
miàn mào yì xīn
  • A new look;take on a completely new look;take on an entirely new aspect
面貌一新[miàn mào yì xīn]
  1. 科技扶贫三年乡村面貌一新&科技扶贫经验总结永乐宫内璧画的总体面积达873平方米。

    Three-years Helping the Poor by Science and Technology Makes the Rural Areas Take on an Entirely New Aspect ; The murals in the Yongle Palace total 873 square meters .

  2. 他们因艺术的治疗效力而面貌一新。

    They are transfigured by the healing powers of art

  3. 我的爱面貌一新,而死神降伏,

    My love looks fresh , and death to me subscribes ,

  4. 近代文明吸收了古代文明中一切有价值的东西,并使之面貌一新。

    Modern civilization recovered and absorbed whatever valuable in the ancient civilization .

  5. 编辑运用新的内容使报纸面貌一新。

    The editors refreshed the newspaper with new contents .

  6. 迅速大规模接纳发展中国家是让世界面貌一新的唯一出路。

    A burst of inclusion is the only way to make the world anew .

  7. 让汽车面貌一新的步骤,了解如何让汽车内部焕然一新。

    Refreshing ideas section for some ideas on how to freshen up you car ′ s interior .

  8. 人民在自己的土地上辛勤劳作,把古老南京装扮得面貌一新。

    The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance .

  9. 从牙膏到冰淇淋、再到纸尿裤,进口产品已令中国现代生活面貌一新。

    From toothpaste to ice cream to disposable nappies , modern Chinese life has been transformed by imports .

  10. 古老的仪式与狂热的现代化之间的这种反差诉说着这样一个关于现代澳门的故事让一个曾经偏僻的小地方面貌一新的发展故事。

    The contrast of ancient ritual with feverish modernisation is the story of modern Macau : the story of development transforming a once-sheltered nook .

  11. 在一代名宿克鲁伊夫的率领下,擅长风格型打法的橙衣军团没有采用传统技战术,凭借全攻全守的自由式打法,使足球运动面貌一新。

    Led by Johan Cruyff , the stylish Dutch reinvented the game with their Total Football , which defied traditional positions with its free-flowing nature .

  12. 温格独具慧眼的管理,使这支球队面貌一新。他们只用了一年时间,就从倒数三位的降级热门一跃成为联赛亚军。

    Wenger 's managerial acumen transformed the club 's fortunes and saw them climb from the bottom three to runners-up spot in just one year .

  13. 当代的自然科学正以空前的规模和速度,应用于生产,使社会物质生产的各个领域面貌一新。

    Contemporary natural science is being applied to production on an unprecedented scale and with unprecedented speed . This has given all fields of material production an entirely new look .

  14. 在成立短短的半年多时间内,就使全县交通规费的征收工作面貌一新。

    In establish brief half an year inside much time , ask for knock off to make appearance anew with respect to what make plan of entire county transportation is expended .

  15. 三年后,中国企业在结构或文化上应会面貌一新;他们应当是精简而强壮的,他们的管理者充满干劲,致力于推行最佳实践,注重价值创造。

    In three years , Chinese companies should not be recognizable in structure or culture ; they should be lean , strong , and full of highly motivated managers employing best practices and focused on generating value .

  16. 我继承了家族的好头脑,并且在英国牛津大学接受了几年的培训后,获得了外科医师资格,具体工作包括整容手术以及让女士们变得面貌一新的其他整形手术。

    I had inherited a good mind , and after some years of training in Oxford , England , I qualified as a surgeon , only to turn my hand to facelifts and other plastic surgery treatments to make women look different than they were supposed to look .

  17. 它的出现,标志着中国诗歌面貌的一个新的开端,也标志着中国古代爱情诗发展的一个新阶段。

    Its appearance marked the Chinese poetry appearance of a new beginning , and also shows that the ancient Chinese love poetry of a new development stage .

  18. 展望21世纪,20世纪那种战国群雄的面貌已经受到一种新的世界格局的冲击,民族国家及其文化的分化格局面临着如何在一个全球化的世纪中更新自身的使命。

    All the nations and their cultures have to take consideration into renewing their historic missions in the new century of globalization .