
  1. 本部分以C公司近几年的发展为例,论证了强化项目财务风险控制,规避财务风险,给该公司带来的可喜变化。

    Company C of this part of the development in recent years , for example , demonstrated the enhanced project financial risk control , to avoid financial risk , to bring the company a welcome change .

  2. 第二个层次,交通建设项目财务风险评价。

    The second step , appraise the financial risk of transportation project .

  3. 基于模拟技术的大型水电项目财务风险分析

    Simulation-based financial risk analysis for large-scale hydropower projects

  4. 从项目财务风险分析结果可以看出,本项目具有一定的抗风险能力。

    As can be seen from the project financial risk analysis results , this project has a certain ability to resist risks .

  5. 本文提出了基于概率论与模拟技术的工程项目财务风险分析方法,并在某大型水电站工程中进行了应用研究。

    In this paper , a financial risk analysis method based on probability theory and the Monte Carlo simulation technique is put forward and applied to the analysis of a hydropower project .

  6. 科研项目的财务风险控制问题

    Financial Hazard Control of Scientific Research Item

  7. 同时利用此财务联动模型对项目的财务风险进行识别与评价,由此制定了相应的风险防范措施。

    The paper uses this financial linkage model to discern and evaluate the financial risks of the project and makes corresponding risk precautionary measures .

  8. 在实践方面,进行了电力建设项目财务评价风险分析系统的设计与开发。

    Finally on the side of practice , the design and exploitation about risk analysis system of financial appraisal in the modern power construction project are made in the paper .

  9. 电力建设项目财务评价的风险分析研究及系统开发

    Research and System Exploitation about Risk Analysis of Financial Appraisal in Power Construction Project

  10. 投资项目决策中的财务风险分析&以污水处理BOT项目为例

    Analysis of financial risk for investment decision & Illustrated with sewage BOT project

  11. 施工企业如何规避由工程项目业主带来的财务风险

    How to Avoid the Financial Risks Brought by Engineering Program Owners for the Construction Enterprises

  12. 指出影响项目财务可持续发展的风险因素主要来自运营收入风险、投资增加风险、运营成本增加风险、工期延长风险等方面。

    It is found that influential factors of project finance sustainable development are mainly from operation revenue risk , investment adding risk , operation cost increasing risk , period delay risk .

  13. 为了更好的完善项目,保证项目的长期可持续发展,对项目进行财务风险控制研究是十分必要的。

    Improve the project in order to better ensure the long-term sustainable development projects , the financial risk control of project is essential .

  14. 项目财务评价是对项目经济效益的预估计,受各种风险因素的影响,必须进行项目财务风险分析。

    Financial project appraisal refers to the prior estimation of economic benefits of the financial project against various risk factors .

  15. 同时对C公司所属的D项目在施工过程中存在的风险进行了详细阐述,提出了D项目解决财务风险所采取的措施。第六部分:研究结论、建议与未来展望。

    At the same time D projects belongs to Company C in the construction process , the risks described in detail , D projects proposed to solve the financial risks taken . Part ⅵ: Research findings , recommendations and future prospects .

  16. 随着项目管理理论的不断发展,其内容也不断的得到细化及完善,经过多年来的发展,项目管理细分出许多的分支,如项目财务管理、风险管理、计划进度管理、时间管理等等。

    With the continuous development of the project management theory , its content can be refined and perfected , After years of development , project management subdivided into many branches , such as project financial management , risk management , schedule management , time management , and so on .