
  • Singaporean;Singlish;Singaporean person
  1. 嗨!这里有新加坡人吗?或是任何人已在新加坡?

    Hi , any Singaporean here or anyone in Singapore ?

  2. 尽管不富裕,这位主妇仍然是个自豪的新加坡人。

    Although she is not well-to-do , she is still a proud Singaporean .

  3. 所有新加坡人都必须通过他们自己民族的官方语言及英语的考试。

    All Singaporeans have to pass exams in the official language of their ethnic group as well as English .

  4. 然而,新加坡人在经济情况良好时经常度假,而在经济衰退时则减少。

    Having said that , singaporeans usually take vacations more frequently when the economy is doing well , and less so in recession .

  5. 一份新近发布的调查显示,许多新加坡人在工作时间都不是太高兴。

    Many Singaporeans are “ under happy ” at work , or so says a recently released survey .

  6. 根据世界银行(worldbank)的数据,新加坡人均国内生产总值(GDP)超过4.3万美元,新加坡人要比英国人和法国人还富有。

    With a gross domestic product per capita of more than $ 43,000 , according to World Bank data , Singaporeans are better off than people in Britain or France .

  7. 至少可以这样说,许多新加坡人没有一个全面的认识OPC方案。

    To say the least , a lot of Singaporeans do not have a comprehensive understanding of the OPC scheme .

  8. 昨日,新加坡以“爱在新加坡,我们的家”(LovingSingapore,OurHome)为主题,庆祝建国47周年。值此之际,新加坡人对冯天薇得奖的反应,凸显了该国在移民问题上日益严重的意见争执。

    As Singapore yesterday marked 47 years since its founding - under the slogan " Loving Singapore , our home " - the reaction to Ms Feng has highlighted mounting friction over immigration .

  9. 今年,芝加哥emba课程的学员将有50%来自新加坡,尽管他们不一定都是新加坡人。

    This year 50 per cent of students on the Chicago EMBA will be resident in Singapore , though they are not necessarily Singapore nationals .

  10. 而潜伏在幕后的还有新加坡人的出价,他的出价看上去比NESV要好一点。

    Lurking in the background is the new bid from Lim , whose original offer was overlooked in favour of NESV 's.

  11. Jackson在接受路透采访时称,该项目是“城市绿化”的样板,在我们完成自己的可再生能源目标的同时,新加坡人也能获得能源。

    Jackson said in an interview with Reuters that the project was a model in " urban greening " and said it would allow Singaporeans " to get access to energy while we meet our own renewable energy goals . "

  12. 王素凌现年31岁,是一位新加坡人,曾在美国西海岸生活,并曾在仲量联行旅馆顾问公司(joneslanglasallehotels)驻新加坡就职。

    A native of Singapore , Ms Heng , 31 , had already lived on the west coast of the US and had a job based in Singapore with Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels , the hotels consultancy group .

  13. 今年早些时候,现代新加坡的缔造者、现年88岁的李光耀(LeeKuanYew,李显龙之父)向新加坡人敲响警钟,提醒他们:提高生育率是新加坡面临的最大挑战。

    Alarm bells were rung earlier this year by his father , the 88-year-old founder of modern Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , who warned that increasing the birth rate was the country 's biggest challenge .

  14. SKM最近拜托展开的一项调查评释,不到一半的新加坡人对本国同胞的总体和睦水平感到写意。

    A recent survey commissioned by the SKM showed that less than half of Singaporeans were pleased with the overall graciousness of their compatriots .

  15. 解决的方法是,不论种族和信仰,所有的新加坡人都要随身携带一个“八卦”(bagua)。中国的风水学表明,这个八角形的镜子可以驱散煞气。

    The solution was to make all Singaporeans , regardless of their ethnic origin or beliefs , carry a bagua , an octagonal mirror said to deflect negative energy in Chinese geomancy .

  16. 马丁内兹的妈妈是新加坡人,爸是古巴人。

    His mother was from Singapore , his father from Cuba .

  17. 新加坡人一般上都不渴望也不热爱科学和科技。

    Singaporeans do not crave for and love science and technology .

  18. 新加坡人的幸福感源于法律;

    in Singapore , happiness comes from the rule of law ;

  19. 这些新加坡人为何有如此举止?

    What makes these Singaporeans behave the way they do ?

  20. 能否找到一个妙方,使新加坡人的行为优雅起来?

    Can a panacea be found to improve Singaporeans ' social graces ?

  21. 在新加坡,人们发现:小新加坡人也不会讲福建话了。

    Over in singapore , many also do not speak Hokkien anymore .

  22. 所有新加坡人都能够轻易地认出它来。

    All Singaporeans are able to readily identify with it .

  23. 当这首歌广为传播时,有些新加坡人却对此不以为然。

    Some Singaporeans were tut-tutting as the song went viral .

  24. 但是,即使是新加坡人也不能循环利用所有的废水。

    But even the Singaporeans cannot recycle all their waste-water .

  25. 新加坡人普遍存在着怕输心理。

    Generally , Singaporeans are kiasu & they fear to lose out .

  26. 当然,这个项目并非仅仅服务于新加坡人。

    The project is not , of course , only for Singaporeans .

  27. 在饭馆就餐时,新加坡人一般都不留小费。

    At restaurants , Singaporeans tend not to leave tips .

  28. 下星期四,新加坡人将欢庆独立36周年。

    We will be celebrating Singapore 's 36th National Day next Thursday .

  29. 新加坡人能够拥有这种共同的梦想吗?

    Would we be able to share such dreams with fellow singaporeans ?

  30. 其实,这项政策也是以新加坡人的利益为出发点。

    After all , we are doing this for the sake of Singaporeans .