
  • 网络Audio;Audio signal;audiosignal
  1. 基于DSP的音频信号采集和处理设计

    Design of Audio Signal Sample and Processing Based on DSP

  2. 基于BP网络和多抽样率处理的缺失音频信号恢复方法

    Missing audio signal recovery approach based on BP neural network and multirate processing

  3. 在此介绍一种基于DSP芯片的音频信号处理系统中回声效果的实现。

    Echo effects is implemented in an audio processing system based on DSP .

  4. 音频信号在FPGA中实现的信号处理设计与仿真验证。

    Audio signals implementation signal processing design and simulation in the FPGA .

  5. 音频信号采集与处理系统的FPGA实现

    Implementation of audio signal acquiring and processing with FPGA

  6. 音频信号采集与AGC算法的DSP实现

    The Implementation of Audio Signal Acquisition and AGC Algorithm With DSP

  7. 基于Windows的音频信号处理方法

    Acoustic processing method on Windows

  8. 同时在此系统上,通过对DSP的软件编程,可以实现多种音频信号的处理,具有很大的灵活性。

    Also we can decode other audio format by changing the DSP software on this system .

  9. 本系统设计基于IP层进行多路专业不压缩的数字音频信号实时传输。

    The system is designed for real-time transmission of uncompressed multi-channel professional digital audio signal based on the IP layer .

  10. 在微机中应用FFT测量音频信号失真

    Audio Distortion Measuring Implemented by Microcomputer Using FFT

  11. 我们选择了Mpeg4标准来对视音频信号进行压缩,压缩后的Mpeg4码流通过PCI桥芯片传给控制软件。

    In the system we choose the MPEG-4 standard to compress the video and audio .

  12. 借助该应用,IP电话可以在非工作时间被开启,用来监控办公室中所有的音频信号。

    With this application , Internet Protocol phones can be turned on during nonworking hours to monitor any audio signals in the offices .

  13. 在CPLD中实现音频信号分频的计算方法,给出了设计原理图;

    Audio signal frequency is implemented in CPLD , give the schematic of the designing .

  14. 而本设计采用DSP作为音频信号处理的主处理芯片,可以应用于对体积、功耗和实时性要求较高的场合。

    The design is development of DSP-based audio signal processing system , which applyed to the requirements of high volume and real-time occasions .

  15. 基于EMD的音频信号检索

    Audio Retrieval Based on the Earth Mover 's Distance

  16. 本文算法对原始的音频信号进行短时傅立叶变换,从而估计出信号的加权瞬时平均频率(IMF)。

    The short-time Fourier transform of the original audio signal is used to estimate a weighted IMF of the signal .

  17. 运用VISUALBASIC编写了客户软件,实现音频信号频谱分析数据的以太网传输和PC端频谱分析数据的图形显示。

    With Visual Basic , it has been realized that the the transfer of spectral analysis data on the Ethernet and the data can be displayed as an image by the client software .

  18. 基于以太网的VDR音频信号远程采集系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Audio Signal Long-range Acquisition System of VDR Based on Ethernet

  19. 整个电路设计中包括有MCU最小系统设计,人机接口设计,系统电源设计,音频信号处理电路设计,频率合成电路设计及附加的指南针功能电路设计等。

    There are minimum MCU system , MMI blocks , system power supply block , audio processing block , frequency synthesized block and electronic compass .

  20. 苹果公司销售两种可以从运行iTunes的电脑接收音频信号的产品。

    Apple sells a couple of products that receive audio signals from a PC running iTunes .

  21. 现有的D类放大器一般采用PWM控制技术,放大器输出的音频信号等于经过调制的PWM信号通过扬声器后的信号,因此,PWM调制器的性能将直接影响到D类放大器的保真度。

    The sound signal output from amplifier equals to the modulated PWM signal . Thus , the function of PWM modulator can directly affects the fidelity of Class-D amplifier .

  22. HDMI芯片中的音频信号处理及实现

    The Audio Signal Processing and Implement of HDMI Chip

  23. 实验表明本算法对通常的音频信号处理,如MP3音频压缩、低通滤波等具有较好的稳健性。

    The experimental results show the algorithm is robust against common audio signal processing such as MP3 audio compression , low-pass filtering , etc.

  24. 本文提出了一种基于FPGA和NIOSii软核处理器的嵌入式音频信号识别系统的设计方案,系统以cycloneFPGA芯片为核心,采用软硬件结合的设计方式。

    In addition , we propose an embedded audio recognition system based on FPGA and Nios II . This scheme uses Cyclone FPGA chip and combines software and hardware design .

  25. 为此,我们设计了系统硬件平台,音频信号从话筒输入后经AD转换送至DSP,DSP既可以完成编码,也可以完成解码工作,解码以后的信号经DA还原为模拟信号后通过听筒输出。

    We built up a hardware system : the analog speech is inputted by AD and sent to DSP , which code and decode it and then revert to analog speech by DA .

  26. 本系统利用了基于COM组件的DirectShow技术实现了视频和音频信号的实时采集、压缩和回放,达到了较好的传输和播放效果。

    In the system the capturing , compressing and playing video and audio information are done by DirectShow technology which is based on COM groupware .

  27. 提出了一种在数字音频信号中嵌入水印的新算法,算法首先对数字音频信号作多尺度离散小波变换(DWT),然后在离散小波变换域内通过改变一些中频系数的方法嵌入水印。

    A new algorithm for embedding digital watermarking into audio signals based on the discrete wavelet transform ( DWT ) is discussed in this paper .

  28. 激励器(exciter)是调频广播发射机的核心部件,它用来将音频信号对调频载波进行调制。

    Exciter is the core component of FM broadcast transmitter . It is used to make the audio signal modulate the carrier radio .

  29. 音频信号包括语音和非语音(Non-speech)两类信号。

    The audio frequency signal includes two types of signals , speech and non-speech .

  30. 讨论了基于水声资料库、DirectSound技术、实时3D效果控制,实现音频信号的合成和回放的方法。

    By creating the underwater acoustical signal database and using DirectSound technology , the real-time audio signal is synthesized , and real-time three-dimensional sound effect is implemented .