
jí tǐ ān quán tǐ xì
  • Collective security system;system of collective security
  1. 事实上,在武装冲突频繁出现、大国霸权主义犹存、集体安全体系远未完善和健康运作的情况下,更有必要探讨战时中立国的权利问题。

    In fact , because of the still existing armed conflict hegemonism and the imperfect system of collective security , more discussion on the wartime neutral rights is very necessary .

  2. 其二,联合国集体安全体系面临着被废弃的危险;

    Secondly , the UN collective security system faces the danger of being discarded ;

  3. 非军事战略包括和平变革与解放两部分,军事战略从大规模报复战略、战争边缘和集体安全体系三方面论述。

    Non-military strategy comprises peaceful change and liberation , and military strategy would carry out in three ways , massive retaliation , brinkmanship and collective security system .

  4. 罗斯福设计的战后世界新秩序是由美国领导的大国主宰下的集体安全体系,这一点与威尔逊的集体安全思想具有本质的区别。

    The new world order designed by him is the collective security led by the United States , which is different in nature from that of Wilson .

  5. 当法西斯主义兴起、世界和平受到威胁的时候,苏联致力于建立欧洲集体安全体系,坚决捍卫遭受法西斯主义侵略的国家的利益。

    When Fascism was rising , the Soviet Union gave great efforts to establish European collective security system , and defend the interests of the state which was aggressed by the Fascist .

  6. 20世纪30年代,在世界安全制度无法有效应付战争危机的形势下,苏联及时提出了建立集体安全体系的正确主张。

    When the security system of the world could not deal with the crisis of war in 1930s , Soviet Union raised the idea of establishing the collective security , and this policy assigned Britain an important role to play .

  7. 开展区域性能源合作,建立互利的集体石油安全体系。

    Launching regional energy cooperation and establishing a collective oil security system with mutual benefits .

  8. 第二次世界大战期间,美国在谋求建立战后世界广泛而持久的集体普遍安全政治体系的同时,亦致力于构建战后世界金融有序合作、贸易自由开放的全球经济体系。

    During World War Two , when the U. S. A. strove tor building the postwar " widespread and lasting " collective general security political system , it also strove for constructing the postwar global economic system in cooperation of world finance and open door for free trade .