
qīng sī
  • Green silk;black hair;black silk;sliced preserved plum used as dressing on food
青丝 [qīng sī]
  • (1) [black hair]∶黑发

  • 一缕青丝

  • (2) [sliced preserved plum used as dressing on food]∶青梅等切成的细丝,放在糕点馅内或放在糕点面上做点缀

  • (3) [black silk]∶青色的丝绳

青丝[qīng sī]
  1. 海明威的青丝情结&试论海明威的妇女观

    Hemingway 's " Hair Complex " & Hemingway 's Idea on Women

  2. 白雪爬上卷曲的青丝;

    And sable curls all silvered o'er with white ;

  3. 看红尘,你是青丝飘飘,舞动清风。

    Look at the Red , you Jingsi Music , dancing cool breeze .

  4. 这条河看起来像条缠绕的、蜿蜒于青山间的青丝罗带。

    The river looks like a green satin winding amidst the green hills .

  5. 她是一个脸色苍白的女人,神情镇定,满头的青丝已经有些花白了。

    She had a pale , composed face and dark hair turning grey .

  6. 青丝缠绕着冬季的蝴蝶,欲言又止,只留淡淡情丝。

    Green silk enwinds winter butterfly , say , only keep light affection silk .

  7. 数十年后,青丝换了白发,红颜不再。

    Decades pass by , they donot look young with hair turning from black to white .

  8. 正是在这一原则的指导下,使得一些民事纠纷陷入无限的再审之中而难以“斩断青丝”。

    It is under this principle some civil disputes is in unlimited retrial and can not resovled .

  9. 任由,青丝飘散,我们,吟风悲月,舞字成花。

    Allow first-come-first-served basis drum , green silk waft , we sing , dance , the sad words into flower .

  10. 风骤起,我走过梅林,穿过花间,任那零落的花瓣沾满衣襟,经霜的青丝风中飞舞。

    Wind Rising , I walked Meilin , through the flowers , he scattered the petals covered by cream flying wind .

  11. 君不见,高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。

    See how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high Though silken-black at morning , have changed by night to snow .

  12. 文章通过长发型与短发型女人的对比,揭示了海明威的青丝情结和他内心的矛盾隐衷。

    Comparing the characters with long hair and short hair , Hemingway 's hair complex as well as his secret conflicts is revealed .

  13. 麦的妻子脱下了头巾,但她乌黑柔亮的青丝不复存在。

    Mai 's wife had just taken off her scarf ; however , the fine black hair on her head was no longer there .

  14. 当我数着壁上报时的自鸣钟,见明媚的白昼坠入狰狞的夜,当我凝望着紫罗兰老了春容,青丝的卷发遍洒着皑皑白雪;

    When I do count the clock that tells the time , And see the brave day sunk in hideous night ; When I behold the violet past prime , And sable curls all silver 'd o'er with white ;