
  • Korean;South Korean
  1. 看看以下因素吧:总部位于纽约的时尚摇篮GenArt为自己近期的新人时装发布会GenArtFreshFaces选择了八位设计师,其中四位是韩国人或韩裔美国人。

    Consider the following : four out of eight designers chosen by Gen Art , a New York-based fashion incubator , to show their designs in the recent Gen Art Fresh Faces catwalk show were Korean or Korean American .

  2. Eve位于首尔西部某区,办公室的墙上挂着一面白板,上面列出了未来数日安排好的十几场约会,女方都是朝鲜人,而男方都是韩国人。

    On the wall of their office in a western district of Seoul is a whiteboard listing a dozen meetings arranged for the next few days between women born in North Korea and South Korean men .

  3. 很多韩国人认为这是在逃避责任,对此非常愤慨。

    Many Koreans were angered at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility

  4. 这份报告于三月底发布后,在韩国引起了不小的震动,强化了大众的刻板印象,即“袋鼠族”是由那些人生不成功的韩国人组成的。

    The report , which was released at the end of March , caused a stir in the country , fueling the popular stereotype that the kangaroo tribe is made up of South Koreans who have failed to achieve success in life .

  5. p&presearchgroup进行的民意调查显示,三分之二的韩国人对政府处理经济问题的方式感到不满。

    Two-thirds of South Koreans are not happy with the way the government has handled economic problems , according to a poll by P & P research group .

  6. 然而,如今韩国人和资金雄厚的中国人也加入了进来,特别是中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)和中国进出口银行(exportimportbankofchina)。

    But now they have been joined by the Koreans and by the vastly deeper pockets of the Chinese , particularly China Development Bank and Export Import Bank of China .

  7. Note7的耻辱让很多韩国人担心,三星以及整个韩国正在那场竞赛中遭遇重挫。

    The Note 7 humiliation left many South Koreans wondering whether Samsung - and South Korea in general - is stumbling in that race .

  8. 总部位于香港的政治经济风险顾问公司(politicalandeconomicriskconsultancy)在2003年的一份报告称,在东亚12个国家中,韩国人英语交流技能最差。

    South Korea ranked lowest among 12 countries in East Asia for communication in English in a 2003 report by the Hong Kong-based Political and economic risk consultancy .

  9. 此后,韩国人便使用海外YouTube网站。

    South Koreans since then have used YouTube sites based in other countries .

  10. 韩国梨花女子大学的社会学助理教授哈里斯•H•金说:韩国社会是一个人与人之间联系十分紧密的社会,因此韩国人很注重别人对自己的看法。

    Korean society is very tightly knit , and people here are very concerned about how others view them , said Harris H. Kim , a sociology assistant professor at Ewha Womans University .

  11. 过去半个世纪的快速工业化,把韩国这个饱受战争摧残的国家转变为世界第七贸易大国(据2014年的世贸组织(WTO)数据),在此过程中,韩国人形成了强大的工作伦理。

    South Koreans forged strong work ethics during the country 's rapid industrialisation over the past half a century to transform the war-torn country into the world 's seventh largest trading nation by volume , according to WTO data for 2014 .

  12. 到了周二,因为许多韩国人呼吁抵制大韩航空,还给该公司起了坚果航空(AirNuts)的绰号,大韩航空宣布,赵显娥已经辞去机舱服务负责人的职务,不过并未辞去副社长一职。

    By Tuesday , with many South Koreans calling for a boycott of Korean Air , which they nicknamed Air Nuts , the airline announced that Ms. Cho had resigned as the head of in-flight services , though not as a vice president .

  13. 到了周二,因为许多韩国人呼吁抵制大韩航空,还给该公司起了“坚果航空”(AirNuts)的绰号,大韩航空宣布,赵显娥已经辞去机舱服务负责人的职务,不过并未辞去副社长一职。

    By Tuesday , with many South Koreans calling for a boycott of Korean Air , which they nicknamed " Air Nuts , " the airline announced that Ms. Cho had resigned as the head of in-flight services , though not as a vice president .

  14. 根据当地媒体的报道,游客正在纷纷取消赴韩游计划,韩国人为了防范MERS病毒戴上了口罩。

    Media in the region have reported tourists cancelling visits to South Korea and Korean people wearing masks as a precaution against the MERS virus .

  15. 珍,我告诉过你,现在业界的状况是,韩国人倾销大量的DVD放影机到市场上,经济又不景气,我们的市场点有率已经下跌了三个季度。

    Bob : Jane , I told you , with business the way it is , the Koreans dumping units in our market , the down economy , our decreased market share in the last three quarters .

