
  • 网络Unification ministry
  1. 韩国统一部表示,金与正(KimYoJong)将作为朝鲜派出的高级别代表团的成员出席平昌(Pyeongchang)冬奥会。

    The South 's unification ministry said Kim Yo Jong would come as part of a high-level delegation to the games in Pyeongchang .

  2. 韩国统一部女发言人李钟株(LeeJong-joo)星期二表示,穿越北韩边境的交通即将恢复到一年多前的水平。

    South Korean Unification Ministry spokeswoman Lee Jong-joo said Tuesday that traffic across the North Korean border is set to resume at levels not seen for more than a year .

  3. 韩国统一部表示,朝鲜负责朝韩关系的祖国和平统一委员会(CommitteeforPeacefulReunification)的委员长李善权(RiSonGwon)也将出席本届冬奥会。

    Also attending will be Ri Son Gwon , chairman of the agency that oversees inter-Korean relations , the ministry said .

  4. 韩国统一部发言人KimHo-nyoun表示,南北韩边境的紧张局面已部分归于正常。他说朝鲜已经允许韩国个人和车辆通过这条将两国分开的军事分界线。

    He says North Korea is allowing the passage of South Korean personnel and automobiles through the Military Demarcation Line separating the two countries .

  5. 韩国统一部部长玄在泽(HyunIn-taek)也怀疑朝鲜夸大困难为的是寻求政治利益。

    The South 's unification minister , Hyun In-taek , also suspects North Korea of exaggerating its troubles for political gain .

  6. 韩国统一部部长玄仁泽是韩国有关北韩政策的重要官员。

    South Korea Unification Minister Hyun In-taek is Seoul 's key official on North Korea policy .

  7. 韩国统一部称,去年的每个月,有大约60艘朝鲜船只进入韩国领海。

    The Unification Ministry said about 60 North Korean vessels used South Korean waters each month last year .

  8. 韩国统一部发言人千海成说,北韩已经准备好讨论开城工业园区。

    South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung says North Korea is ready to talk about the Kaesong Industrial Complex .

  9. 然而,韩国统一部称朝鲜方以“时间紧迫”为由,请求推迟本次会谈。

    However , the DPRK side asked to postpone the meeting due to " time constraints ," the Unification Ministry said .

  10. 韩国统一部长官金夏中说,韩国三个星期前通过红十字会,恢复了卢武铉政府时代对北韩的玉米援助。

    Unification Minister Kim says the South reprised the Roh administration corn offer , three weeks ago , via the Red Cross .

  11. 韩国统一部说,北韩同意在九月中旬与韩国举行新一轮高层会谈。

    South korea 's Unification Ministry says North Korea has agreed to hold another round of high-level talks with Seoul in mid-september .

  12. 韩国统一部的一名调查员说,双方对枪杀事件的说法不一致。

    Hwang Boo-gi , an investigator for the South 's Unification Ministry , says there is a discrepancy in accounts over the killing .

  13. 韩国统一部发言人李钟柱表示,北韩在今年稍早的强硬立场已经有所改变。

    South Korean Unification Ministry spokeswoman Lee Jong-joo says North Korea has stepped back from a strident demand it made earlier this year .

  14. 韩国统一部部长玄仁泽星期一告诉路透社,平壤最近的挑衅符合北韩的行为规律。

    South Korean Unification Minister Hyun In-taek told the Reuters news agency Monday , Pyongyang 's recent provocations appear to fit a pattern .

  15. 韩国统一部表示,朝鲜单方面强制实行这样的措施,从任何名义上说都是不正当的。

    South Korea 's unification ministry says North Korea 's unilateral decision to push ahead with this measure cannot be justified in any way .

  16. 韩国统一部长官玄仁泽称,朝鲜没有提到韩国牺牲的6条人命,他感到非常困扰。

    The South 's Minister Hyun says he finds it particularly disturbing that North Korea has not ed the loss of six South Korean lives .

  17. 一名韩国统一部官员表示,韩国将遵循朝韩协议,并为朝鲜半岛的副科与繁荣做出努力。

    A South Korean unification ministry official said his country will follow the inter-Korean agreement while making efforts for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula .

  18. 韩国统一部副发言人李钟柱说,北韩尚未坚持被拘留的韩国主管将按照北韩国内的法律审判。

    Unification Ministry deputy spokeswoman Lee Jong-joo says North Korea has not yet insisted that Yu will be treated according to North Korea 's domestic laws .

  19. 韩国统一部长官官玄仁泽周三在首尔告诉立法者,政府依然在评估朝鲜为何突然放出致命洪水。

    South Korean Unification Minister Hyun In-taek told lawmakers in Seoul Wednesday that the government is still evaluating why North Korea unleashed a deadly surge of floodwaters .

  20. 韩国统一部发言人金浩年说,首尔不接受北韩的条款,这些条款将会威胁该工业园区基本的运营安全。

    South Korean Unification Ministry Spokesman Kim Ho-nyeon says Seoul will not accept the North 's terms , which threatens the fundamental operating security of the zone .

  21. 韩国统一部周三晚间宣布了这一消息,此前韩朝部长级官员们在经过几天的商谈后,就朝鲜参加冬奥会达成了协议。

    The announcement was made late on Wednesday by Seoul 's unification ministry after ministers from the two Koreas reached a deal on the North 's participation after several days of talks .

  22. 但是韩国统一部说,在最后滞留的7名韩国人能离开开城工业园区之前,需要更多的时间解决未支付的税款和工资。

    But the South 's Unification Ministry says more time is needed to resolve issues such as unpaid taxes and wages before the seven remaining South Koreans can leave the Kaesong industrial complex .

  23. 韩国统一部发言人林炳哲星期三说,尽管平壤和华盛顿关系僵持,首尔将继续努力通过对话和合作建立信任,改善与朝鲜的关系。

    South Korea 's Unification Ministry spokesman Lim Byeong-Cheol said Wednesday that , despite the stand-off between Pyongyang and Washington , Seoul would continue efforts to build trust through dialogue and cooperation and improve ties with the North .

  24. 韩国韩国统一部发言人林丙哲表示:要求我国政府确认朝鲜是否幕后指使索尼影业黑客事件是不合适的。

    Lim Byeong-cheol , South Korean Ministry spokesman said : It is not proper for our government to confirm whether North Korea was behind the Sony Pictures ' hacking incident .

  25. 韩国有个统一部,这就像Macey's百货里有个圣诞老人,可以拿来哄小孩。

    South Korea has a Ministry of Unification in the same way that Macey 's has a Father Christmas . It is something nice to tell the children .

  26. 设在首尔的韩国国家统一研究院的资深分析人士金永云指出,韩国统一部长官金夏中的这番话必定引起北韩的注意。

    A senior analyst at the Korean Institute for National Unification in Seoul , Kim Yong-yun , says Unification Minister Kim 's comments about Kaesong are bound to get Pyongyang 's attention .

  27. .由于朝鲜国土开闸导致致命洪水,韩国对平壤的解释依然不满。首尔对朝政策官员开始公开质疑平壤的动机。韩国统一部长官官玄仁泽周三在首尔告诉立法者,政府依然在评估朝鲜为何突然放出致命洪水。

    South Korean Official Questions North 's Motives After Flood South Korea remains South Korean Unification Minister Hyun In-taek told lawmakers in Seoul Wednesday that the government is still why North Korea unleashed a deadly of floodwaters .