
  • 网络Project Cost Budgeting
  1. 第五章系统地研究了工程项目成本预算的理论基础和实际方法。

    In Chapter 5 , the cost budgeting method is studied in detail .

  2. 最后,论文在前面分析的基础上,提出了中江廉租房项目成本预算与控制完善的成本管理方案,以及实施项目成本管理工程的政策建议。

    At last , based on the above analysis , this paper put forward the cost management plan of Zhongjiang low rent housing project which can improve the cost budget and control , as well as the implementation suggestions of project cost management .

  3. 然后针对第一点,结合公司具体情况,从项目成本预算的编制和实施等方面加以研究,以期给成本控制执行提供预算指导和执行标准方面的建议。

    For the first reason , combined with the specific circumstances of the company , the thesis has done research in the fields of preparation and implementation of project cost budget so as to provide recommendations on the budget guide and executive standards of the cost control implementation .

  4. 其次,论文对GZ建筑公司中江廉租房项目的成本预算进行了深入透彻的分析,剖析了GZ建筑公司在该项目成本预算方面存在的不足之处。

    Then , this paper analyzed the cost budgeting process of Zhongjiang low rent housing project of GZ Construction Company and the deficiencies of cost budgeting .

  5. 通过本文分析,以期对炼化企业基建项目的成本预算和费用控制提供一定的帮助,对大型炼化企业项目改造,也有一定的参考价值。

    Through this analysis , with a view to the enterprise capital construction project cost budget and cost control to provide certain help , for large petrochemical enterprise transformation project , also has the certain reference value .

  6. 庞大的国有企业中信与帕尔默围绕中澳铁矿(SinoIron)陷入了一场越来越激烈的纠纷,这个命运多舛的合资项目开发成本超出预算五倍,到头来却迎来铁矿石价格暴跌的窘境。

    The sprawling state-owned enterprise and Mr Palmer are embroiled in an increasingly acrimonious dispute over Sino Iron , the ill-fated venture that was already five times over budget before iron ore prices collapsed .

  7. 项目相关成本的预算控制及确认。

    Project related cost verification and budget controlling .

  8. 浅析项目成本估计与预算

    Analyses of item cost estimate and budget

  9. 成本管理流于形式,项目成本常常超出预算。

    Cost management becomes a mere formality , and the project ' cost often exceeds the budget .

  10. 它包括三方面的活动:项目成本估算、项目预算编制和项目成本控制。

    It includes three activities : project cost estimates , project budgeting and project cost control .

  11. 项目成本管理就是在整个项目的实施过程中,为确保项目在批准的成本预算内尽可能好的达成项目目标,对各过程所需的花费进行计划、管理和控制。

    Project cost management is to plan , manage and control the expense required by all different processes to ensure the project goal with the approved budget .

  12. 本文针对协同项目管理的特点,建立了协同项目成本计划与控制模型,并阐明了其项目成本预算与分配的核心方法,为协同项目成本管理系统的实现提供依据。

    In this paper , a new cost planning and controlling model for collaborative project is proposed , and its cost budgeting and allocating methods are developed .

  13. 进行月度财务收支报告能够实时监控项目的成本管理工作进展,检查在本月内项目的实际成本支出与项目建设期的成本预算是否一致。

    Monthly financial revenues and expenditures report can monitor the cost management work in progress , and check whether the project construction spending and the cost budget is consistent .