
  • 网络surface wave magnitude
  1. 美国国家地震信息中心(NEIC)测报的面波震级MSZ可作为这个基准。

    The surface wave magnitude M sz measured by NEIC can be used as the reference datum .

  2. 通过震中距△分区间深入研究,我们给出了每个区间的面波震级台基校正值,供实际工作中参考使用。

    To further research various regions by epicenter distance △, We have provided a correct value of surface wave magnitude for each region as a reference of the practical use .

  3. 研究了面波震级(MS)与近震震级(ML)间的转换关系,并推荐了新的转换公式。

    We also studied the relationship between MS and ML and a new converting formula was recommended .

  4. 由SK地震仪的尾波持续时间快速测定面波震级

    Fast determination of surface wave magnitude m_s from duration of coda waves recorded by SK seismograph

  5. DK-1面波震级偏差在二维空间的变化研究

    Study on difference of the M_S magnitude for DK-1 instrument in two-dimensional space

  6. 以国家地震台网测定的面波震级为标准,利用福建区域数字地震台网测定的近距离面波震级MS结果与国家地震台网测定的面波震级结果进行比较和统计分析。

    We take the surface wave magnitude M S measured by the state seismic network as the standard . The comparison and statistical analysis between Fujian regional digital seismic network and state seismic network for M S had been made .

  7. 中国的面波震级测定倾向于采用MS7标度。

    In China , the seismological workers prefer to use M s7 as the surface wave magnitude .

  8. 由于长周期数字地震仪基本上都采用速度平坦型设计,周期从3s到280s范围内仪器的放大倍数(增益)是一个常数,用本文的方法可以非常方便、准确地测定面波震级。

    Due to long period digital seismographs are designed by using Velocity Smooth type , the amplification ( gain ) of seismographs are invariable in the range of period from 3 to 280 second .

  9. 选取了攀枝花近5年中763、DK-1地震仪记录较好的地震资料,用不同方法测算了地震台的面波震级台站改正值。

    Using the data of seismological records about 5 years recorded relatively well by the seismic instrument type 763 , DK - 1 in Panzhihua Standard Seismic Station , we calculate the correcting values for surface wave magnitude with different methods .

  10. 新的震源参数与震级关系表明,震源断裂规模如断裂长度、面积或错距等与面波震级MS和近震震级ML不存在一一对应的比例关系。

    The alternative relationship between the source fracture parametes and earthquake magnitudes shows no proportional one-to-one correspondence between the source fracture size of earthquake ( i. e fault length , fault area or dislocation etc. ) and surface wave magnitude Ms and local magnitude ML.

  11. 在此基准的基础上,作者较全面地比较了中国地震基本台网测定的面波震级MSP和MS7与MSZ的偏差。

    On this basis of the reference datum , the authors comprehensively compare the deviations of surface wave magnitudes M sp and M s7 measured by the National Standard Seismograph Network of China from M sz measured by NEIC .

  12. 用763长周期地震仪台网测定面波震级

    Surface wave magnitude determined from records 763 long period seismograph network

  13. 震中距△<20°面波震级的测定

    Determination of surface wave magnitude in the epicenter △ < 20 °

  14. 论中国地震台网测得的面波震级

    On the surface wave magnitude measured by the seismic network in China

  15. 中国地震面波震级量规函数的比较研究

    A comparison between calibration functions of surface-wave magnitudes of earthquakes in China

  16. 利用速度型数字地震仪记录测定面波震级

    Determination or surface wave magnitude by Using velocity type digital seimograph recordings

  17. 中国台网测定面波震级的初步研究

    Primary Study of Surface Magnitude Determined by Chinese Stations

  18. 面波震级和它的台基校正值

    Surface-wave magnitude of earthquakes and its station correction

  19. 区域数字地震台网面波震级MS测定与系统误差分析

    Determination of surface wave magnitude M_S and systematic error analysis for regional digital seismic network

  20. 长春地震台DK&1地震仪测定面波震级偏差的研究

    Deviation of surface wave magnitude determined by seismograph dk & 1 at Changchun seismic station

  21. 2001年11月14日昆仑山口西地震&一次面波震级未饱和的地震

    The November 14 , 2001 earthquake west of Kunlun Mountain pass : an earthquake with unsaturated surface wave magnitude

  22. 6级以上地震频度不高,但两次7级以上地震面波震级偏高。

    The frequency of M ≥ 6 earthquakes was not very high , but the surface wave magnitudes of two M > 7 earthquakes were higher .

  23. 概述了近震三要素计算、体波与面波震级计算,以及形变前兆数据校正批处理等程序设计依据和使用功能。

    In the study , a summary is given in the calculation of the three main factors of the near earthquake and the calculations of the earthquake magnitude by body wave and surface wave .

  24. 以此为基础,讨论国家数字地震台网目前大震速报的模式,分析了在数字化代替模拟以后使用速度震级的可行性,以及量取20秒周期面波震级的必要性。

    On the basis of this , the feasibility that the velocity magnitude might be adopted after digitalization replaces analogy , and the necessity that the surface-wave magnitude is determined at the 20-second period are discussed .