  16. ParkHee-jung是寻求工作与生活平衡的较年轻一代韩国人中的一员,但就连他通常也休不完年假的一半。

    Mr Park is one of the country 's younger generation seeking a work-life balance but even he usually takes up less than half of his allotted annual holidays .

  17. Yoon表示:在技能与技术方面,韩国人有着灿烂的历史。生于韩国的Yoon在伦敦与新泽西长大。

    Koreans have this inherent history in great craftsmanship and technical skills , says Yoon , who was born in Korea and raised in London and New Jersey .

  18. 东京智库“言论NPO”(GenronNPO)的一份调查显示,52.4%的日本人对韩国持负面看法,而对日本持负面看法的韩国人高达72.5%。

    According to the survey for Genron NPO , a Tokyo think-tank , 52.4 per cent of Japanese have a negative impression of Korea while 72.5 per cent of Koreans feel the same about Japan .

  19. 他曾向现代(hyundai)创始人郑周永(chungju-yung)承认,他担心他的子民可能会与美国人和韩国人一道用石头把他砸死。

    He once confessed to Chung ju-yung , the founder of Hyundai , that he feared his own people might join Americans and South Koreans in stoning him to death .

  20. 尽管韩国人可以说是全球最热衷于整容的,国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgeons)的数据显示,韩国人均整容手术数量在全球排第一,但整形医生说,嘴巴周围的区域相对来说尚未开发。

    Though South Koreans are some of the most avid users of plastic surgery in the world - the country has the world 's highest number of cosmetic surgery procedures per capita , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons - the area around the mouth was relatively unexplored , the surgeons say .

  21. 新西兰学校受韩国人欢迎的现象似乎颇为令人惊讶,因为在经合组织(OECD)著名的青少年能力排名&国际学生评估项目(Pisa)中,韩国是得分最高的国家之一。

    The popularity of New Zealand schools among South Koreans seems surprising , since South Korea is one of the highest scoring countries in the prestigious Pisa rankings of teenager ability from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .

  22. 韩国KBS电台的一项调查发现,43%的韩国人认为,美国应对核试验负最大责任,相比之下,有37%的人谴责朝鲜。

    A survey for KBS radio found that 43 per cent of South Koreans think the US is most responsible for nuclear test , compared with the 37 per cent who blame North Korea .

  23. 5月份,34岁的医药研究员ParkHee-jung休了11天假,带女朋友去克罗地亚和波斯尼亚旅游。这是相对较长的休假,对于至今领衔世界工作狂排行榜的许多韩国人是难以想象的。

    Park Hee-jung , a 34-year-old pharmaceutical researcher , took an 11-day holiday in May to travel to Croatia and Bosnia with his girlfriend - a relatively long vacation inconceivable for many South Koreans who remain world champion workaholics .

  24. 其中包括申淑子(ShinSuk-ja),她是一个被朝鲜关押的韩国人,1987年,因为丈夫叛逃欧洲,她和两个女儿一起被关进劳改营。

    One is Shin Suk-ja , a South Korean prisoner of North Korea who was sent into penal labor with her two daughters in 1987 after her husband defected to Europe .

  25. 结论韩国人calpain-10基因SNP分布与白人、美籍墨西哥人及美籍Pima印第安人等种族间存在较大差异,与中国和日本人群较为相近,其112/121单倍型组合频率显著高于美籍墨西哥人。

    Conclusion The distribution of SNPs in calpain-10 gene in Korean is similar to that in Chinese and Japanese , but different from that reported in Caucasian , American Mexicans and American Pima Indians .

  26. 潘基文感谢PSY的到来还说他有些“嫉妒”PSY,因为他,潘基文不再是这个世界上最著名的韩国人了。

    Ban Ki-Moon thanked PSY for coming to the UN with " such a big crowd " of reporters and said he was a " a bit jealous " that he was no longer the most famous Korean in the world

  27. 在剧中扮演情绪化的纽约人萨拉的李芝妍(LeeJi-yeon,音译)说,一开始,表演有点儿难,因为我扮演的人物爱喝酒,而且思想非常开放,她不太像韩国人。

    It was a little difficult to perform , at first , because my character drinks and is very open-minded , and that is not really typical Korean , said Lee Ji-yeon , who plays Sara , a tempestuous New Yorker , in the musical .

  28. 一个日本人,一个韩国人。

    One is from Japan and the other is from Korea .

  29. 韩国人很珍视教育,崇尚勤奋工作。

    South Koreans lay great store by education and hard work .

  30. 实际上,55岁的朴槿惠对韩国人有一种神秘的影响力。

    Indeed , 55-year-old park has a mysterious effect on Koreans .