
  1. 苏联的责任&苏联集体安全政策失败的原因

    Soviet Responsibility-Reasons for the Failure of Soviet Collective Security Policy

  2. 第二章着重论述了艾森豪威尔政府的亚洲集体安全政策。

    The second chapter emphasized on Eisenhower Administration 's collective security policy in Asia .

  3. 本文主要论述1933-1935年苏联的欧洲集体安全政策形成的背景、实践过程及其影响。

    This thesis will discuss the background in the formation of this collective security policy .

  4. 苏联推行集体安全政策的原因和不利因素

    The Reason and the Disadvantageous Factor of the Soviet Carrying out the Collective Security Policy

  5. 在第二部分,本文着重考察的是罗马尼亚的集体安全政策即底图内斯库的的外交政策。

    In the second part , the main point is the collective security policy of Romania , that is the diplomacy of Titulescu .

  6. 英国是战前苏联欧洲集体安全政策失败的一个关键因素。

    Therefore , Britain was the key factor that led to the failure of the collective security policy raised by Soviet Union before the Second World War .