
The Anti-Poverty , Health in China project is a national one like the Hope Project .
Every agency needs a minimum degree of legislative support if it is to maintain its programs and obtain funding for them .
The administration is throwing its full weight behind the UN plan .
WIA-PA ( Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation-Process Automation ) technology is one of the industrial wireless network technologies with independent intellectual property .
Underlining their continued support for the regime , they vetoed a western-backed UN Security Council resolution yesterday that would have imposed sanctions on the government and forced it to pull troops out of populated areas .
A new United Nations resolution sought by Russia and aimed at ending the violence in Syria would be pointless if it had ' no teeth , ' as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would ignore it , she said .
He claims it 's done based on a UNESCO study .
PQP is a United Nations programme managed by WHO .
The UN study also says that women and men should be treated equally .
The United States supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to halve global poverty by 2015 .
The United Nation 's convention is expected to be signed by more than one hundred nations .
A United Nations study says a thick cloud of pollution covering southern Asia threatens the lives of millions of people .
The United States has a UN resolution that overwhelmingly condemned the American economic embargo of Cuba for the 29th year .
UN commission on climate change predicts the Himalayan Mountains will lose eighty percent of their glaciers in thirty years to come .
Economic responsibility auditing is a unique auditing work in China , and it 's closely related to our socialist market economic system .
Meanwhile Brazil 's now working with other countries to draft UN general assembly resolution guarantee people 's privacy , and electronic communications .
Iran 's president says his country is resolved to produce its own highly enriched uranium if the West is unwilling to accept Iran 's counter-proposal to a U.N.deal worked out last November .
Roughly a month after passing a law requiring adults to regularly visit their elderly parents , Chinese policy makers are considering legislation to encourage another activity the country 's people have neglected : reading .
But the White House countered that the vague announcement provided no guarantee that Iran would stop enriching uranium , a process that breaks five United Nations resolutions and could be used to make nuclear weapons .
Such trust on behalf of the Allied Powers remains in effect today .
The employment of graduates is related to our long-term stability policy and sustainable strategic development .
The procuratorial supervision system is legal system that procuratorial institution special executives national legal supervision power .
Household registration system is one of the most important systems that involved in many aspects of our citizens .
In the interest of better coordination , WHO is participating fully in the eight " one UN " pilot projects .
The international engineering contract is a systematic engineering , and the high risks are already approved by people in this industry .
Hundreds of thousands of our servicemen and women provide the region with security – a task that our military has shouldered for generations .
Since 1950s ', Chinese key universities policy has become a vitally contributive policy which influences the structure and development outset of our higher education .
He is expected to arrive Wednesday to meet with the country 's leaders , before returning to Thailand to attend an international donor 's meeting on Saturday .
The proposals would have held President Assad responsible for his failure to honor Mr. Annan 's peace plan . They would have also threatened the president with sanctions .
Dust and SO2 emitted by coal-combustion industrial boilers are among main factors responsible for atmospheric pollution . The wet process sweetening dedusting technique is one of practical techniques suitable for Chinese circumstances .