
xiànɡ mù yù suàn
  • project budget
  1. MIS在工程项目预算中的应用

    The Application or MIS to Project Budget

  2. CEO明确地批准了由业务副总所请求的项目预算$$$。

    The CEO definitely approved a project budget of $ $ $ requested by the VP of business .

  3. 老板听了我的项目预算提案后,给我泼了一盆冷水。

    The boss poured cold water on my idea when he heard the proposed1 budget for the project .

  4. 例如,交互可能是一个重要的会议,目标是使CEO相信并发放项目预算。

    For example , the interaction might be an important meeting whose objective is to convince a CEO to release a project budget .

  5. 我们可以从PMO那里得到下两年的项目预算。

    We obtained project budget projections from the PMO for the next two years .

  6. 约旦、叙利亚、突尼斯以及也门都已增加了向贫困人口发放现金和福利的国家项目预算,增幅略低于gdp的0.5%。

    Jordan , Syria , Tunisia and Yemen have each increased the budgets of national programmes that give cash and benefits to the poor by just under 0.5 % of GDP .

  7. 项目预算与边际分析(PBMA)&与健康产出相联系的卫生资源配置方法

    Program Budgeting and Marginal Analysis ( PBMA ), Resource Allocation Relating to Health Outcomes

  8. 项目预算每年增加5%,如表A6所示。

    The project budgets are expected to grow by5 % per year for the next two years , as shown in Table A6 .

  9. 勘探开发工程项目预算中不可预见费的确定

    Determining unexpected expenses in the budget of exploration and exploitation projects

  10. 在费用评估预算的基础上管理项目预算。

    Manage the project budget based on the cost estimation budget .

  11. 地质调查项目预算标准执行情况的动态评估

    Dynamic Appraisal for Implementing the Budget Standard of Geological Survey Projects

  12. 地质调查项目预算编制管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of MIS on automatic budgets-making of Chinese geologic survey project

  13. 较小的公司通常存在有限的项目预算。

    Smaller companies will usually have limited project budgets .

  14. 土地整理项目预算编制主要问题分析

    Analysis of land consolidation project budget marking main problem

  15. 三是项目预算绩效成本控制问题。

    Third , the project budget cost control performance .

  16. 要求对项目预算做变更。

    C.Ask for a change to the project budget .

  17. 编制电力安装工程项目预算,历来是施工单位日常工作的重中之重。

    Budget making of power construction projects play important role in our company .

  18. 项目预算是什么(如果那些信息可用)?

    What is the budget of the project ( if that information is available )?

  19. 通常,您可以将此计算用作项目预算的基础。

    You can often use this calculation as a basis for the project budget .

  20. 地质调查项目预算与经费核算关系分析研究

    Research on the Relationship Between the Budget and Outlay Accounting of Geological Survey Projects

  21. 外地项目预算审核;

    To examine the budget of out-town projects .

  22. 费用控制-制项目预算变更。

    Cost Control-controlling changes to the project budget .

  23. 在形成项目预算时遇到的第二个问题是如何对待通货膨胀。

    A second problem in forming a project budget is the treatment of inflation .

  24. 这介绍这部分内容时并非泛泛而谈,而是选取最具特色的项目预算管理部分作为研究对象,重点突出。

    Introduction-of this part is not generalities , but focus on the most unique part .

  25. 我们计算下一年的IT项目预算为$500000000。

    We started our calculations with an IT project budget next year of $ 500,000,000 .

  26. 小型科技项目预算与财务管理探讨

    Inquire into The Budget and Finance Management of the Mini-typ e Science & Technology Project

  27. 土地开发整理项目预算质量影响因素浅析

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors in Budget Arrangement Quality of Land Development and Consolidation Projects

  28. 滚转两年项目预算概念

    Rolling two year project budget concept

  29. 土地开发整理项目预算编制

    Budgetary Planning of Land Consolidation Projects

  30. 复阅项目预算的每月调整。

    Review monthly forecasting on projects .