
  1. 大型雨水集蓄工程的规划设计及应用

    Planning , Design and Application of Large Rainwater Collecting and Storing Projects

  2. 建设雨水集蓄工程资金的相关法律问题研究

    Rainwater Harvesting Project Construction Funds Research Related to Legal Issues

  3. 基于支持向量机的雨水集蓄工程综合评价研究

    Evaluation on Rainfall Storage Engineering Based on Support Vector

  4. 雨水集蓄工程技术在大通地区的应用

    Application of Rainwater-saving Engineering Technology in Datong Area

  5. 提出了大型雨水集蓄工程的规划设计方法,并进行了实例分析。

    The paper puts forward a method of planing and design for the project and makes case analysis .

  6. 应用该方法评价了上海世博园区屋面雨水集蓄工程存储池的合理容积。

    This method could be used to evaluate the reasonable capacity of storage tank for the roof rainwater utilization project of Expo Park in Shanghai .

  7. 首先,通过对雨水集蓄工程进行介绍,引出由于工程资金的问题而导致的一些问题的存在。

    First of all , through the introduction of rainwater harvesting projects , leads to the question of funding of the project has caused some problems .

  8. 雨水集蓄工程作为农业领域的一个重要组成部分,其建设和发展情况对农业的发展具有举足轻重的作用。

    The development of collecting rain engineering , which is an important part of the agricultural field , plays an important role in the development of agriculture .

  9. 大型雨水集蓄工程具有易管护、自动化程度高、集蓄的雨水干净等特点。

    The large rainwater collecting and storing projects have the characteristics of easy management and protection , high level of automation and the collected and stored rainwater clean .

  10. 然后,对雨水集蓄工程中的资金问题展开分析,正确使用和管理工程资金是保障工程建设的重要环节。

    Second , This article on rainwater harvesting projects in the analysis of financial issues , the proper use and management of project funds is to protect an important part of the project construction .

  11. 通过对乐都干旱山区实施集水高效农业气候学基础的分析,结合现有工作基础,重点讨论了集水区表面处理、蓄水窖建造及田间供水设施为主的雨水集蓄工程技术。

    By analysis of climatology foundation data for implementing rainwater-harvesting efficiently agriculture , and the combinative current work foundation the rainwater-harvesting engineering techniques , such as managing surface of the catchment , constructing cellar of rainwater harvesting and facilities of water supplying , were discussed .

  12. 在黄土高原的黄土丘陵沟壑区因地制宜建设大型雨水集蓄工程,可有效利用雨水资源,为水保措施和当地群众的生产生活服务。

    To construct large rainwater collecting and storing projects in line with local conditions in gullied rolling loess area of the Loess Plateau can effectively utilize the rainwater resources and provide services for soil and water conservation measures and production and life of the local people .

  13. 城市雨水集蓄利用工程规模的优化

    Optimization of the Scale of Urban Rainwater Accumulation and Utilization Project

  14. 土壤固化剂在涠洲岛雨水集蓄利用工程中的应用

    Application of Soil Solidify Agent in Rainfall Collection Project in Weizhou Island

  15. 雨水集蓄利用工程经济分析

    Economic analysis of rainwater gathering and use system

  16. 忻城县雨水集蓄利用工程存在的问题与对策

    Problem of and countermeasure for rain water collecting and utilization works in Xincheng County

  17. 鼓励结合雨水集蓄利用工程,发展和应用低水头重力式微灌技术;

    Encourage the use of rainwater cache storage projects to develop and apply low-water gravity micro-irrigation techniques .

  18. 丘陵区在资金缺乏情况下开展雨水集蓄利用工程建设时,可选择自然土坡作为集流面,蓄水池规模应根据可供灌溉水量大小确定。

    It could choose natural slope as catchment area when we carried out construction of rainwater accumulation and utilization in the hilly area under the condition of fund scarcity . Reservoir size was determined by the amount of irrigation volume .

  19. 三是适当发展雨水集蓄小型灌溉工程,提高农业生产的水分保证率。

    Thirdly , properly constructing small-scaled rainwater collecting and irrigation projects to enhance water productivity of agricultural production .

  20. 集雨场是收集雨水的场地,是我国缺水地区雨水集蓄利用工程中的重要组成部分,被称为雨水集蓄利用工程的“水源地”或“水源工程”。

    Rainwater-harvesting is a kind method of collecting and making use of rainwater which has been existed for thousands of years in the water-lacking area .