
  • 网络Rainwater pipeline;storm sewer;storm sewer conduit
  1. 输气管网的水力可靠性分析方法雨水管道水力设计的可靠性计算


  2. 建立了一个雨水管道系统优化设计模型,并应用遗传算法求解管网投资最小的最优设计方案。

    This paper sets up an optimal design model of storm sewer systems and uses genetic algorithmss ( GA ) to find the least-cost optimal solution .

  3. 溢流堰在污雨水管道交叉处理中的应用

    Application of overfall weir in crossing of wastewater and rainwater pipelines

  4. 蚁群算法在雨水管道系统优化设计中的新尝试

    Application of ant colony algorithm on optimized design for drainage systems

  5. 河网平原地区雨水管道设计方法的探讨

    Discussion On Rainwater Pipeline Design Method In River Net Plaint District

  6. 平原地区雨水管道设计坡度的选择

    Selection of Design Gradient for Rainwater Pipeline in Plain Region

  7. 城镇雨水管道程序设计计算与绘图一体化

    The Programming Design of Storm Sewer Calculation & Drawing to Be Integrated

  8. 圩区雨水管道设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Rainwater Pipe in Low-lying Field

  9. 雨水管道的概率极限状态水力计算

    Hydraulic Calculation of Probability Limit State of Rainwater Pipeline

  10. 浅谈雨水管道设计中水力参数如何确定

    On Hydraulic Parameter Value in Rain Pipeline Design

  11. 大中型城域传输网市政雨水管道光缆敷设方式探讨

    Discussion on Laying Optical Cable in Municipal Rainwater Pipeline to Build Metro Transmission Network

  12. 雨水管道系统设计的一个新方法

    A new method for stormwater drainage system design

  13. 厂区雨水管道系统的设计

    Design of Rain Water Pipeline in Plant Area

  14. 计算机在雨水管道优化计算中的应用

    Application of Computer in Rain-water Pipe Optimization Calculation

  15. 沿江出海口平坦城镇雨水管道设计方法探讨

    Approach about design procedures of rain-water drainage pipe for smooth terrain of the coast outlet along river

  16. 废弃老建筑群桩内深沟槽大管径雨水管道施工

    On Construction of Rainfall Pipeline with Deep Trench , Big-diameter in the Pile Group of Waste Old Building

  17. 文章对已建建筑雨水管设计分析,总结中国北方寒冷地区雨水管道设计的注意事项。

    Design analysis on current rainwater pipeline , Pipeline of rainwater Design attention to the cold region in North China .

  18. 随着计算机辅助技术得以在各个专业领域的应用,传统的雨水管道设计方法必然会被淘汰。

    Along with the application of the computer assistance technology in each specialized domain , the traditional method will be eliminated inevitably .

  19. 海底管道油水两相混合输送的数值模拟采用激波拟合法数值模拟城市雨水管道中明满流混合流动

    Numerical Simulation on Oil-water Two-phase Mixing Transportation of Submarine Pipeline The application of shock-fitting method in the simulation of free-pressured transient flow

  20. GB/T2624-1993流量测量节流装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里管测量充满圆管的流体流量采用激波拟合法数值模拟城市雨水管道中明满流混合流动

    " Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates , nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full "

  21. 不能对其视而不见,也不能简单地花巨资修建雨水管道把它一排了之。

    We can not turn a blind eye to it , and can not simply spend much money in building rain-water pipes to row it .

  22. 雨水管道水力设计中,由于影响过水能力的各水力因子具有不确定性,从而导致过水能力为随机变量,过水能力能否满足设计雨水流量是一随机事件。

    In hydraulic design of rain water pipeline the discharge capacity of the pipeline will be infinitive because the hydraulic factors that influence the capacity are uncertain .

  23. 利用新方法可模拟求得各集水口入流水流变化曲线,为准确确定雨水管道的设计流量奠定了基础。

    With the new method , the flow variation curve of each inlet can be easily obtained , giving a basis for the design flow of storm pipelines .

  24. 对污水管道采用两相优化理论设计,对雨水管道采用与地面坡度一致法进行优化计算。

    The two-phase optimization theory was adopted for designing the sewage pipe , and the ground slope consensus method was used for optimization calculation of rain water pipe .

  25. 提出利用城区市政雨水管道进行光缆敷设的思路,并提供相关的工程实施方案建议,对雨水管道敷设光缆的经济性进行简要分析。

    The idea of laying optical cable in municipal rainwater pipeline is proposed , project construction plan is suggested , the economy on laying optical cable in municipal rainwater pipeline is analyzed briefly .

  26. 该文以工程实例来说明平原地区的雨水管道设计坡度选择问题,为雨水管道设计提供了新的经验。

    The article explains the selection problems of the design gradient for the rainwater pipelines in the plain regions by the engineering examples , which provide the new experience for the design of the rainwater pipelines .

  27. 根据赤峰地区的22年降雨资料和气象资料,对该市的暴雨强度公式进行了推导,使该市在设计雨水管道工程方面有一个完整的计算公式。

    This paper derives the formulas of torrential rain intensity based on 22 years rainfall and meteorological data of Chifeng district . The paper provides a complete calculating formula for design of rain pipeline engineering of Chifeng city .

  28. 运用计算机技术,采用水力模拟结合优化设计是一种雨水管道设计的新方法。城市供水管网实时水力模拟节点流量的计算

    This paper introduces a new method which can optimize the rainfall system design by means of hydraulic simulation with the help of computer . Calculation of node water flow in real-time hydraulic model of urban water supply network

  29. 排水是个通用名词,指沿各种废水或雨水管道或明渠流动的液体。我最亲爱的珍妮,我不时通过某种渠道知道你很康乐。

    Drainage is a general term applied to fluid flow along all pipes or open channels which take liquid wastes or rain water . I have had means of hearing of your welfare , my dearest Jeanie , from time to time .

  30. 上周五凌晨时分,一条破裂的输油管线导致原油泄漏,流入城市雨水排放管道。

    A damaged pipeline leaked crude oil into city storm sewers in the early hours of Friday morning .