
  • 网络Audio;audio format;WAV;WMA
  1. 这是因为不止一种方法可以有效地创建同一种音频格式的WAVE标题。

    This is because there are several different ways to create a valid wave header describing the same audio format .

  2. 有已没有这类的DVD开膛手软件的支持,以便全面的视频和音频格式。

    There has been never such DVD ripper software supporting so comprehensive video and audio formats .

  3. DV创作中的一些视音频格式转换问题

    Some Problems of Video and Audio Frequency Format Conversion in the DV Production

  4. WMA和WAV就是其中的两种音频格式。

    WMA and WAV are two kinds of audio form .

  5. MP3是应用最广泛的一种音频格式,MP3解码芯片已发展成熟,却很少有实时编码器产品。

    MP3 is the most popular audio format nowadays , although MP3 decoder has been widely used , there are few successful real-time encoder available .

  6. 您也可以听音乐,因为它有一个音乐播放器,支持MP3,AAC和WMA的音频格式。

    You can also listen to music as it 's got a music player that supports MP3 , AAC and WMA audio formats .

  7. 音频格式MP3(第三层)是现在非常流行的一种数字音频压缩技术,适应于微小的移动设备,如MP3播放器和手机等。

    Now the formation of MP3 ( the third layer ) audio is a very popular digital audio compression technique , adapting to the small mobile equipments , such as MP3 player and mobile phone .

  8. 新一代数字音频格式DVD-Audio

    New Generation of Digital Audio Format DVD - Audio

  9. 以撕裂你的光碟中最流行的音频格式。

    Built-in CD ripper can rip your CDs in most popular audio formats .

  10. DVD-音频格式的争论

    DVD Audio Format Dispute

  11. 我会叫他们的最佳选择,以高清晰度视频和音频格式的多媒体平台。

    I would call them the best choice for a multimedia platform for high definition video and audio formats .

  12. 口述让您节省大量的记忆体空间,使你在录音的MP3-最流行的音频格式。

    Dictaphone allows you to save lots of memory space by keeping you recordings in MP3-the most popular audio format .

  13. 随着心理声学研究的进步,相关技术也不断完备,新的音频格式和产品层出不穷,它们承载着更丰富的信息量。

    As psychoacoustic research has evolved , so has the technology that we use to listen . New audio formats and products , with richer information , are arriving .

  14. 实验证明,该算法具有健壮性、透明性,可以进行添加噪声、重采样、低通滤波、重新量化、音频格式转换等常见信号的处理与承受各方的攻击。

    The result demonstrates that the algorithm is robust , transparent and blind against common signal processing manipulations and attacks , such as re-sample , remodulation , noise , low-pass filter and conversion etc.

  15. 火狐3.5的另一处重要改变是支持最新网络技术标准,包括下一代图形及开放视频和音频格式,可以不需要插件或下载专门软件,就让新式网页呈现丰富的媒体内容。

    Another important change built into Firefox 3.5 is support for the latest web technology standards , including next-generation graphics and open video and audio formats that allow modern web pages to display rich media without requiring a plug-in or a proprietary software download .

  16. 那么,这时对各种编解码算法的研究使之统一兼用和各种音频格式相互可以转换,就不但可以使多媒体技术继续良好的发展也可以使用户方便使用各种音视频格式。

    So , when a variety of encoding and decoding algorithm to use either the unity between various audio formats and can be converted to not only to continue the good development of multimedia technology also allows users to easily use a variety of audio and video formats .

  17. 早期的部分手机也具备音乐播放功能,但受限于芯片解码技术与存储容量的成本,这些手机仅仅只能支持少数几种音频格式,而且往往存储容量有限,只能存储少量歌曲,所以实用性不强。

    But confined to the cost of codec decode technology and memory capacity , these phones can only support a few audio formats . Furthermore , due to their limited memory capacity , they can only store few songs . So it is very hard to use them .

  18. 你所有音频文件格式必须符合在iPhone上播放的要求。

    This is the audio type all of your sound files must be in to be played by the iPhone .

  19. 你也可以下载音频MP3格式或下载它作为一个播客。

    You can also download the audio in MP3 format or download it as a podcast .

  20. 雷达视频数据利用索引单元提取到所需时间段的文件,VHF音频数据格式可实现文件的截取与拼接。

    Radar video data uses the index unit to extract the required time period file ; the VHF audio data can achieve file interception and stitching according to its format .

  21. 介绍了基本的旋律轮廓表达方式,并通过对常用音频文件格式的比较,总结了从MIDI格式文件中提取音乐旋律的优点及主旋律通道的判断方法。

    This paper introduces the basic melodic contour representation methods . After comparing several commonly used audio file formats , we summarize the advantages of using MIDI format file as the source to extract melody . Methods to identify the MIDI channel with main melody information are also introduced .

  22. 哪一些音频档案格式可以输入?

    What Kinds of Audio File Formats Can Be Imported ?

  23. 浅谈数字音频文件格式及其转换应用

    On the Digital Audio File Formats and Conversion Applications

  24. 电脑英语(11)音频文件格式

    Computer English ( 11 ) & Audio File Formats

  25. 数字音频文件格式探析

    A Tentative Analysis of Digital Audio Formats

  26. 音频压缩格式和网路技术的成熟应用打破了传统音乐行业以唱片公司为核心的格局。

    The advent of compress audio file format and networking technology has changes the landscape of music industry .

  27. 这个标志,说明是否声音是允许调整音频输出格式。

    Gets and sets the flag that specifies whether the voice is allowed to adjust its audio output format automatically .

  28. 采用解码芯片带来的严重缺点是灵活性低,系统无法升级,难以适应新的音频压缩格式;因此,不是一种较好的解决方案。

    Using the decode chip , there are some serious disadvantages , such as flexibility is low , the system can not be upgraded , it is difficult to adapt to the new audio compression format .

  29. 根据语音系统的主要技术指标要求,研究分析了音频信号格式与压缩技术,确定了音频信号的处理方式。

    And according to the technical requirements for the voice systems , the instructions of the audio signal formats and compression techniques has been further explained , and the approach of audio signal has been set .

  30. MP3是当前最流行的音频压缩文件格式。

    MP3 is the most popular digital audio format .