
xuě gài
  • snow cap;snow blanket
雪盖 [xuě gài]
  • [snow blanket] 积雪的表面,雪能保护和滋润下面的植物

雪盖[xuě gài]
  1. 这个是测量雪盖的高度,而不是珠峰岩体高度。

    It measured the mountain 's snow cap , rather than the rock beneath it .

  2. 天山地区SAR数据雪盖制图研究

    A Study of Snow-cover Mapping with SAR Image in the Tianshan Mountains

  3. 从AVHRR到MODIS的雪盖制图研究进展

    The Development of Snow - Cover Mapping from AVHRR to MODIS

  4. 试论青藏高原雪盖异常与ENSO循环的可能联系

    Study on relation between abnormal snow cover over Qinghai Xizang Plateau and ENSO cycle

  5. NOAA/AVHRR数据的雪盖信息提取与复合

    Extracting the Information of Snow-cover from NOAA / AVHRR Data and Overlaying with Vector Data

  6. AMSU资料监测新疆雪盖范围的初步应用

    Preliminary Application of AMSU Data to the Snow Cover-Monitoring of Xinjiang

  7. 应用AMSU资料监测中国地区雪盖的初步研究

    Preliminary research on monitoring snow-cover over China with AMSU data

  8. 青藏高原异常雪盖和ENSO在1998年长江流域洪涝中的作用

    The Role of the Anomalous Snow Cover over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and ENSO in the Great Floods of 1998 in the Changjiang River Valley

  9. 为充分精确提取MSS影像的雪盖面积,本文探索一种以NDVI为背景场的雪盖制图新思路。

    To improve the accuracy of obtaining the snow cover area from MSS , this paper explores a method of snow cover mapping based on NDVI background field .

  10. 利用地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析技术和雪灾灾害模型进行雪灾灾害强度和灾情要素的分析评估。本文的主要内容包括:(1)基于MODIS数据的亚像元雪盖信息提取算法。

    Secondly , models for snow disaster assessments are developed based on GIS techniques of spatial analysis . The main research contents include : ( 1 ) An algorithm of extracting the sub-pixel snow cover from MODIS data is proposed .

  11. 欧亚500hPa环流、雪盖和中国降水量3~4年耦合振荡

    The Coupled Oscillations of 500 hPa Circulations / Snow Cover in Eurasia / Rainfall in China on the Time Scale of 3 ~ 4 Years

  12. 本文提出了将一个新的雪盖模型(SAST)与简化的简单生物圈模型(SSI)相结合后的SSIB模型的改进形式,并利用俄罗斯及法国的观测数据对改进后的模型进行了检验。

    This paper describes a modified version of SSIB through implementing a new snow model ( SAST ) in Simplified Simple Biosphere Model SSIB for climate study and presents the evaluation results by testing the scheme based on the field data from Russia and France .

  13. 从卫星遥感资料中提取雪盖信息的探讨

    A Study for Extracting Snow-cover Information from Satellite Remote Sensing Data

  14. 东北地区雪盖与夏季降水的相关分析

    Correlation Analyses between Snow-cover and Summer Precipitation in Northeast of China

  15. 欧亚春季雪盖对印度洋偶极子的影响

    Influence of Eurasian Snow Cover in Spring on Indian Ocean Dipole

  16. 北半球大范围雪盖变化特征

    The Variation Features of Large-Scale Snow Cover in Northern Hemisphere

  17. 有时足迹又被新落下的雪盖没。

    Sometimes the trail was blotted out by new-fallen snow .

  18. 模拟的北半球冬季气候对实际西伯利亚雪盖距平的反响。

    Modeled Northern Hemisphere winter climate response to realistic Siberian snow anomalies .

  19. 对雪盖生态系统的养分循环过程的研究报道增加;

    The research reports on nutrient circulation processes in snow ecosystem increased ;

  20. 北半球异常雪盖对应的我国环流特征

    The Circulation Features of China Corresponding to Abnormal Snow Cover in Northern Hemisphere

  21. 青藏高原雪盖与冬季地表净辐射

    Computation of net radiation over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in winter under snow cover

  22. 我国阿尔泰山地区雪盖对多年冻土下界的影响

    Influence of Snow Cover on the Lower Limit of Permafrost in Altai Mountains

  23. 多尺度卫星雪盖面积获取的对比研究

    Comparison of Snow Cover Area Acquisition from Multi-Scaling Satellites

  24. 雪盖小型哺乳动物的生理、生态、形态适应性研究得到更多重视;

    Study of small mammalians was attached importance to physiological and ecological and morphological adaptability ;

  25. 卫星遥感雪盖制图方法对比与分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Methods of Snow Cover Mapping by Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data

  26. 机载和星载遥感数据提取的雪盖面积是融雪径流模型的重要组成部分。

    Satellite - and airborne-derived measurements of snow covered area have been used in snowmelt runoff models .

  27. 新疆雪盖特征分析

    Snow Cover Feature in Xinjiang

  28. 紧紧抓住梦想,莫让梦想埋葬;否则生活会冰封雪盖,像原野一片荒凉。

    Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow .

  29. 冬季欧亚大陆雪盖与江苏梅雨量关系的初探

    Preliminary exploration for the connection of the winter snow cover over Eurasia with the Mei-yu rainfall in Jiangsu

  30. 青藏高原雪盖与东亚季风异常对华南前汛期降水的影响

    The influence of abnormal snow cover over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and East Asian Monsoon on early rainy season rainfall over South China