
  • 网络could
  1. 真是的,其实你大可事先跟我们说一声的。

    Really , you could have told us before .

  2. 你大可自己送去报社的。

    You could have sent that stuff to the press yourself .

  3. 你大可放心,她一定会去那里的。

    You can bet she will be there .

  4. 进料口径大可快速粉碎进料

    Its large caliber enables fast and pulverizing of material .

  5. 当他承诺说会做一件事情的时候,你就大可放心,这件事肯定能办好。

    You can always trust something will get done well when he says he 'll do it .

  6. 其余的记忆大可托付给电脑。

    The rest of memory can be outsourced to the computer .

  7. 如果你的回答是‘否’,那么你大可直接无视他。

    If the answer is no , ignore it and move on .

  8. 但是不同的方法对不同决策目的的作用可大可小。

    But different approaches can be more or less useful for different purposes .

  9. 我觉得英国人显摆那类电话号码大可放心。

    Trust a Brit to brandish that kind of number , I thought .

  10. 你大可问他这事实。

    You may well ask him the truth .

  11. 整场展览大可形容为:一件绝对超现实主义的装置艺术作品。

    The entire exhibition is best described as an utterly surreal piece of installation art .

  12. 爱猫人士大可放心,猫猫们在拍摄过程中没有受到任何伤害。

    And cat lovers can rest assured that no cats were harmed during the shoot .

  13. 因此,它大可利用这一点好处来扩大内需。

    Thus , it could afford to use this benefit for an expansion in domestic demand .

  14. 这风景可大可小,可以是分开的,也可以是结合在一起的。

    This may cause enormous landscape , which can be separated , it can be combined .

  15. 产量大可年产19万t以上的文化纸;

    More output : above 190 000 tons ; Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .

  16. 所以,你们大可把任何关于出兵欧洲的传说斥为故意造谣。

    You can , therefore , nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as deliberate untruth .

  17. 起床了,懒虫,不要浪费生命。你在坟墓里大可睡个够。

    Up , sluggard , and waste not life ; in the grave will be sleeping enough .

  18. 他们知道自己在找下一份工作期间,大可搬回家和父母同住,因此一点也不着急。

    They 're comfortable in the knowledge that they can move back home while they seek another job .

  19. 如果有一天,某人对其工作觉得不满意,他大可努力学习其它技艺,以转换工作。

    If someday someone is dissatisfied with his works , he can learn new skill to change work .

  20. 目前计划在2018年生效的这些工具,大可提前至2015年实施。

    Entry into force of these instruments , currently set for 2018 , should be brought forward to 2015 .

  21. 囊肿大可引起尿路梗阻者宜作囊肿切除、输尿管膀胱再植术;

    Heminephrectomy and ureteral reimplantation are adopted in patients with large ureterocele and bladder outlet obstruction , or renal dysplasia .

  22. 因此,股票投资者大可放心,债券投资者可接受4%左右的收益率。

    Hence equity investors can be relaxed and bond investors can live with yields of 4 per cent or so .

  23. 如果最初的邮件往来很好,后来却发现对方不是想要的那个“真命天子”,你大可礼貌地终止这种交流。

    If an email conversation starts out well but then you realise this person isn 't'the one'then politely back away .

  24. 所以翻译时大可译出,显得更有逻辑。最为显著的是,如今,深具潜力的海外票务销售甚至决定着一位制片人会否开拍一部影片。

    Most notably , potential overseas ticket sales nowadays determine whether or not a studio executive gives the go-ahead to a movie .

  25. 他大可打电话给朋友,但是这么一来,与朋友的晚餐势必围绕着卡洛琳与离婚的主题打转。

    He could call some friends , but dinner with friends would mean edging around the subject of Caroline and the divorce .

  26. 他本大可尽情享受这一切,而他偏激的失望却让这享受变成了折磨,让自己最后的下场十分的可怜与悲惨。

    His dissatisfaction towards his life finally made him suffer from it and he became terribly , tragically sad in the end .

  27. 但如今苏联已不复存在,而且随着柏林墙的倒塌,资本主义大可忘掉当初是如何恐惧的。

    But the USSR no longer exists , and with the fall of the Berlin Wall capitalism could forget how to be frightened .

  28. 我大可随波逐流,他想,管自睡去,预先把钓索在脚趾上绕上一圈,有动静时可以把我弄醒。

    I could just drift , he thought , and sleep and put a bight of line around my toe to wake me .

  29. 你大可放心,你的数据不会被丢失和你能复苏,它很快在案件磁盘损坏。

    You can rest assured that your data will not be lost and that you can recovery it quickly in case of disk damage .

  30. 尽管计算机存储单元的容量可大可小,但是每台计算机都是以代码形式存储数、字母和其他字符的。

    Although the capacity of their storage locations can vary , every computer stores numbers , letters , and other characters in a coded form .