
  • 网络collective lesson preparation;collective lesson planning;Good English;Preparation for Lesson in team work
  1. 本文简述了在集体备课中对德育教学、教学方法、教学效果等方面的探讨。

    This article briefly discusses morality teaching , teaching method , and effects of teaching in collective lesson preparation .

  2. 文章分析了当前初中学校思想品德学科集体备课的现状及存在的问题,并对如何提高集体备课的效益进行了初步探讨。

    The article analyzes the status quo and existing problems collective lesson preparation for junior middle school ideological and moral education , and explores how to improve efficiency .

  3. 基于Web的英语集体备课系统开发与应用

    Development and Application of a Web-based Collaborative English Planning System

  4. 本课题所研究的基于Web的英语集体备课系统是一类专用CSCW(计算机支持协同工作)系统。

    The Web-based lesson planning system of this thesis belongs to the framework of CSCW ( Computer-Supported Collaborative Work ) system .

  5. 教师过于依赖集体备课的摘要的设计思想。第三轮授课:(l)表现出相同或相似的教学过程,教学环节融合、表现出连贯性;

    Teachers depended on the collective ideas about teaching too much .

  6. 病理学教师集体备课的内涵和意义

    The content and the meaning of preparing pathology lesson collectively

  7. 创新教育理念下集体备课活动的建构

    Construction of Preparing Lessons Collectively under Concept of Innovative Education

  8. 教师需要反复琢磨、多次反思;教师需要集体备课,集思广益,博采众长。

    Teachers need to repeatedly thinking and multiple reflections .

  9. 但是第一节课不得不参加集体备课。

    But I have to attend a collective preparation for teaching plan in the first lesson .

  10. 确保实验教学的有效开展;加强生物教师的集体备课效度,重视教学设计。2、提高课堂学效能。

    To strengthen the validity of biology teachers ' lesson preparation , pay attention to the teaching design . 2 .

  11. 论加强和改进高校思想政治理论课建设思路之坚持集体备课锤炼教学团队

    On Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Ideas of the Theory of Construction Adhere to Collective Classes Hone Teaching Team

  12. 在集体备课的基础上,各任课教师可以根据本班学生的不同情况因材施教,并制作独立的课件。

    Each teacher is to work on his or her own teaching plan on the basis of the collective teaching plan .

  13. 传统的集体备课在时空上受到诸多限制,而他们的变种,电子备课的功能也受到很大的制约。

    The traditional collective lesson-preparing has many limitations on time and space . The electronic lesson-preparing has also a lot of constraints .

  14. 实践证明,教师集体备课制方法的实施能够适应人才培养新模式的要求并产生实效。

    Practice testified that the method of preparing lessons collectively could adapt to the new model of cultivation and create substantial results .

  15. 在中学教学中加入督导方法比先前的集体备课和说课更有利于提高教师的积极性和主动性;

    Comparing to the former way of preparing and saying lessons together , the way of introducing supervising group can better promote teachers'enthusiasm and initiative ;

  16. 针对其存在的问题,学校对集体备课进行了改革,推行单元核心课的集体备课模式。

    Aiming at the existing problems , the school reformed the collective lesson planning and promoted the collective lesson planning model of unit core courses .

  17. 集体备课是非常重要的环节,集体备课质量的高低直接影响教学目标的实现及教学效果。

    It is also a very important link , as the quality of which has a direct bearing on the achievement of teaching targets and teaching effectiveness .

  18. 通过集体备课、加强预备实验和启发式教学可以提高遗传学实验课的教学效果和教学质量;

    Teaching effect and quality of genetics experimental course will be improved through preparing lessons together , enhancing pre - experiment and using elicitation method of teaching .

  19. 面对时间紧、任务重的课堂教学,通过集体备课提高教学效益显得尤为重要。

    To face the heavy task of teaching in the very short period of time , it is important to improve efficiency by using collective lesson preparing .

  20. 以教研组集体备课,教师演练,2+2教学指导原则,改良再行动为课堂教学实验与研究的一种活动形式。

    It is a form of teaching experiment and research , including group preparing lessons , teachers ' drills ," 2 + 2 " teaching guidance and teaching improvement .

  21. 而本文所探讨的开展教师集体备课,使教师统一思想、集思广益,能够提高病理学教学水平,不失为一种良好的教学方法。

    It must change traditional teaching model and method , prepare lessons collectively , unify thoughts , and draw on the wisdom so as to enhance pathological teaching to a new level .

  22. 集体备课能使语文阅读教学回归正轨,使教师更多从语文自身的性质出发诠释文本。

    Preparing for lessons together is a good way to lead the teaching of Chinese reading onto standard path and it gives teachers more chances to explain the text from the course character .

  23. 在学校教学管理中,确定以发展学生自主学习的核心目标,进行自主学习动机激发,通过集体备课研究自主学习,编制自主学习学案,开展自主学习评价。

    In the teaching management , we should establish the core goals of developing students ' Self-learning , and motivate it . And we should research the Self-learning , make study paper through making collective classes .

  24. 集体备课以通过大量的案例研究使之真正有效,发挥集体的智慧、尝试了提高整个高一新生物理教育教学质量的新途径。

    In through a lot of collective prepares to be truly effective case study , play the wisdom of the collective , try to improve the whole higher education quality of teaching new physics new way .

  25. 其中组织性合作方式包括教研活动、集体备课、师徒带教、听评课、公开课与专业课题研究等形式;非组织性的合作方式有日常备课、网络交流和自由交流等。

    These organizational ways of cooperation include research activities , collective classes , master guide in teaching , open classes , attending Classroom and evaluating and professional research . Other ways of non-organizational cooperation are day-to-day classes , network communication and free exchange .

  26. 单元核心课集体备课要求教师对单元知识进行俯瞰通览,确定出单元的核心内容,围绕核心创造性的整合整个单元或部分单元内容,并设计出一节统领整个单元的核心课。

    This collective lesson planning model requires teachers to overlook all the unit knowledge , confirm the core content , and around the core content to creatively integrate the entire unit or partial element content , and design a core lesson that leads the entire unit .

  27. 备课活动一直被看成是保证教学质量的重要环节,但从目前的两种备课形式个人备课和集体备课来看,越来越难以保障新课改形势下的教学质量。

    Lesson-preparing activity has been regarded as an important part of ensuring the quality of teaching . However , if seen from the current two lesson-preparing forms , individual and collective lesson-preparing , which are more and more difficult to ensure teaching quality of the New Curriculum Reform .