用集束气球飞跃英吉利海峡的第一人,如今他用一簇气球将一个房子升入了天空,就像是现实版的迪斯尼动画《飞屋环游记》。

    A cluster-balloonist who became the first person to fly the English Channel has launched a house into the sky just like in the Disney movie ' Up ' .

  16. 但粉丝一心只期待气球飞去委内瑞拉天使瀑布,那里是《飞屋环游记》“天堂瀑布”灵感的来源。

    But fans can only hope the balloon makes its way to Angel Falls , Venezuela , which was the original inspiration behind Up 's ' Paradise Falls ' .

  17. 6.《飞屋环游记》里头虽然不乏一些小玩笑,但总的来说这还是一部忧伤的电影——从开场一直到结局,始终有着忧伤的气氛在其中浮现。

    Though there were quite a few jokes in this movie , it 's a pretty sad movie - so much sadness throughout , from opening sequence to the end .

  18. 具体来说,只有彼特·道格特才能做出这种动画片,他之前的电影作品——《怪兽电力公司》、《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》——都对人类行为和人生意义进行了深思。

    More specifically , it 's the kind of cartoon you only get from Pete Docter , whose previous films - Monsters Inc , Up and Inside Out - have all pondered human behaviour and the meaning of life .