
  • 网络Color transition;Change Color
  1. 反应混合物颜色转变成白色即反应终点。

    The reaction completed when the color of the mixture turns to white .

  2. 热致调光聚合物材料能随环境温度变化发生可逆的透明度或颜色转变,从而广泛应用于智能窗、温度传感器及热可逆记录等热光学领域。

    Thermally light-adjusting polymeric materials that can adjust their transparency or color reversibly with changing environment temperatures , have been widely used in intelligent windows , thermo-sensors , thermo-reversible recording media and other thermo-optical applications .

  3. 结果表明,三种型号纳米袋包装都能抑制果实的呼吸强度,延缓果实颜色的转变,降低失重率,保持可溶性固形物的含量,延长货架期。

    The results showed that three nano-packaging effectively inhibited respiration , delayed the change of color , decrease of firmness and total soluble solid content , and longed shelf-life of persimmon .

  4. 氨水处理后,所有组织荧光强度增加,富含阿魏酸的组织,荧光颜色由蓝色转变为绿色,荧光发射光谱峰值由470nm移至510nm;

    With the treatment of ammonia , the tissues increased their fluorescence intensity , among which those rich in ferulic acid changed their color into green , the peak of fluorescence emission spectra shifted from 470 nm to 510 nm .

  5. 光致变色材料因其对光辐射的敏感性以及颜色的灵活转变,使得其在可重用信息存储器、数据显示器、光信号处理器、智能窗、后视镜以及军事伪装等许多领域都具有广阔的应用前景。

    The photochromic materials have broad application prospect in many areas , including the reusable information storage , data display , an optical signal processor , smart windows , mirrors , and military camouflage , due to its flexible color change and the photo-sensitivity .

  6. 在蝴蝶鳞翅的上表面滴加一些液体介质后,蝴蝶鳞翅的颜色将由蓝色转变为绿色,而后又重新恢复为蓝色。

    If some liquid is dropped on the upper surface of the scales , the color will vary from blue to green and then return back to blue .