
  • 网络Customer satisfaction survey;customer satisfaction studies
  1. 现成的证据是,据全球市场资讯公司JDPowerandAssociates进行的顾客满意度调查显示,苹果iPhone手机已经连续六次位居榜首。

    Case in point : the iPhone has ranked # 1 in JD Power and associates ' customer satisfaction survey & six consecutive times .

  2. 顾客满意度调查中因子权重的排序估计法

    Weight-measurement Based on Rank Ordering in Customer Satisfaction Survey

  3. 企业QMS业绩的重要测量手段&谈顾客满意度调查

    Customer Satisfication Survey , an Important Measurement of QMS Achievement

  4. 结果1.通过对NC医院顾客满意度调查以及医院网络条件说明医院引入CRM系统是有必要的。

    Through client satisfaction survey of NC hospital and the network condition of hospitals , introduction of CRM system to hospital is proved to be necessary . 2 .

  5. 为帮助山东省X质检机构找出问题所在,特进行此研究。首先,本研究选择顾客满意度调查为分析工具,对实验室管理整体状况进行分析。

    To help Shandong x quality inspection institute find where the problems are , I do this research especially . Firstly , this study took the customer satisfaction investigation as analysis tool to evaluate overall situation of laboratory management .

  6. 并结合对××汽车公司一款SUV的顾客满意度调查实例说明了顾客满意度测评的实施步骤、数据分析以及根据分析结果提出了改进措施。

    And it explains the implementation steps , data analysis of measuring customer satisfaction and gives some suggestions for improvement based on the conclusions .

  7. 雇员持股的连锁超市会让人与顾客满意度调查相联系。

    Shop at chains that are employee-owned , suggest customer-satisfaction surveys .

  8. 谈顾客满意度调查的样本量确认

    Talk the sample deal confirmation that customer approval investigate

  9. 对客户进行半年一次的顾客满意度调查。

    Carry on half year a time customer satisfaction to investigate to the customer .

  10. 关于顾客满意度调查的若干思考

    Several Issues about Customer Satisfaction Research in China

  11. 实施顾客满意度调查。

    Conduct client satisfaction survey .

  12. 以上研究结果为顾客满意度调查在计划免疫服务领域进一步的应用提供参考。

    The result provide a important reference for the use of satisfaction in the field of EPI service .

  13. 顾客满意度调查显示,购物者比以前更开心了,这让管理层得以在新装修的店面收取高于平均水平的租金涨幅。

    Customer satisfaction surveys show shoppers are happier , enabling management to exact above-average rent increases at renovated stores .

  14. 目的:探讨医院顾客满意度调查问卷的设计及其预调查。

    Objective : To explore the design of a questionnaire and its use in a pilot survey on hospital customer satisfaction .

  15. 当月(6个月一次)实施书面顾客满意度调查时,书面顾客满意率采取上一次的调查所得的数据值。

    Month ( once every six months ) did not implement written pledges investigation , a written customer satisfaction rate for the previous survey data value .

  16. 开展国家顾客满意度调查,建立国家顾客满意度指数对提高商品与服务质量有着十分重要的意义。

    The implementation of National Customer Satisfaction Survey and the construction of National Customer Satisfaction Index are of great significance for raising the quality of products and services .

  17. 本文主要工作和研究内容如下:1.在阐述本文的研究背景的前提下,提出中国顾客满意度调查抽样方案设计所面临的问题,并指出解决这些问题的意义。

    The research background of this paper is given first , then the problems faced by the sampling scheme designing and the significance of tackling these problems are introduced .

  18. 为了解计划免疫服务人群满意度情况,探索顾客满意度调查这一方法在计划免疫服务质量管理中的应用。

    In order to understand the customer satisfaction for Expanded Program on Immunization ( EPI ) service and explore the use of the customer satisfaction survey in quality management of EPI .

  19. 顾客满意度调查表明,业主对监造单位的此次服务质量为基本满意,属于第二个好的等级。

    Customer satisfaction survey shows that the owner of the unit in charge of the service is basically satisfied with the service , which can be ranked as the second-good level .

  20. 医院顾客满意度调查和评估已成为现代医院为改进和提高医疗服务质量而必做的一项重要工作。

    The investigation and the appraisal on the hospital customers ' satisfaction has become an important job , which the modern hospital must do to improve and to enhance the medical service grade of service .

  21. 指出中国应该重视顾客满意度调查,正确地进行顾客满意度调查,利用顾客满意度调查的结果来提高企业和国家的竞争力。

    China should pay attention to customer satisfaction research , carry out customer satisfaction research correctly and make use of the result of customer satisfaction research in order to raise the capacity for competition of enterprises and the country .

  22. 湖南送变电公司顾客满意度调查及营销组合策略改进以上研究结果为顾客满意度调查在计划免疫服务领域进一步的应用提供参考。

    The Research on the Customer Satisfaction Survey and the Improvement of the Marketing Mix Strategies for Hunan Power Transmission and Substation Company ; The result provide a important reference for the use of satisfaction in the field of EPI service .

  23. 苏州市商业网球俱乐部顾客满意度的调查研究

    Research on Customer 's Satisfaction of Business Tennis Club in Suzhou

  24. 安钢开展顾客满意度的调查及测评

    Satisfaction research and evaluation in Anyang Steel

  25. 目前,顾客满意度的调查广泛应用于服务及其他行业中,并将调查结果作为评判企业服务质量好坏的主要尺度。

    Surveys of customer satisfaction are used extensively in service industry and others as the unique criterion for the evaluation of service quality .

  26. 以快递服务的流程为内容,设计了调查问卷,对CCES快递公司顾客满意度进行问卷调查。

    According to the express service processes , the survey questionaire is designed to conduct the CS of CCES .

  27. 关于广州超市顾客满意度指数的调查研究

    Study on the Customer Satisfaction Index of Guangzhou Supermarkets

  28. 第四章基于调查方案设计,采用问卷调查法对同天大型综合超市顾客满意度进行实地调查,回收筛选问卷。

    Chapter IV describes the survey program design , carries out surveys of customer satisfaction about TongTian hypermarket using questionnaire survey methods , recovery and screens questionnaires .

  29. 介绍了顾客满意度的概念和模型,以及如何进行顾客满意度调查的流程和满意度研究的方法,给出了顾客满意度改进策略。

    Introduced customer satisfaction concept and model , and the process of how to conduct customer satisfaction survey , and customer satisfaction research methods . Then gave out improve strategy of customer satisfaction .

  30. 其中,站在顾客角度,通过建立顾客满意度评价指标和进行顾客满意度调查等方法对于应用六西格玛方法来提高顾客满意度具有非常重要的实际意义。

    Among them , standing in the customer point , through the establishment of evaluation indicators , customer satisfaction surveys and other methods for the application of Six Sigma methods to improve customer satisfaction has a very important practical significance .