
  • 网络Wechsler intelligence test;Wechsler adult intelligence scale
  1. 方法:对59名学习困难儿童进行韦氏智力测验I、llinois心理语言测试及Berry单项神经心理测试。

    Methods : 59 with children learning disability were tested with WISC , ITPA and Berry 's VMI .

  2. 这份研究评估了著名的韦氏智力测验(Wechslerintelligencetest)的历史得分数据,将它们与数万人更近期的测试结果进行了比较。这些参与者在作者的网站上进行了简短的认知测试,网址分别是testmybrain.org和gameswithwords.org。

    The study evaluated historic scores from the popular Wechsler intelligence test , and compared them with more recent results from tens of thousands of people who took short cognitive tests on the authors " websites , testmybrain.org and gameswithwords.org .

  3. 方法采用队列研究方法,对两组儿童进行韦氏智力测验、精神运动能力测试、感觉统合功能评定、Conners儿童行为问卷调查和一般情况问卷调查研究。

    Methods Intelligence tests , JPB tests , conners questionnaire of child behavior , sensation integration function assessment , and normal condition questionnaire survey were conducted in the two groups .

  4. 成人瑞文标准推理测验与韦氏智力测验比较研究

    The Comparison Between Raven 's Standard Progressive Matrices and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adult

  5. 结论:改变韦氏智力测验中的数字广度的测验方法,把该个别测验作为团体测验使用是可行的。

    CONCLUSION : It is feasible to change the digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test .

  6. 方法采用韦氏智力测验、绘人试验及婴儿&初中生社会生活能力量表三项测试。

    Methods 47 mentally retarded children were tested with wechsler test , draw-a-men test and social adaptation scale for infant to junior middle school ′ s student .

  7. 改变测验方法,把韦氏智力测验中的数字广度个别测验改变成团体纸笔测验。

    AIM : To change digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test . METHODS : The test form of digit span was changed from oral test to paper-pencil test .

  8. 认知功能由韦氏成人智力测验量表-数字广度测验(DST)及简明智力状态检查(MMSE)得分评定。

    All the subjects were tested with the digit span subtest ( DST ) of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Mini - Mental State Examination ( MMSE ) .

  9. 目的:探讨成人瑞文标准推理测验(RSPM)与韦氏成人智力测验(A-WISC)结果之间的差异。

    Objective : To investigate the difference between the Raven 's Standard Progressive Matrices ( RSPM ) and the Chinese Version of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adult ( A-WISC ) .

  10. 韦氏成人智力测验用于神经症认知功能评估韦氏智力量表检测肝硬化患者智力障碍的临床意义

    The clinical significance of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for assessment of mental abnormality in patient with liver cirrhosis

  11. 对30例慢性肾功能不全患者和26例正常人进行韦氏成人智力测验。

    Thirty patients with chronic renal insufficiency ( CRF ) and twenty six normal subjects were tested with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scal ( WALS ) .

  12. 韦氏儿童智力测验第三版(WISC&Ⅲ)是当前世界上应用最广泛的儿童智力测量工具。

    Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children & Third Edition ( WISC - ⅲ) was most famous an individually administered measure of intelligence scale in the world .

  13. 目的测试抽动秽语综合症(TS)患者的智力水平及韦氏儿童智力分测验结构。

    Objective To evaluate the intelligence level and different subscales in TS patients .