
  • 网络lehman;Lehman Brothers Holdings;LEH;Lehman Brother
  1. 而雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)去年秋季的倒闭则标志着它的死亡。

    The collapse of Lehman Brothers last autumn marked its demise .

  2. 不信你去问问那些曾为安然(Enron)、或是雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)工作过的人。

    Ask anyone who worked for Enron ... or Lehman Brothers .

  3. 美国银行(bankofamerica)是传言中正考虑为雷曼兄弟纾困的银行之一。

    Bank of America , the US bank , was among those rumoured to be examining a rescue of Lehman .

  4. 让我们看看自雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman)2008年破产以来金价的变化情况。

    Look at the price changes since Lehman failed in 2008 .

  5. 雷曼兄弟和IBM的高管表示,他们计划对这些公司投资约5至7年后,才将资金撤出。

    Lehman and IBM executives said they planned to put money into companies for about five to seven years before cashing out .

  6. 10月31日明富环球(MFGlobal)宣布破产,这是自2008年雷曼兄弟垮台以来的最大一起金融公司破产案。

    On October31st , in the biggest collapse of a financial firm since that of Lehman Brothers in2008 , MF Global went bankrupt .

  7. 仅仅在香港,就有20亿美元雷曼兄弟(Lehman)的迷你债券被亏本出售。

    In Hong Kong alone , $ 2bn of Lehman 's principal-destroying mini-bonds were sold .

  8. 经历了雷曼兄弟(lehman)危机之后,中国选择将经济增长置于气候问题之上。

    In the aftermath of the Lehman shock , China chose growth over the climate .

  9. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)的理查德•富尔德(RichardFuld)以脾气暴躁和管理风格令人生畏而闻名。

    Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers was known for his short temper and intimidating style .

  10. 在一个完美的世界里,任何遭遇困境的机构不仅仅是雷曼兄弟和mfglobal都会被允许破产。

    In a perfect world , any institution that ran into trouble not only Lehman Brothers and MF global would be allowed to fail .

  11. 贝尔斯登(BearStearns)、雷曼兄弟和美林之所以倒闭,是因为它们持有巨额反方向的头寸。

    Bear Stearns , Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch collapsed because they took massive positions in the opposite direction .

  12. 2008年雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产后,美国只犹豫了一阵,就允许美联储(Fed)干预市场。

    When Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 , the US after some hesitation allowed the Federal Reserve to intervene in the markets .

  13. 9月中旬,雷曼兄弟申请破产,而AIG接受了1200亿美元的政府贷款。

    Lehman filed for bankruptcy last month and AIG was rescued by $ 120bn government loan .

  14. 美元兑欧元汇率大约为近一年前雷曼兄弟公司(LehmanBrothers)垮台时的水平。

    The greenback is trading at about the same level as before the collapse of Lehman Brothers almost one year ago .

  15. 但当2008年贝尔斯登(bearstearns)和雷曼兄弟爆发危机时,回购市场的重要性已变得很明显。

    But when the crisis erupted at Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers in 2008 , the importance of the repo market became clear .

  16. 雷曼兄弟(lehman)破产引起了金融恐慌,银行停止了彼此放贷,也不再向蓝筹股公司放贷。

    A financial panic ensued after the Lehman collapse , with banks ceasing to lend to one another or to blue-chip companies .

  17. 多至4000名银行雇员明年将搬到总共12层楼的WatermarkPlace,其中许多人将从雷曼兄弟原来在金丝雀码头(CanaryWharf)的办公楼搬迁至此。

    Up to 4,000 banking staff will move into the 12-storey Watermark Place next year , many relocating from the former Lehman Brothers building in Canary Wharf .

  18. 过去两年里,数家大型对冲基金管理公司或是上市,或是出售股份给雷曼兄弟和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)等银行。

    In the past two years , several big hedge fund managers floated or sold stakes to banks , including Lehman and Morgan Stanley .

  19. 或许是美国财政部的错,特别是任凭雷曼兄弟(Lehman)倒闭的决定,引发了今天的恐慌局面。

    Maybe it was errors at the US Treasury , particularly the decision to let Lehman fail , that triggered today 's panic .

  20. 更重要的是,它可以避免类似于雷曼兄弟(lehman)破产后的那种美元贸易信贷冲击。

    More important , it could remove the risk of another dollar Trade-credit shock of the kind that followed the collapse of Lehman .

  21. 澳大利亚仍是一个不断繁荣发展的市场。今年夏季,雷曼兄弟收购了该国衍生品及结构信贷产品方面的专业券商&GrangeSecurities,计划在5年内将这家券商转变为提供全面服务的投行。

    Australia remains a thriving market and this summer Lehman acquired Grange Securities , a specialist in derivatives and structured credit , which it aims to turn into a full-service investment bank within five years .

  22. 监管层对雷曼兄弟和美林(merrilllynch)两家投行采取的严厉立场当然有益。

    The tough stance taken by regulators this past weekend with the investment banks , Lehman and Merrill Lynch , certainly helps .

  23. 毕竟,没有土地出让收入,中国地方财政很可能崩溃,像成百上千个雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)那样。

    After all , were it not for revenues from land sales , local government budgets across the country would likely collapse like hundreds of little Lehman Brothers .

  24. 没有得到政府救助而崩溃的雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)目前正处于破产程序,其股价近几周从0.05美元上涨至0.2美元。

    Shares of Lehman Brothers , left to fail by the government and currently in bankruptcy proceedings , rose from five cents to 20 cents in recent weeks .

  25. 如果你观察一下周围,你现在可能会猜测,改变世界的事件是否是金融危机的标志性时刻——雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)的破产。

    Instead , if you look around you now you might wonder if it was instead the poster moment of the financial crisis - the fall of Lehman Brothers .

  26. 最近欧盟提出,到2020年每年提供1000亿美元气候资助,这一“出价”就像雷曼兄弟(lehman)的股票一样一文不值。

    The recent " offer " by the European Union of $ 100bn a year in climate financing by 2020 is as bankable as Lehman shares .

  27. 股价相关度骤升的其他情况,还包括雷曼兄弟(lehman)倒闭和日本大地震,相关度曾高达70%左右,但很快降了下去。

    Other spikes in correlation , including the collapse of Lehman and the Japanese earthquake , peaked at about 70 per cent but quickly fell away .

  28. 与许多竞争对手一样,雷曼兄弟正渴望获准投资中国内地券商,以便从不断飙升的首次公开发行(ipo)和零售交易委托中获利。

    Like many of its rivals , Lehman Brothers is itching to be allowed to invest in a domestic brokerage , to benefit from soaring initial public offering and retail trading commissions .

  29. 凯雷募集的基金规模虽然低于其35亿美元的初始目标,但在针对亚洲的私人股本筹资行动中,仍是自雷曼兄弟(Lehman)破产以来规模最大的一次。

    Carlyle 's fund fell short of its initial $ 3.5bn target , but still represents the largest Asia - focused private equity fundraising since Lehman 's collapse .

  30. 银行收到的求职申请数量增多部分反映了这样一个事实:在金融危机期间贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产之后,如今投行的数目比过去少了。

    The higher number of applications partly reflects the fact that there are fewer investment banks now , after the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis .