
  1. 但从另一个角度看,假如心理测验的使用者对他们所使用的测验缺乏良好的认识,测验作为评估工具的价值就会被严重地质疑。

    On the other hand , if users do not have a good knowledge of the test they have selected , the value of the instrument can be seriously questioned .

  2. 使用职业测验工具的使用者的素质有待提高;

    Improvement of the qualities of those who use professional test instruments ;

  3. 语言测验的开发者和使用者还应该知道,和物理测量相比,语言测验是不太精确的。

    The developer and user of language test would realize that language test is less precise contrast to physical measurement .