
  • 网络music activity;musical activities
  1. 对幼儿来说,音乐活动是一种自我表现的方式和途径。

    To infants , music activity is a kind of fashion and approach that show self .

  2. 内容:本文主要研究如何利用渗透性的音乐活动对学前儿童的全面发展起到潜在的影响作用。

    Content : This text mainly studies how to make use of the osmotic music activity to have latent influence function to the overall development which preschool child .

  3. 说唱组合被禁止参加大型的音乐活动,因为他们使人联想到肆意破坏公共财产的行为。

    Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism .

  4. 我国高校音乐活动课程初探

    A Tentative Groping for the Musical Activity Curriculum in Chinese Universities

  5. 泛论齐国五大音乐活动中心

    A Brief Discussion of the Five Music Centers in Qi State

  6. 六朝宫廷音乐活动类型考

    On the Categories of the Palace Music Activities in the Six Dynasties

  7. 幼儿园音乐活动设计课程建设的探索

    Approach to Curricular Construction by Designing Music Activities in Kindergartens

  8. 牛津大学的音乐活动同样很丰富。

    Oxford has a rich musical life , too .

  9. 全国正处于对所有音乐活动都极感兴趣的热潮之中。

    The country was in the throes of a passion for all things musical .

  10. 幼儿教师对如何开展主题性音乐活动存在困惑。

    Kindergarten teachers are confused how to teach the theme music activities . 4 .

  11. 1949年后郭乃安先生的音乐活动

    Music activities of Guo Nai-an from 1949

  12. 人的一切音乐活动都是在心理的调节和支配下进行的。

    All the music activities are taken at the adjusting and controlling of human psychology .

  13. 音乐活动中的内心听觉

    Inner - hearing of Music Making

  14. 我要你们停止唱歌,因为这个小客店没获准搞音乐活动。坐小客车去饭店要多久?

    I must ask you to stop singing as the inn is not licensed for music .

  15. 从有音乐活动以来,就有音乐美学思想出现,哪怕一开始是极为简单而模糊的。

    Music aesthetics always comes with Music activities , though it was extremely simple and unclear .

  16. 第三部分简要分析了少年宫音乐活动中大力倡导创新教育的必然性、必要性;

    Section three analyzes how necessary advocating creative education in music teaching in Children 's Palace is .

  17. 另外,他们还住在一起,做分组对抗的体育运动、参加艺术和音乐活动等。

    They also live together , play team sports and take part in art and music activities .

  18. 可以举办一些现场的音乐活动或者是私人的娱乐和结识新朋友的一些派对。

    There should be some occasional live music and parties for personal amusement and meeting new people .

  19. 打那以后,维也纳爱乐与柏林爱乐成为了富特文格勒音乐活动的两大台柱。

    From this point forward , Vienna and Berlin would become the poles of Furtwangler 's orchestral world .

  20. 为了保护她的儿子远离崎岖坎坷,她热心从事艺术、文学和音乐活动。

    To protect her son from the rough and rugged , she encouraged art , literature and music .

  21. 第四部分重点探讨了在少年宫音乐活动中创新教育的如何实施。

    And the last part discusses how to carry out creative education in music teaching in Children 's Palace .

  22. 许多院校除了积极开展音乐活动以外,还开设了公共音乐选修课程。

    In addition to a number of institutions active in music activities , music also offers elective courses in public .

  23. 合唱作为学校音乐活动的重要组成部份,是实施美育的重要途径。

    As an important component of school musical activity , chorus is a key approach to carry out aesthetic education .

  24. 在音乐活动中,节奏感更多的表现为对于规律的声音运动所具有的心理期待感。

    In musical activities , a sense of rhythm performance for the laws of sound movement the psychological sense of expectancy .

  25. 元杂剧中文人与倡优爱情婚姻观所蕴含的社会内容古代婚姻、宴饮与音乐活动中的礼

    The Social Content Embodied in the Attitude towards Love and Wedlock between the Intellectual and the Actress in Yuan-dynasty Zaju Plays

  26. 唐代的社会生活中,宴乐是一种占主流地位的音乐活动方式。

    In the social life of the Tang Dynasty , banquet music performances occupied a mainstream position in all music performances .

  27. 音乐活动结束后,因为长期的心理压抑,造成每晚睡前的忧郁与躁动。

    Third , after the music activities , because of long-term psychological depression , it caused blueness and restlessness before nightly bedtime .

  28. 声乐艺术作为人类历史上最早的音乐活动形式,发展至今已有数百年之悠久。

    Vocal Arts as the earliest form of musical events in the history of mankind , thedevelopment has been established for centuries .

  29. 1985年的今天,“现场援助”慈善音乐会在英国的伦敦和美国的费城举行,在悉尼和莫斯科等城市也展开了此慈善音乐活动。

    1985-The Live Aid benefit concert takes place in London and Philadelphia , as well as other venues such as Sydney and Moscow .

  30. 奥运狂欢之外的音乐活动的前景并不乐观,因为它面临着争夺观众与资金的巨大挑战。

    Prospects for arts events beyond the Olympic revelry are less bright , as they face greater competition for punters and their cash .