
  1. 雪佛龙也在研究如何让原料通过其流体催化裂化装置(FCC)。

    Chevron is also looking into how to put feedstocks through their fluid catalytic crackers ( FCC ) .

  2. 雪佛龙公司全球天然气总裁约翰加斯(johngass)称,这种成本上升只是“短期的混乱现象”。

    John gass , President of global gas at Chevron calls the cost rises " short-term dislocations " .

  3. 雪佛龙正在继续开发一个名叫阿尔德(Alder)的新油田。

    Chevron is continuing with development of a new field called Alder .

  4. 雪佛龙公司(ChevronCorp.)和荷兰皇家壳牌公司(RoyalDutchShellPLC)在与绑架者、炸油管的偷油贼较量了很长一段时间之后,现在都在出售尼日利亚沿海的油田。

    Chevron Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell PLC are selling oil fields along Nigeria 's coast after long battles with kidnappers and pipeline-bombing oil thieves .

  5. 而华尔街的机构则正期待着雪佛龙石油公司(Chevron)28日上午也将宣布巨额的营收。

    And Wall Street expects chevron ( CVX ) to report high earnings tomorrow morning .

  6. 这两个人领导了反对雪佛龙(Chevron)石油公司的诉讼。

    The two men are leading a major legal case against the Chevron oil company .

  7. 美国密封包装V形填料(或V-填料)是多口(雪佛龙)对无休止的密封环的群组成,是用于密封杆和活塞的欢迎。

    American Seal & Packing Vee Packings ( or V-Packings ) are multiple-lip ( chevron ) seals comprised of a group of endless rings and are popular for sealing rods and pistons .

  8. 虽然她认为自己已经具备就任首席执行官的条件,但是要等雪佛龙当时的CEO大卫•欧雷利退休还需数年的时间,因此,她在2006年2月毅然辞掉了那份工作。

    Ready for a CEO position , but realizing that then-chevron CEO David O'Reilly was several years from retiring , she stepped down from her position in February 2006 .

  9. 用水最多的是雪佛龙(Chevron)公司已经退休的高管乔治·柯克兰(GeorgeKirkland),其用水量达到每天12578加仑。

    The top spot went to George Kirkland , a retired Chevron executive , at 12578 gallons a day .

  10. 和美国的雪佛龙(Chevron)一样,道达尔也是一家仍活跃在缅甸的西方大公司。

    Alongside Chevron of the US , Total is one of the leading western companies still active in Burma .

  11. 如今,梅格•惠特曼已经成为加州第二大公司【仅次于雪佛龙公司(Chevron)】的掌门人。

    So , now Meg Whitman is in charge of California 's second-largest company & behind Chevron ( CVX ) .

  12. Unocal最终投向了雪佛龙的怀抱。

    Unocal eventually accepted Chevron 's embrace .

  13. Gorgon项目将为亚洲输送天然气,由美国石油公司雪佛龙(ChevronCorp.)及其合作伙伴荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShellPlc)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobilCorp.)经营。

    The Gorgon plant will supply natural gas to Asia and will be run by U.S. oil company Chevron along with partners Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil .

  14. 咨询公司PFCEnergy的创始人韦斯特(RobinWest)说,美国之所以提出反对,更多的是因为中海油对雪佛龙(Chevron)提出的所有关于Unocal的设计方案持敌对态度。

    U.S. objections had more to do with CNOOC 's hostile approach cutting across Chevron 's own designs on the company , says Robin West , founder of consultancy PFC Energy .

  15. 另外10家公司包括通用电气(ge)、辉瑞(pfizer)和雪佛龙(chevron)等已同意改善有关政治支出的信息披露。

    A further 10 companies targeted by the campaign including general electric , Pfizer and Chevron have already agreed to improve disclosure of their political spending .

  16. 中海油最后放弃了这次收购,而总部设在加州圣拉蒙的雪佛龙(Chevron)以170亿美元的折扣价胜出。

    CNOOC dropped its bid , and San Ramon , Calif. - based Chevron paid a discounted $ 17 billion to win over Unocal .

  17. 除了阿尔斯通,道达尔、雪佛龙、bp、壳牌等能源公司都在世界各地开展ccs项目,它们的客户多是各国政府的示范项目。

    Apart from ALSTOM , total , Chevron , BP , shell and other energy companies are all launching CCS projects throughout the world , most of which are pilot projects invested by various governments .

