
jí yóu jiā
  • philatelist
  1. 我是我们大学里集邮家协会的成员。

    I am a committee member of the Philatelist Association of our university .

  2. 他是一位集邮家。

    He is a philatelist ;

  3. ph.1.集邮家他只会摇摇头,毫不回嘴地走出家门。

    He would only shake his head and go out of the house without answering back .

  4. 他是一位集邮家。他藏品的一部分是罕见的套头的大清国邮票。

    He is a philatelist ; part of his collection is rare sets of postage stamps of the Qing Dynasty .

  5. 兴趣和注意集中的对象。属于、关于集邮或集邮家的兴趣的。

    The object upon which interest and attention focuses .