
  • 网络Color Mode;color model;RGB;cmyk
  1. 如果图标不包含合适的大小或颜色模式,Windows将采用最接近的大小和分辨率并渲染图标使其适合显示。

    If the icon does not contain the appropriate size or color mode , Windows will take the closest size and resolution , and render the icon to suit .

  2. 该文提出了一种基于HSV颜色模式和边缘检测技术的车辆检测算法进行车流量统计。

    This paper presents an algorithm that detects vehicles on road based on HSV color mode and edge detection technology .

  3. 介绍了目前常用的两种颜色模式RGB模型与HSI模型在大米色泽检测中的应用。

    Two kinds of typical color models RGB and HIS , which are usually applied in rice color detection at present , were introduced .

  4. 通过自身的主题tundra,它为其所有的小部件提供了通用的设计和颜色模式。

    Through its own theme , tundra , it provides a design and color scheme common to all its widgets .

  5. 正如您所看到的那样,大多数配置都处理设置控件的颜色模式,为此,我访问了Display的系统颜色,它们在使用后不需要销毁。

    As you can see , most of the configuration deals with setting the color scheme of the controls , and to do this , I accessed the Display 's system colors , which don 't need to be de-allocated after usage .

  6. 在此示例中,“image/png”指定输出内容类型,GRAY指定为输出颜色模式,“Classified”指定为文档页面左上角的时间戳。

    In this sample ," image / png " is specified as the output content-type , GRAY as the output color mode , and " Classified " as the stamp on the upper left corner of the document pages .

  7. 用户可以通过选择大小和颜色模式来定制标栏(badge)的设计,以及定义可以显示的更新数量。

    Users will be able to customize the design of the badge , choosing from a selection of sizes and color schemes , and define the number of updates to be displayed .

  8. 低色标准的设定,决定了简化颜色模式的使用。

    The reduced color mode to use is determined by the LowColorLevel setting .

  9. 要查看您选择的颜色模式,必须在保存更改后刷新浏览器。

    To see the color scheme you select , you may need to refresh your browser after saving your changes .

  10. 由于只需要一个墨迹,因此它是在胶印机上打印的成本最低的一个颜色模式。

    This is the least expensive color model to print on an offset press since it requires only one ink .

  11. 同样应用喷枪工具在颜色模式下,我只稍微点了几下就创作出女人的眼睑。

    Also using the airbrush in color mode , I applied a touch of make-up to the woman 's eye lids .

  12. 可为每个存储库指定一组编校选项,例如输出格式、颜色模式、角色等。

    One set of redaction options , for example output format , color mode , role , and others , can be specified for each repository .

  13. 图像经过颜色模式转换,不但可以降低对硬件设备的要求,而且可以起到压缩数据的目的。

    After the color mode transforming of image , it could not only reduced the demand to hardware of system , but also compressed the color data .

  14. 如果您只使用除黑色以外的一种或两种专色,则此颜色模式可以比全色打印更经济。

    If you are only using one or two spot colors , other than black ink , this color model can be more economical than full color printing .

  15. 最大化信息设计内的数据像素意味着需要删除尽量多的无关的图形元素、使用低调的颜色模式并避免花哨的字体。

    Maximising data pixels in information design means that you remove as many extraneous graphical elements as possible , use muted color schemes , and avoid fussy fonts .

  16. 不过,我已经看到了这么多的皮革,颜色模式和其他材料,我没想到会被它的任何更吃惊了。

    But I 've seen it in so many leather , colors patterns and other materials that I didn 't expect to be surprised by it any more .

  17. 本文主要研究内容包括视频采集、颜色模式转换、分辨率转换、图像数据的传输和运动目标检测等问题。

    The paper has realized a type of remote network surveillance system based on FPGA , and has solved several problems , including video capture , color mode transition , resolution change , video data transition and moving-target detection .

  18. 研究用颜色模式来实现颜色平滑过渡的方法并应用于实现围岩的颜色填充。(3)实现图形的灵活编辑,保存及打印等基础功能,实现导向模型图的公共操作和专业操作。

    The method , which using color mode to realize smooth transition of color , is researched and applied in the color filling module of surrounding rock . ( 3 ) The basic functions of graphics are realized , such as editing , saving and printing .

  19. 该方法采用了基于像素的可视化技术,运用了HSI颜色映射模式方法和递归模式的像素排列技术,对大数据量的时序数据进行可视化分析。

    The method makes use of pixel-oriented database visualization , HSI color model , and recursive pattern technique for pixels arrangement .

  20. 所以裙子可以发光,穿着者每一次移动,灯光的颜色和模式都会发生变化。

    So the skirt lights up , and the color and pattern of the light changes every time the wearer moves .

  21. 阵列所得的颜色变化模式给予醒目的视觉识别,即使分子健合力弱的气体也可以进行区分。

    Color change patterns obtained from the array is researched to give striking visual identification and even weakly-ligating vapors could be differentiated . 2 .

  22. 你身体的脉轮系统可以以美丽的颜色能量模式被看见,环绕十三个主能量中心的每一个。

    Your body 's chakra system can be viewed as an energy pattern of beautiful colors , circling each of its thirteen major energy centers .

  23. 目的:初步实现舌质颜色的模式识别,总结原发性肝癌患者舌色特征,探讨其与肝癌临床的某些联系。

    Objective : to practice pattern recognition on tongue color and explore the characteristics of tongue color of patients with primary hepatic carcinoma ( PHC ) and its correlation with PHC .

  24. 三星的有些设备提供了颜色校正模式。但大多数情况下,三星允许显示屏的颜色更加醒目和饱满,尤其是在可见光谱的红色部分。

    Some Samsung devices offer a display-correcting mode Professional Photo is one but for the most part , Samsung allows colors to run bolder and more saturated , especially in the red part of the visible spectrum .

  25. 您还可以修改一些规范,比如图表的范围和类型(条形图或线形图,层叠图或聚类图)、颜色和模式选项、细分维度和工具提示。

    You will be able to modify some of the specifications such as the range and type of chart ( bar or line , stacked or clustered ), color and pattern choices , breakdown dimension and tooltips .

  26. 原来的颜色和光线的模式都比较模糊的脸调整后可以匹配模型照片。

    The pattern of colour and light in the blurry face is then tweaked to match the model photo .

  27. 第五章是对对外汉语基本颜色词的教学模式进行探析,包括对基本颜色词的课堂教学实践和分阶段的颜色词教学提出建议,最后对对外汉语教材中颜色词的编排体例提出建议。

    The fifth chapter is to explore basic modes of color words in teaching Chinese as a foreign language , including the proposed of teaching practice of basic color words and phased color words teaching , and finally make the recommendations to the arrangement of color words in teaching materials .

  28. 图说明连接埠状态灯号的颜色,这些颜色随模式灯号的意义而定。

    Figure describes the Port Status LED colors as these are dependent on the value of the Mode LEDs .

  29. 研究探讨了颜色量化方法,灰度/颜色增强的模式抖动算法、误差扩散抖动算法和帧频控制技术,并对其中的误差扩散抖动算法和帧频控制技术进行了改进。

    The color quantification , pattern dithering 、 error diffusion dithering and frame rate control in gray scale / color buildup are researched and discussed .

  30. 在“彩色印刷”对话框的“将所有颜色定义为”下,选择要使用的颜色模式。

    In the color printing dialog box , under define all colors as , select the color model you want to use .