  18. 预期雪佛龙(chevron)将仿效埃克森美孚(exxonmobil)的做法,支付数亿美元续签尼日利亚部分优质石油区块即将到期的租约。

    Chevron is expected to follow ExxonMobil in paying hundreds of millions of dollars to renew some expiring leases on prime Nigerian blocks .

  19. 雪佛龙菲利普斯化工,埃克森美孚,巴塞尔,壳牌化学公司是美国主要的PGP和CGP生产者。

    Chevron Phillips Chemical , Enterprise Products , ExxonMobil , LyondellBasell and Shell Chemical are among the major US producers of PGP and CGP .

  20. 、壳牌(shell)和道达尔等大型国际石油集团更不用提美国的埃克森美孚(exxonmobil)和雪佛龙(chevron)面临着一个根本问题:它们的核心市场正接近成熟。

    The big international oil groups such as BP , shell , total , not to mention ExxonMobil and Chevron of the US , face a fundamental problem : their core markets are reaching maturity .

  21. 同时,埃克森(Exxon)和雪佛龙(Chevron)等大型能源企业在寻找和开发新化石燃料资源方面遇到的高成本阻力让人望而却步。

    And then there are energy giants like Exxon and Chevron , which are facing daunting , expensive headwinds in the search for and cultivation of additional sources of fossil fuel .

  22. 丹麦最近吸引到了美国最大的两家能源集团埃克森美孚(exxonmobil)和雪佛龙(chevron),以及几家规模较小的公司,共同开发其西岸海域。

    Denmark recently attracted the likes of ExxonMobil and Chevron , the two biggest US energy groups , along with several smaller players , to explore off its western coast .

  23. 美国第二大石油公司雪佛龙(Chevron)上周宣布了公司迄今为止规模最大的资本支出&明年预计投资260亿美元,较2010年增长20%。

    Chevron , the second largest US oil company , announced last week its biggest ever capital expenditure , budgeting $ 26bn for next year , up 20 per cent from 2010 .

  24. 在20世纪90年代初,雪佛龙一位名叫拉伊?加尔温(RayGalvin)的雄心勃勃的高管组建了一个团队,试图在美国对富有挑战性的紧硬页岩层进行开采。他的团队受到将信将疑的同事的嘲笑和打击。

    In the early 1990s , an ambitious Chevron executive named Ray Galvin started a group to drill compressed , challenging formations of shale in the U.S. His team was mocked and undermined by dubious colleagues .

  25. 雪佛龙正在与美国环境保护署(EPA)和加州空气资源委员会(CARB)合作,以使其生产的可再生燃料计入排放信用。

    Chevron is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and the California Air Resources Board ( CARB ) so that the renewable fuel it produces would count toward emission credits .

  26. 2005年6月,国有的中海油(cnooc)试图插足雪佛龙(chevron)和优尼科(unocal)的合并,最终在美国国会的强烈反对下失败。

    In June 2005 , the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Company tried to gatecrash a merger between us oil producers Chevron and Unocal , and failed amid fierce opposition from Congress .

  27. 石油管理机构——巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)已经关闭雪佛龙位于Frade的其中一处油井,同时取消了这家公司的钻探权。

    The National Petroleum Agency ( ANP ) , the industry regulator , has closed one of Chevron 's Frade wells and suspended the firm 's drilling rights .

  28. 国有能源集团设法获得了技术诀窍,成为bp、壳牌及雪佛龙德士古(chevrontexaco)等公司的全球竞争对手。

    Petrobras and Petronas are most powerful as examples of national energy groups that have managed to pick up the know-how and become competitors to the likes of BP , Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron Texaco around the world .

  29. 然后要从紧急逃生楼梯爬上22层,一个楼层接一个楼层都是各种机构空荡荡的办公室,包括石油公司雪佛龙德士古(chevrontexaco)和英国大使馆。

    Then it was a 22-floor climb up the emergency stairs , past empty floor after empty floor of offices of organisations ranging from ChevronTexaco , the oil company , to the British Embassy .

  30. 雪佛龙亚太区勘探与生产公司总裁吉姆布莱克韦尔(JimBlackwell)表示,预计首批天然气将于2014年由一个加工处理设施交付,该设施最高年产能将达到1500万吨。

    Jim Blackwell , president of Chevron Asia Pacific Exploration and Production , said the first delivery of gas is expected to be shipped in 2014 from a processing facility that at its peak will supply 15m tonnes per annum of LNG .