- 动mildew;become mildewy

Mildew occurrence was checked after the bamboo wood and bamboo wares were soaked for 1h in a Compound B solution with an effective concentration of more than 1 % .
Analysis of Tobacco Mildew and Its Prevention and Cure
Development of Grain Moldy Recognition System Based on VB and Matlab
The relationship of the quantity increasement of the molds and the storage time was non-linear regression ( p < 0 . 05 ) ;
STUDY ON THE MOULDPROOF AND FRESH-KEEPING TECHNIQUES OF HIGH-MOISTURE CORN ⅱ . Prevention of High-moisture Corn from Mould with Combination of SO_2-NH_3 Treatment
Under hot and wet condition , the mildew corrosion results in the color-changing of PVC-U profile , and oil stains and UV rays can accelerate mildew reaction which will aggravate color-changing .
A small production test of preventing high-moisture corn from heating and moulding by means of complex SO2 and NH3 treatment was described in the paper .
The results showed BQ had obvious bacteriostatic effect and the effect on bacteria is superior to mildew and yeast .
The result is that CO 2 could not be used in storing grains of high moisture for a long-term , even the CO 2 of 60 % could not inhibit storage fungi growth in grain of high moisture .
The result showed that the intermittent treatment of the high-moisture corn with the compound of SO2 and NH3 could effectively inhibit the growth of the mould , thus maintaining the corn 's quality .
Zearalenone ( ZEN ) is widely found in moldy grain crops and dairy products , which has a strong reproductive toxicity and carcinogenicity . It has a huge impact on livestock breeding .
Mycotoxins are the toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi . All kinds of the feed ingredients and finished products could be polluted by fungi and be contaminated by mycotoxin .
The results showed that the performance of all weaning piglets fed Fusarium mycotoxins contaminated diets was reduced compared to positive control throughout the experiment . High proportion of contaminated maize caused a more significant depression in ADFI and ADG ( P 0.05 or P 0.01 ) .
The results showed that the mildewing rate of the seeds was the lowest when the seeds were radiated by ultraviolet light for half a hour and preserved as long as 30 d.
The results show that adding 0.4g/kg compound preservative to soy sauce at the temperature of 25 ~ 37 ℃, lying 144 hours , the rate of bacteriostasis reaches to 98 % and above , assure the health quality of soy sauce .
Tobacco Online Foreign Material Eliminating System ( TFES ), widely used in product line of tobacco factories to identify and eliminate foreign materials mixed in tobacco such as package cartoons , paper , moldy tobacco and other foreign materials , is an automatic photoelectric examination system .
Study on prevention of damp paddy moulding with low carbonic acid
No coacervation and mouldiness be found after two months storage .
Study on the Effect of Relative Humidity on Mildewing of Rice
Studies on the Fungi Causing Mildew of Stored Tobacco in Guangxi
Control Efficiency of Radiation to Mouldiness of Leather and Its Products
The ECG Changes in Laboratory Rabbits during Moldy Brewery Mash Poisoning
The countermeasure and new ways of the study of mildew .
Study on the microwave technology to inhibit the angel cake mould
Tobacco Mold and Its Biological Control in the Storage in Yunnan Province
Influence of mildewed soybean on the quality of soybean meal
Population analysis and harm of Hibiscus cannabinus mildew fungi in slurrying papermaking
Acid-producing Bacteria Used for Controlling Moulds of Wet Rice Grain
Storage Mold Diseases of Yunnan Tobacco ( 1 ): Aspergillus
Studies on the Laws of the Quality Change of Moldy Soybean Meal