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yǒng dào
  • corridor;paved path leading to a main hall or a tomb;paved path leading to the main hall
甬道 [yǒng dào]
  • (1) [paved path leading to the main hall ]∶院落或墓地中用砖石砌成的路,也叫甬路

  • (2) [corridor]∶高楼之间带有顶棚的通道;走廊;两边有墙的通道

甬道[yǒng dào]
  1. 选用国产PEEK树脂,系统研究了熔纺温度、热甬道温度及初始拉伸比对初生丝取向和拉伸性能的影响。

    As-spun PEEK fibers were prepared by domestic PEEK resins . The effects of melt-spinning temperature , spinning channel temperature and spinning-stretch ratio on the orientation and drawability of as-spun fibers were investigated .

  2. 甬道墙壁上依稀可见唐代色彩艳丽、图案精美的壁画痕迹。

    The dimly and colourful fresco in the corridor wall of tomb .

  3. 他领着路,走过暗黑的、堆着一行一行盒子的甬道。

    He led the way through dark , box-lined aisles .

  4. 超吸水纤维工业化试验装置中纺丝甬道的改造

    Upgrade of Spinning Channel of Superabsorbent Fiber Pilot Plant

  5. 墓室一般由斜坡墓道、甬道和墓室组成。

    The coffin chamber commonly consists of slope aisle , corridor and vault .

  6. 当游客们徜徉于91米长的玻璃甬道时,

    Visitors walk through a 91 meter glass tube .

  7. 它总是在泥坯甬道里走来走去。

    He haunted the clay aisles .

  8. 直到目前,史密斯和他的伙伴们一直都是通过狭长的甬道进洞的。

    Till then , Harding and his companions had only entered the cavern by the long passage .

  9. 生活是一条甬道,荒地的丁香通过它,一直开到了我的脚边。

    Live is a path , the cloves from wasteland is open to my feet along the path .

  10. 他在甬道中拿出自己的名片写了几个字,交给一个侍役。

    In the corridor he scribbled a few words on his card and gave it to a page .

  11. 小花园里的甬道上就有那样宽的一个水洼,他分明是一步迈过去的,

    That was the breadth of a puddle on the garden walk which he had evidently walked across .

  12. 它属于带短甬道的双室墓,但前室矮小,构筑的用材均是加工整齐的石灰岩石条。

    It is a double - chambered tomb with a short paved path and a low small front chamber .

  13. 请看照片,上面的那束红色激光线就充分表现了甬道的精度。

    Please look at the picture , the laser light in the upper part has abundantly embodied the accuracy of the corridors .

  14. 与有窟门、甬道、主室的敦煌石窟形制比较,大足石窟的建筑形制更像剖开的敦煌石窟。

    Compared with the Dunhuang Caves with cave-doors , corridors and main halls , the Dazu Caves is more like the dissected Dunhuang Caves .

  15. 他先切断秦军运粮的甬道,分割王、章两军的联系。

    At first , he shut off the supply lines of Qin forces , and cut off the connection between Wang Li and Zhang Han .

  16. 壁画分布在六和塔三、五、七、九和十一层甬道的壁龛里。

    The murals are scattered in shrines on the wall of the staircase at the third , fifth , seventh , ninth and eleventh floors .

  17. 沿着碎石的车道两边,茂密的柏树枝叶交错,形成天然的拱顶,使那长长的林荫路变成了一条阴暗的甬道。

    The dark cedars on either side of the graveled drive met in an arch overhead , turning the long avenue into a dim tunnel .

  18. 以干法纺丝制备连续莫来石纤维,研究残留溶剂质量分数在纺程上的变化以及甬道温度、纤维直径对其影响。

    The weight percentage change of solvent remains on dry spinning line of continuous mullite fiber and the effect of tube temperature and fiber diameter were studied .

  19. 该墓由墓道、甬道、前室及后室组成,由于曾被盗,仅在墓上封土中清理出一件陶虎子,以及墓中残存的三块画像石。

    The tomb , consisting of a passage , a front chamber and a rear chamber , was left with only one urine pot and three relieves after being looted .

  20. 牌坊前由一对铁狮子镇守,山门内有一条百米长的青石甬道,两侧是威武雄壮的“帅神”相封守护。

    Paul ago by a pair of iron lions guarding the mountain inside a100 meters long Qingshi connected , the two sides is magnificent ," Shuai God " relative guardian .

  21. 纺丝原液浓度的增大、纺丝甬道温度的升高和纺程的增加有利于残留溶剂含量的降低,而纤维直径的增大则会提高残留溶剂含量。

    The residual amounts of solvent decreased along with the increase of the concentration of solution , corridor temperature and take-up length , which would increase with the increase of fibers diameter .

  22. 大家都同意彼得的话,于是顺着甬道径直朝宝库的另一端走去。不出所料,那些东西依然挂在墙上。

    They all agreed with Peter and walked up the path to the wall at the far end of the treasure chamber , and there , sure enough , the gifts were still hanging .

  23. 有热甬道条件下,甬道温度越高,取向程度越低,当温度高于260℃时,所得初生丝基本无取向。

    When the spinning heating channel was used , the macromolecular orientation of as-spun fibers decreased with increasing of zone temperature of spinning channel , and largely disappeared as the temperature higher than 260 ℃ .

  24. 较佳的纺丝条件为纺丝原液中聚碳硅烷的质量分数为65%~68%,纺程0.3~1.5m,纺丝甬道温度为室温。

    The preferred spinning conditions was that mass fraction of PCS in spinning line was 65 % ~ 68 % , spinning process was 0.3 ~ 1.5 , and the spinning archway temperature was room temperature .

  25. 他这句话的回声还在甬道里回荡未绝,一个英俊、和蔼、赤膊的年轻人便出现了,他头顶着一只银盘走过来,并不用手去抹,银盘里盛着一只鸡。

    His voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half-naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands .

  26. 笔者提出生活化作文的教学策略有二:其一创设平台,让生活与作文接轨;其二更新观念,打通作文与生活的甬道。

    It is argued that , the teaching strategy of life oriented writing is twofold : First , create a platform to integrate life and writing ; second , update teaching methods , string life and writing together .

  27. 此墓曾遭盗窃,在相关部门展开近两年的工作后,于2002年挖掘完毕,清理出彩绘壁画326平方米,分布于墓道、甬道、墓室三个主要部分以及过洞和天井处。

    The tomb had been stolen , after two years work of mining , in 2002 , cleared out 326 square meters ' painted murals , they distribute in the ramp , corridor , the tomb room , the through holes and patio .

  28. 这些壁画墓主要分布在洛阳、郑州以及北部的安阳和焦作等地域。墓室多为砖室,一般有墓道、墓门、甬道和墓室组成。

    Henan Song Dynasty tomb murals are mainly located in Luoyang , Zhengzhou and northern part of Anyang and Jiaozuo , and more to the brick tomb , usually a ramp , the entrance of the tomb , connected , and the tomb constitutes .